The Virginia National Guard Will Not Turn Their Rifles Against The People
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 1 month ago
Via David Codrea, Richard Black of the Virginia State Senate.
Liberals do not understand the National Guard. These are citizen soldiers, and there are few effective tools for enforcing mass discipline. Democrats want the Virginia National Guard to enforce anti-gun laws by turning their rifles against the people. The Guard will not do so.
Do Democrats really expect guardsmen to arrest recalcitrant deputy sheriffs and police officers? Do they expect guardsmen to smash down doors and confiscate citizens’ guns? Fat chance.
Remember, the Virginia National Guard is sworn to uphold the U.S. and Virginia Constitutions. And it is a complete defense if a soldier refuses to obey an unlawful or unconstitutional order. Democrats are delusional if they think these guys will turn against their neighbors and violate their oaths.
Michael Bloomberg thinks he has crowned Ralph Northam the new King George. But Northam lacks the practical power to employ military force against Virginia. The Guard is sensitive to the backlash they faced after firing on students at Kent State during the Vietnam War. They won’t go through that ordeal again.
Here’s the way it works. As long as the guard has the affection and public support of the people, they will follow orders. But if Governor Northam turns armed troops against our citizens, the Guard will simply dissolve.
If Virginia’s citizen soldiers are ordered to turn their rifles on the people, they will refuse to do so. The National Guard will not report for duty in order to march on the People. They will never turn their guns on law-abiding Virginians, no matter how much the Democrats want them to.
But they did during hurricane Katrina. My FOIA request was was ignored (concerning who issued arming orders for the Louisiana National Guard), and as best as I’ve been able to determine, the National Guard accompanied the police when confiscations were conducted, the majority of the confiscations being done by mercenary cops (probably security consultants deputized on the spot). But being there and doing nothing to stop it is as bad as doing it yourself.
He seems confident. I’m not so confident.
On December 17, 2019 at 12:23 am, Quietus said:
For the past couple of weeks I’ve read your daily updates with much interest. Yessiree, the big frogginess may happen next year in Virginia. Sorta fitting, I think. All sides may make of that what they will. Virginians ought to feel real special just now.
Much has dribbled out, with mods, about what the other folks are going to try and legislate, once they take up reins (note I didn’t say reigns) of power in Richmond late next month. More than four weeks from now, probably closer to five weeks away. Think about that time lag, from what they say now or two weeks ago, compared to when they are actually capable of doing a thing. Big gap there.
I am seeing the side of the good guys being lately whiplashed from day to day, with new posts on this site (appreciated by me) and on other sites, informing us readers as to how the other folks in Richmond are responding to the groundswell against them, coming from the great unwashed downstate people. The other folks are required to respond, since their message is at risk. There is a need on their part, to threaten the unwashed with State Police, state activation of the VA National Guard, and just lately today, what amounts to firing and pension loss for staties and locals who don’t get with the program that they intend to pass.
The relative timing, is the thing. The other people tipped their hand too early and are now trying to walk a few things back. It would be a fine thing for us’ens to realize that the Richmond VA legislature can’t effect much for laws against its citizenry for more than a month from the time you read this. Use this time wisely. Don’t bloviate.
That five weeks gives all who live there a chance to take a deep breath and figure out how they may be called to do the right thing, or to pass and tell their GKs on their laps about how they were able to avoid their duty.
There’s lawyers to be sought, wills to be made. You can count on the State that is going to be wanting to kill you over your 2A beliefs, will not be too generous with your widow and your kids. Lawyers have a place, find one RFN.
Five weeks: I bet most many readers could be more effective, if they lost 20 pounds during that movement to contact. And a movement to contact it will be. Best try and win it if you can.
On December 17, 2019 at 8:59 am, JoeFour said:
There will always be men who will do what they are told to do.
On December 17, 2019 at 9:29 am, Fred said:
“Remember, the Virginia National Guard is sworn to uphold the U.S. and Virginia Constitutions.”
If this sentence were true, the Guard would have burned Richmond to the ground and hanged everybody there from the neck until dead long ago.
“And it is a complete defense if a soldier refuses to obey an unlawful or unconstitutional order.”
The DoD no longer teaches this. And nobody even knows where or what Kent State is.
Nobody killed more people globally in the 1800’s than the government of the United States, it fell back to 5th or 6th last century but congratulations Republican Retards Inc; we’re back on top again so far in the 21st century. The notion that the State wouldn’t kill tens of millions of its neighbors is laughable.
The State will have (is having) zero problem whatsoever in finding enforcers for its master plan of total control. The dirt in America is not magical, the people are not more well educated, the religion of America is not better than any of the Pagen, and moslem, and molech, and baal, and Pharisaic Religions of the Old the Testament, and it’s no better than the State worship of Pharaohs, and Babylon, the Nazis, and the Communists, and the NWO.
Mr. Black is projecting a belief system that doesn’t exist in the face facts, both historically of the European peoples and of America specifically.
Oh, and I would be remiss if didn’t remind y’all; Judgement! Who, exactly, are you, in light of the above, that Holy God wouldn’t judge and condemn America to the dustbin of history? Fools. Enjoy your killing of each other, you deserve it.
On December 17, 2019 at 12:51 pm, John said:
At a very rough guess the VANG has 1 trigger puller for every 300 adult males in the State.
On December 17, 2019 at 2:54 pm, Drake said:
“Okay guys – This morning I need you to go around your own neighborhood and seize everyone’s guns (including your own). If any of your neighbors resist, shoot them. Then this afternoon, swing by your barber and auto-mechanic’s places and kill them.”
It’s ridiculous.
On December 17, 2019 at 9:49 pm, Ned2 said:
The police and NG are not your friends if they show up to mobilize. Would someone please start monitoring the State police and National Guard properly?
On December 18, 2019 at 8:22 am, Sanders said:
“The Virginia National Guard Will Not Turn Their Rifles Against The People”
Millions of dead cry out from the grave saying they trusted their government forces, too.
I’d trust ’em about as far as I could throw ’em. Besides, who says it will be Virginia National Guard showing up on folks’ doorsteps? It is much easier to get out of state folks to do the dirty work than locals, who have homes and families to worry about in the AO.
On December 18, 2019 at 8:28 am, Ned said:
Just quiz any high school or college age student about the constitution. Unless they were home schooled they won’t know squat. So it’s likely some of the older NG soldiers won’t report for duty. Many will.
Incidentally, a friend has a neighbor who is a state trooper. He asked him straight out some time ago if he would enforce gun confiscation. He said he would because, pension.
Some will do it for money, some because they are used to the power trip.
They can’t even think outside the box, with the understanding that the people they will be raiding probably know where they live. The people who will be kicking doors aren’t necessarily any smarter than the people writing these anti gun laws.
On December 18, 2019 at 12:28 pm, Phil Carson said:
Well we are going to find out here pretty soon. The fact is they are going to force the issue one way or another.
Actually these tyrants have no choice, they are committed, always have been, and for them to advance their agenda they only have one choice and that is citizen disarmament and our genocide of all who defy them their divine powers of totalitarian rule over our civilization.
Think about it, they have essentially imposed every aspect of their ideological philosophical politikal farce, there simply ain’t nothing left to accomplish in that regards, it is get off the pot or shit time for these scumbags.
Notice too, what they are and what they impose is only possible using a prosperous happy industrious people and their government as a staging platform. They are so despicable and their tyranny is so incredibly God awful disgusting they must dress it up in the skin suit of our Republic and our republican system of governance, and for long enough to reach the objectives without enough dirt people catching on to the scam.
They have reached the conundrum of the one objective that is the absolute imperative, they been sneaking up and dancing around the bush, well at least since their war of northern aggression, at least since “reconstruction” anyways.
That singular objective has always been about guns. Our rightful legitimate ownership of property in the form of guns, and our inherent natural born power to use our guns against any enemy and threat no matter it’s form or reason.
It has always been about guns, since before the beginning, everything is about guns, who has guns who doesn’t, who uses the gun who is subjugated and enslaved by the power of the gun, who is free because of their guns and who gets to impose whatever they desire by being the only ones with guns. And these sonsofabitches are determined by hook or crook to be the only ones with guns, their ultimate end game is absolutely contingent on control through the barrel of the gun, and to never be controlled nor limited by the barrel of the gun.
It is our plurality as armed dirt people which is all that stands in their way, we don’t even need to wave our guns in these tyrants faces, we just have to have guns and we are the ones with the true and only legitimate power, exactly thru the barrel of our guns and the stated truth we will use them against same said tyrants in defense of ourselves and what we hold dear.
Everything else is a sideshow.
One other thing I think that helps tp grok the elements in all this, has to do with the two great mortal sins of hate and envy.
Seriously, these scumbags are jealous of our natural legitimate power we hold absolutely, that it can never be assailed on legitimate terms, our power is the only absolute power. ZPower these scumbags can never have, being that this is literally impossible, because they are illegitimate tyrants to begin with, I know I just repeated myself, but the point remains, their power predicates on illegitimate motive, upon malice, because of the desire to rule over others in absolute terms, it is illegitimate reason, cause, ideology whatever, it is astro-turf, where our power is natural to us, we are born with it, all we need to do is exercise this power because our motive power is true, it is legitimate by nature and nurture, it is organic to us, grass roots all the way baby.
Our power is in absolute terms absolute. The only way they can seperate us from our power is to con us into being willing slaves, or kill us, and the only way to accomplish that is to con us and take our property from us, then they are free to do anything to us where they could not do anything to us without subversive dirty stinking lies and false narratives in attempts to make us think, believe we have no power and their power is the only power and we must comply or be liquidated.
They hate us, they fear us, they are envious to a man, because we got power, real power, and they have to create fake power, an illusion of power, artificial power, except for the power to hurt, which is totally illegitimate, very hard to do, very expensive, very costly in money and manpower, and once down that path it must be maintained at all costs.
o’s all they got is threat of force, ie call out the national guard, make us fake felon’s using fake “laws” and the stigmata of portraying us as phony domestic terrorists.
It’s a mind job.
None of which changes or diminishes our power, in fact it does the opposite, it makes us totally legitimate in our cause and our power and using our power. Interestingly that last truth is sometimes difficult to see within the whole illusion of making us look illegitimate. Actually it’s part of the mind job, part and parcel of their sneaking malicious objectives, to con enough people just long enough and just good enough to reach the objective of disarming enough of us so to obtain absolute illegitimate power, which boiled down means exactly disarming us where we don’t have enough rifles and can’t fight effectively with our rifles we have remaining. Which is total bullshit, because we can make all the weapons we want regardless at home and in clandestine cottage factories, steal them, battle field pick-ups etc.
What they are attempting is again a mind job. Getting us to think that resistance is futile against them. That is how they win.
All we have to do is defy them, turn our backs as insult to these posers, refuse to comply, say fuck you, no, I Won’t!. BFYTW
Under everything is the fact that they must enforce their power upon us regardless. Tghey got a tiger by the tail, a beast that once it has a bone in it’s teeth becomes the indomitable monster, something nothing can stop, something that operates by The Black Flag. No mercy. No quarter. It does not stop, till it decides to stop. It is relentless and ruthless unlike any in all of history of mankind. That’s the tiny little secret of the blessings of liberty bestowed upon us by birth and blood and faith in something better and larger than simply our individual selves.
Nothing is legitimate like it.
They are messing with what they know not. Because if they really understood, well most if almost all would not be the scumbag tyrants they are.
The truth of us is nothing nor nobody can change what we are, our power, and our legitimacy. Only each of us can surrender, give up, lie down and die, nobody can make you do this, you have to choose to do so, even if they put a loaded .45 against your head, threaten to slice your daughter and wife’s throat if you refuse to comply, say I will pull this trigger and blow your head clean off if you do not comply, you still have a choice, you and only you can make the choice. That’s the power, the power of ones Consent, the power to give ones Consent, or what really drives the mutherfukers full fuking retard crazy is withdrawal of your consent for them. Without your consent they have no power over you or any of us. Only the power to hurt.
And that power is in no uncertain terms a two way street.
It’s not rocket science, or even the farce of politikal science, they simply can not win if even a simple plurality refuses to comply and refuses to consent, refuses to give up their rifles. You can not destroy this truth of us. Even we ourselves can not, unless everyone of us is dead.
And how do you kill everyone of us armed and determined as we are?
Ol’ Ralphie and his pal Bloomberg, where are they gonna get the manpower to stop us absolutely? Look at the county map of rightful armed sanctuaries. Just in Virginia. It represents an army of armed people, literally. What, 10,000? 20,000? 50,000 armed citizen solders defending their homes land and way of life.
There is no army which will do the bidding of the usurpers which exists that can fight and win against this force of free armed people.