Republicans Rolling Over On Farm ‘Amnesty’ Helping Advance Anti-Gun Agenda
BY Herschel Smith
“One of the Republican sponsors, California Rep. Doug LaMalfa, said the bill was needed because Americans are too lazy.”
That the collectivists have created mass dependency where many don’t have to work in exchange for votes seems not to be open for discussion. That’s too bad because by closing that topic down through smears and intimidation, thoughtful examination of how “beneficiaries” of wealth transfers are actually victimized over generations will never happen. That’s part of the plan.
What an insulting charge. Apparently Doug isn’t inclined to mention the fact that it’s the lazy Americans who work hard to provide that free medical care for immigrants, and that free medical care is one of the primary reasons for that immigration.
You see, immigrants aren’t the only people who like that free medical care. The corporations like it too because they don’t have to fund it. Corporate welfare is popular among corporatists. And immigrants. And democrats. And many republicans.
Just not working Americans. Who aren’t lazy.
And yes, immigration does indeed advance the anti-gun agenda. Grok this. It doesn’t matter if they come legally or illegally. If they get to vote, they vote in favor of socialist views, including gun control, by 70%-80%.
It’s a fact, and it is not in dispute. That’s my problem with the notion of securing the border and then ensuring that they are all legal. It still means a vote against your God-given rights. It’s six one way, half a dozen the other, and it all adds up to problems in the future.
On December 17, 2019 at 10:16 pm, George 1 said:
Yes. All of the civic nationalists love “legal” immigration. In fact, they want more of it. Much more. They stupidly believe that Orcs, as long as they are legal, will not behave like Orcs.
Very ironic that Republicans bow at the alter of and shout from the rooftops about the benefits of the “free market”. But. They don’t mind distorting the living hell out of that market, by favoring ever higher rates of immigration, if it benefits their corporate masters. Big employers offload the costs of their employees on society to the middle class.
If you ever get the chance ask one of the idiot congress critters who favor more immigration the following:
1. Will more immigration into the U.S. lead to more crime or less crime?
2. Will more immigration into the U.S. make public education better or worse?
3. Will more immigration into the U.S. make the health care system better or worse?
4. Will more immigration into the U.S. mean more freedom or less freedom?
5. Will more immigration into the U.S. mean less socialism or more socialism?
6. Will more immigration into the U.S. mean more unity or more division?
7. Will more immigration into the U.S. mean closer adherence to the Constitution or less?
8. Will more immigration into the United States cause fewer Americans to die violently or more to die?
9. Will more immigration into the U.S. preserve our American values or lessen them?
We could go on all day but you get the picture.
On December 18, 2019 at 2:36 am, Mister Sunbeam said:
I used to work for a Norwegian company.
If there was a difficult job, the Americans and the Brits were the first to volunteer.
Quite the opposite of ” lazy”.
On December 18, 2019 at 5:13 am, Duke Norfolk said:
Amen. We have traitors and enemies galore in our midst.
On December 18, 2019 at 8:34 am, Sanders said:
Put the word “Farm” into a bill, and all the politicians vote for it, because everyone loves farmers, right?
Most folks are too dang ignorant to know that the majority of farming is done by huge corporate entities and these “farm bills” are nothing more than corporate welfare and only benefit the huge corporations with legions of lawyers who can navigate the red tape it takes to pull that welfare into their companies.
I will guarendamntee you that the small, family farmer, still gets screwed over. I don’t know very many of them who won’t pull the lever for a democrat, because, you know, they are for “the working man”. Besides, their father voted democrat, their grandfathers and great-grandfathers did too, and if the democrats were good enough for them, then by golly, they are good enough still.
This crap has to stop, soon.
On December 18, 2019 at 11:17 am, Phil Carson said:
This is back door tyranny
This is White Genocide
They are neo-bolsheviks
We are the Kulaks
And if you haven’t ignored history of the tyranny of marxists and it’s circular history you understand that it is kill the Kulak time.
God blessed us “Kulak’s” with the most excellent lethal infantry combat weapons ever devised by Freemen of our great American civilization and sovereign culture of Liberty.
This came about exactly because of Liberty and it’s amazing blessings. Things like unfettered economic activity, the most industrious inventive prodeuctive creative people in human history, a true unique civilization the likes of which are only possible because we are born into Liberty and the blessings of which are in our bones and run thru our veins.
It is the imperative of those who are trying to destroy all this most excellent of civilizations that in order to do so they must, at al costs must disarm us Freemen. Or they will fail in no uncertain terms.
Sure that’s obvious, but it can not be stated enough. Which in itself is the other natural organic open source grass roots born rights and law of our individual and plural sovereignty, unfettered speech, “talking truth to power” here our enemies in their hubris declare is their sole province.
Combined, guns and free speech are the most lethal existential weapon ever devised. Our forefathers where pretty sharp characters indeed.
And every day their prophecies and insights prove the truth of us, what matters most, and what must be done.
We all know what that is.
In a way that is what picking up a rifle and holding it in our hands does ro us, it is like the a magic wand of Liberty, the rifle turns us into not only free men, it makes us the most determined indomitable race of men imaginable with a certain motive power nothing can deny or defeat.
It is why they want our guns so awful bad.
The absolute truth is they can not win unless we are unarmed and helpless. It is what happened to the Kulak’s.
Up these tyrant’s arses!