Virginia Second Amendment Sanctuary Update
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 1 month ago
Via David Codrea, this reddit link updates us.
The following six localities became sanctuaries tonight, making the total 101!:
Franklin County – Unanimous, 400+ in middle of the work day Mathews County – Unanimous, 500+ in middle of the work day Prince Edward County – 4 to 3, 550+, voted down a weaker resolution and passed a stronger one! Stafford County – Unanimous, 3,000+ Town of Vinton – 4 to 1, 60+ York County – 4 to 1, 800+
500+ gun owners showed up in Clarke County to urge the Board of Supervisors to put a 2A Sanctuary resolution on their agenda. The Board of Supervisors is considering having a special meeting to do so.
News Coverage:
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Virginia local government is divided into 95 counties and 38 independent cities (govt and population separate from counties). So after tonight:
2A Resolutions: 2 cities and 7 counties
Sanctuary: 7 cities and 76 counties and 15 towns (overlaps with counties)
Pending: 4 cities and 7 counties
Rejected: 5 cities and 3 counties
No Action: 20 cities and 2 counties
This equates to 46% of the population and 85% of the area under sanctuary or 2A resolution status.
One good thing all of this does is flush the collectivists out of hiding. Now Virginians will know who to go after in the next election cycle. In the mean time, if Governor Ralphie “Kill babies give me all your guns” Northam and his minions are serious about starting CWII before then, patriots have both a moral and legal basis for resistance.
On December 19, 2019 at 9:09 pm, Phil Carson said:
As William S. Lind states about 4th Generation War:
“…we need to remember that Fourth Generation war is rooted in a crisis of legitimacy of the state.”
Way I see it, nothing says crisis of legitimacy of the elitists and their treason, like the astounding Legion, and I really mean Legion, of people withdrawing their consent in all these Virginia counties, and Constitutional Officers of The Law having their backs. Hats off to the the county fathers and others for their respect and integrity honoring their duty to we the people and honoring unalienable natural born God given rights of Liberty.
On December 20, 2019 at 6:21 pm, scott s. said:
Leave it for Arlington, Alexandria, Fairfax, and Loudon.
On December 21, 2019 at 5:03 pm, NorthGunner said:
And speaking of Fairfax…
The following words of support and encouragement were
heard from Wayne LaPierre and the rest of the NRA’s leadership
to not only the Virginia Patriots but all other gun owners in America:
……(ckrickets chirrrrrping)…….
Not surprising..not surprising at all from America’s
oldest and most successful victim disarmament organization.
Here’s some real talk to share and give inspiration
Halsey News Network/ Radio Free America Episode #486:
This Is Our Calling!
Halsey and his friend TFM are right; we need to be
creating our own cultural ‘No-Go Zones’ where we
can not only survive but thrive against the burgeoning
communist/globalist miasma that is being thrust into
Advice for Christmas and after, buy guns, stored food,
meds, generators/fuel and ammo..BLOAT!!
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!