Wanted Man Was Already In Jail When Agents Raided His Former Home And Shot Woman Inside
BY Herschel Smith5 years, 1 month ago
Via Instapundit, this ridiculous news from Alabama.
MOBILE COUNTY, Ala. (WALA) — The man who investigators were looking to arrest was already in jail when a task force raided his former home in Wilmer on Thursday morning.
Ann Rylee, a 19-year-old woman who now lives at the home on Old Moffat Road, was shot several times as investigators made their way inside the house. Mobile County Sheriff Sam Cochran claims that Rylee had a shotgun in her hand and pointed it at officers.
Cochran said, “The entry team was giving her orders, ‘Drop the gun, put the gun down, drop the gun,’ several times over a period of a few seconds.” He continued, “She pointed the gun at one of them and two or three agents fired upon her.”
[ … ]
He added, “If she would not have pointed a gun at the agents they would have determined all that on the scene and would have bid her a good day and thank you very much.”
Well isn’t that sweet. If she would have just laid down and grovelled, hoping that the home invaders hadn’t been there to rape her and end her life, she would have been spared by the home invaders who ended up shooting her. Play nice and we might let you live.
Hey fool. We’ve already told you before why this can’t happen.
… even if they had announced themselves as police, no one can believe them. We have documented instances where criminals have impersonated police officers and busted into homes. The only solution to this problem is when someone announces that they are the police, disarm yourself, lay on the floor and beg for mercy.
One may as well never have a weapon for defense of family, home and hearth to begin with under these stipulations, and thus SWAT raids violate a man’s God-given right to self defense, recognized in the second amendment.
These raids also violate the fourth amendment. The Mobile County Sheriff’s Department later said this. “The Mobile County Sheriff’s Office, Homeland Security, and US Customs and Border Patrol conducted the raid. Sheriff Cochran said that the shots were not fired by Mobile County Sheriff’s Office deputies.”
I couldn’t care less who fired the shots. The woman would have been within her rights to have shot them all, assuming they were criminals intent on doing her harm.
So it’s come to this. Cops believe that during SWAT raids, people who may or may not be the ones they are looking for, should lay on the floor and beg for mercy, completely defenseless against the home invasion. Such a tactic is sure to invite more criminals posing as cops. On the other hand, most reasonable people believe a man’s home is his castle and he has a right to defend home and hearth.
So even thought it didn’t happen here, cops will continue to get shot, and they deserve it when using these kinds of tactics. I don’t shed one tear for cops who get shot conducting home invasions that violate the second and fourth amendments. Even if not shot during home invasions, cops are increasingly being seen as the enemy.
Go read this report again and tell me why?
On December 23, 2019 at 6:21 am, ceefour said:
No indication as to whether the victim survived. If she did, she (or her NOK) should lawyer up and go after these costumed perps stat.
On December 23, 2019 at 7:38 am, Okanogan Offgrid said:
That is what cops are best at. They hurt people.
On December 23, 2019 at 8:28 am, Sanders said:
One of these days, they are going to run into a combat Veteran who will not hesitate to pull the trigger. When the “old instincts” kick in, it will all be over but the funerals.
Jose Guerena, a Marine combat Veteran, hesitated. If he had “switched on”, that raid on his home would have turned out a lot differently than it did.
On December 23, 2019 at 8:52 am, Mark Matis said:
Maybe soon in Virginia???
On December 23, 2019 at 9:20 am, Fred said:
Dying defending your home from a gang is an honorable way to go. The type of gang matters not. God bless her.
On December 23, 2019 at 9:30 am, Longbow said:
For the cameras, the cops will put on long faces and say something like,
“As to the deceased woman, uhhh, we feel real bad about that. Unfortunately that is sometimes the way these things go. If all civilians would just submit and comply, these events would be less likely to happen…”
In the locker room they will be saying,
“Fuck her! Dead bitch deserved it. She should have gone prone when we ordered her to. How many crimes did she commit before we showed up anyway? So we killed her for what she got away with.”
High fives and back slaps all around. If there was body cam video, it will be disappeared.
Remember, boys and girls, they are PROUD of themselves.
On December 23, 2019 at 10:43 am, revjen45 said:
1) “One of these days, they are going to run into a combat Veteran who will not hesitate to pull the trigger.”
I hope he sends a lot of lead downrange. I hope he doesn’t miss.
2) So the Pigs belch their usual boiler plate and blame the victim.
Why don’t they have the balls to just say what they really believe:
“All of the Sturmtruppen who participated in this Aktion went home safe, so it was a success. Failure to grovel and defaming the heroes who carried it out will not be tolerated. Only the enemies of the Neue Reich need fear the Einsatzgruppen.”
3) What does it really matter what We the Peons think of the The State’s Killer Robots? When they have plenary power of like and death the opinions of said Peons are irrelevant. You don’t have to like the nice officer who is herding everyone into the cattle car at bayonet point. Fear beats trust any day.
4) Himmler summed it up pretty well.
“The best political weapon is the weapon of terror. Cruelty commands respect. Men may hate us. But, we don’t ask for their love; only for their fear.”
On December 23, 2019 at 1:03 pm, MTHead said:
Ya, standing there with your hands in the air in submission really worked well for Lavoy Finicum didn’t it? Hell, they will shoot you in the back and still say it was a “good shoot”.
Like Fred said, dying defending your home is an honorable way to go. Don’t hesitate.
On December 23, 2019 at 8:53 pm, Ned said:
“If she would not have pointed a gun at the agents they would have determined all that on the scene and would have bid her a good day and thank you very much.”
On December 24, 2019 at 4:32 am, Nosmo said:
“….a 19-year-old woman who now lives at the home on Old Moffat Road,…”
I’m not sure how it could be done in all cases, especially rental property handled by a property management firm or absentee owner, but given the number of times the Geheime Staatspolizei arrive someplace at 0300 with a Remington erection looking for Bad Bart, it would seem worthwhile to research who the previous resident was before signing the lease.