Second Amendment Sanctuaries Are A Legal Fiction That Jeopardize Public Safety

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

So says Chelsea Parsons, vice president for Gun Violence Prevention at the Center for American Progress in Washington.

There is no such thing as a “Second Amendment sanctuary.” This concept is a legal fiction adopted by a small minority of local leaders to undermine normal democratic processes and override the will of a majority of a state’s voters.

Any resolution enacted by a local governing body that attempts to pick and choose which state laws apply in a particular jurisdiction is at best a symbolic gesture akin to a protest sign. At worst, these resolutions undermine duly enacted state laws and jeopardize public safety.

Although declarations by local legislative bodies that certain gun laws do not apply have no legal effect, they still have the potential to jeopardize community safety. The kinds of gun laws targeted by these resolutions — laws such as universal background checks, safe storage requirements and extreme risk protection orders — are designed to prevent shootings by addressing different aspects of the gun violence problem.

So-called “Second Amendment sanctuary” resolutions undermine these crucial laws by tacitly (or in some cases explicitly) encouraging residents to violate them. This impedes the implementation of these laws and prevents them from having their full protective effect.

For example, state laws requiring universal background checks for all gun sales are designed to prevent people who are prohibited from gun possession from having an easy channel to buy guns. If a county resolution explicitly states or implicitly suggests that a universal background check law does not apply in a particular county, residents may rely on that resolution to sell guns without a background check in violation of that law.

Notice the hysterical verbiage.  I still think the controllers are deeply conflicted.  On the one hand, they are null and void, to no effect, irrelevant, will do nothing at all to stop the implementation of the law, but are also chilling, dangerous, and will jeopardize public safety.

They are conflicted because they simply cannot imagine ordinary folks defying unconstitutional laws.  Creatures of the state, they are, and as long as a black robed tyrant declares an edict, or a bad law gets passed, they are perfectly willing to obey and demand fealty from others.

But ordinary folk often have morals and scruples that are not malleable to fad of the day, unlike this woman.  She is scared of what may come, as are the politicians in Virginia.  There is no other reason to get opinions issued by the state AG, write ridiculous missives like this one, and bow their chest out about using the national guard.

They ought to be scared.  Via WRSA, Aesop drops a wet blanket on their plans.

Tell us how many divisions the Nazis needed to garrison unarmed populations, and then tell us what the numbers would be against a population that bought more guns than the U.S., Russian, Chinese, and NATO armies have, combined, in just last year alone, and every year since they’ve kept stats?

If I’m a betting man, I like the odds in favor of Team Partisan.

It’s worse than that, really.  The statists cannot count on law enforcement or the NG.  This report today from Law Enforcement Today is a remarkable catalog of just where we were and where we’ve come.

Law Enforcement Today received many military member responses to this threat, saying they, too, would not enforce these proposed unconstitutional laws.  It boils down to this:  Politicians insisting on law enforcement and military to strip people of their rights for political gain are asking for civil war.

[ … ]

Law Enforcement Today has found itself unexpectedly in the middle of this battle – and we’re proudly on the side of Sheriff Jenkins.

[ … ]

That’s why we’ve covered the growing number of people who tell us they’re joining the militia.  Because they aren’t just the traditional “three percenters”.  They are cops – both active and retired.  They are veterans …

[ … ]

The first article we dropped about the growing militias was on Monday.  Within two hours, we were hit with several massive cyber attacks.  The same happened following articles on Tuesday and on Wednesday.

[ … ]

While Virginia is turning into a whole different kind of “battleground state”, we’re receiving messages from people in Washington, Oregon, Arizona, New Mexico, and California saying their own militias are exploding in numbers.

And at the same time, lawmakers are looking into what they can do to stop it… and they’re starting to receive media backing.

[ … ]

Thus, if anyone from the state tries to remove the Sheriff from their elected office because they refuse to enforce unjust laws, those state officials will be faced with a lawful militia composed of citizens within the state.

The county is taking their militia element very seriously as the new ordinance calls for concealed weapons training for any resident of the county that can lawfully own a gun.

There is much more at the link.  Read it all.  This is exactly what scares the controllers, and there is valid reason for that fear.

In spite of the fact that the controllers are calling for CWII, they persist, and yet will be surprised and appalled at the war they have fomented.

But if there is to be war because they demand that there be so, then the warriors must be resolved, well armed and prepared.

To the controllers: there is still time to back out of this, if you’re smart.  You will not win this, and it will be awful.


  1. On December 24, 2019 at 3:14 am, Dan said:

    When a leftist is asked to compare the legality of “sanctuary cities” that ignore and obstruct federal immigration law with “sanctuary counties” that ignore unconstitutional anti 2A law you will always see said leftist vapor lock and begin stuttering and stammering. The actual truth to commie leftists is that the law means WHATEVER THEY HELL THEY WANT IT TO MEAN. Because ultimately the left only has ONE RULE….WIN. And anything, no matter how heinous, immoral, unethical or illegal that serves that agenda is AOK as far as they are concerned.

  2. On December 24, 2019 at 8:05 am, Mark Matis said:

    There may indeed be SOME “Law Enforcement” who will actually honor their oaths to the Constitution.

    Most “Law Enforcement” in the US today are, however, Rove Republicans, with all the character traits of same:

    No morals.
    No scruples.
    No principles.
    No honor.

    They will do WHATEVER they are told, as long as that paycheck keeps comin’ in. Look no further than the recent murder of that UPS driver in South Florida by numerous “Law Enforcement” agents!!!

  3. On December 24, 2019 at 9:01 am, ceefour said:

    This is a complete crock of shi+. The legal gun owners’ honesty is above reproach to the point where research reveals that the American Gun Owners are more honest then an equal number of po lice. Remember….it isn’t the legal gun owners who commits the crimes……it is that democrat voting base. I’m waiting for the day when folks, (like doctors) who are gun owners, suggest to their patients ,who don’t “like” gun owners, to look for another physician.

  4. On December 24, 2019 at 9:58 am, Wes Rhinier said:

    I shared some thoughts on this yesterday

  5. On December 24, 2019 at 11:15 am, revjen45 said:

    The election of Bad Orange Man was a cri de coeur by We the Peons that we’re sick of their shit. The rag is off the bush and they are desperate. They really should think twice as to the unintended consequences of what they have planned. This is indeed the sort of thing for which 2A was written.

  6. On December 24, 2019 at 3:01 pm, Phil Carson said:

    For the 2nd Amendment sanctuary uprising of Virginia, as the old saying goes, “You know you are over the target when the flak is heaviest.”

    We are being set up. It is Charlottesville over again writ large. I suspect if anything Charlottesville was an operational process study group dry run to thresh out tactics and logistics, refine relationships between various operational resources, like local law enforcement, media, state of Va executive, state police and the federal monolith.
    They have called in agents from everywhere back to Virginia, it’s a big Op, all hands on deck. Field operations are going to find fix and create suitable situations and circumstances where the lowest hanging vulnerable fruit, dirt people, are boxed in and they end up shooting back to defend the most basic elemental components of their sovereignty, liberty and property, remember, a rifle is property, it is the first thing, but unlike your house, which they have declared they will be “outlawing also because single family homes are root and branch origins of toxic white raaacism, or something, your musket is property that can be used to defend you and your property.
    That’s the first thing.
    The second is the fix is in only the actionable real world aspects are left. The whole thing is about getting their greasy meathooks on our guns along with portraying us in the most unfavorable contemptuous light possible, and the most effective is to produce a false flag operation where they push people’s buttons, in that regular mind their own business law abiding dirt people are manipulated, where they naturally shoot back against what they are being goat roped into. Where any sane reason thinking dirt person would. It is the whole point, both ends of the spectrum, of this state sponsored use of crisis as a means operation using psychological warfare and state crafted terrorism.

    In the beginning a few are gonna be hurt, killed, imprisoned, used as a media whipping dog to substantiate the already decades long fake narrative of rural white extremism. It’s war of northern aggression. The line of unbroken plausible deniability of genocide against the south and her people from 1860 to right now this second.
    Everything is in place but the actual live events, and you know if they can not cattle prod the appropriate victims they will simply run a total false flag op with fed agent provocateurs and the required media fake news accounts.
    Think New Zealand and the obvious artificial video the supposed shooter created. But probably way better quality IG. Think LeVoy Finnicum FBI amush chopper video doctoring to create the desired illusion LeVoy was a lethal threat
    and the editing out of the foam bullets shot into his kidneys from cover to cause LeVoy to naturally reach down due to blunt trauma injury like he was going for a concealed weapon.
    But it is the geographical context which is important here also. First it’s like home turf for the armed badged leg-breakers who will operate as the field divisions. Virginia is the home turf of the entire sordid depraved collective federal state. It is convenient geographically. Historically it is the birth place of resistance to tyranny and numerous great figures who fought for freedom and liberty. But it is also, a land, of exquisite 4th G warfare terrain. Mountainous, channeling, close country, where an indigenous population lives a culture of rural operations and lifestyle, born into this rural remote mountain/hollow/ridge line terrain. It’s 4th generation warfare writ all over. But then too, there is the air support resources of the 3rd generation warfare state .mil on the coast and north. That is no accident. You can be sure COIN operations are a highly important resource. And how many private operators and agent provocateurs will they put into play in the back country?
    These actors would be guilty of gross tactical negligence if they are prepared for 4th G COIN operations and other counter insurgency activities orientated towards assisting in the false narrative false flag operations desired results.

    Here’s the thing, once it goes down, and I’m not saying anything everyone with a lick of common sense isn’t surmising, the feds can not be let to make everyone fight on their terms, in other words it’s black flag 4th G war, once they satart, they can’t be permitted to run back to their isolated sanctums, their war of terror must be brought into their safe places, their protected zones, their secure AO’s. It is fundamental 4th G warfare tactics and strategy to take such action. It can not be forgotten they crafted, instigated, ad ran these false flag crisis as a means media dog and pony shows. Their proxies in the Virginia legislature and governor’s executive did not leave well enough alone, with absolute foresight and malicious intent they set the local politics groundwork. The fix was in in every sense of the meaning of preplanned action and desired outcome.
    Me, I think they have been at it for decades trying to elicit a most specific desired reaction and subsequent outcome where the right kind of white Christian armed dirt person American goes full on BFYTW against muh’ state authoritaria, and does the perfect thing which provides the suitable ingredients for the fake yellow media complex to run their prepositioned fake whitepatrioticevilmilitiaconstitutionalhonoringchristianmanwithassaultyAR15bad narratives.
    But nobody has taken the bait. And things are getting tight on the deep-state-organized-crime-fed/syndicate level, times become an enormous dynamic, events since 2016 and color revolution of 64 million Deplorable’s was the last straw of defiance of their power structure, a definitive, decisive insurgent resistance, hence an unmistakable existential active threat. It is only natural to such despotic power that it reacts in the way it has, is currently and is foretold by common sense logic.
    That in the most heavily armed civilization, meaning the civilian sector of America, on earth, in history, that has purchased and built or acquired more infantry combat weapons than all the armies on earth, not a single one of us has been goaded into the kind of reaction these despots have tried to manipulate we the dirt people into performing like trained seals for their false narrative pleasure.

    There is a moral high-ground imperative in there that is supreme. Top notch. Top shelf. Incredibly remarkable. Prudence on a level that is unassailable in it’s profound meaning. And says everything about our antagonists and their brute illegitimacy. Their bully tactics and strategy.

    In the final analysis, what will go down is collectively, in solidarity, A Legion is born in a moment, something rarely seen, not unlike what happened in Romania and the dictator Nicolae Ceaușescu, something went snap, not in one guy, or even 20, the entire dialectic of unalienable existence and primal self preservation domino effect of legitimacy of a rare acme clicked. And nothing or nobody can stand in the way of it when it takes place. Nothing can deny this zeitgeist, this absolute organic open source pure grass roots paradigm.

    They have a tiger by the tail, they do not appreciate the absolute nascent power they are screwing around with. They can not. Because they are messing with us like all this. If they grokked what they got by the tail they would drop it like a red hot iron bar in their hands. It is hubris writ huge, contempt and arrogance personified, raw naked despotic power that corrupts absolutely.

    You could almost feel sorry for how stupid you can’t fix this is, but it’s stupid that has no clue just how stupid it is. There is no excuse for this. There is only one reward.
    This is all deliberate, malicious, grand cognitive dissimulation in it’s own right.
    Careful for what you wish for only scratches the surface of stupidity.

    In another way, in the larger longer scope, it is going to end up the best thing ever could go down.
    To borrow a phrase, to do things, to redress wrongs, recourse, almost impossible any other way.

    I’m not saying anything unusual or outlandish here, in fact it’s all pretty much established 4th G warfare as established by 4th G war scientists such as William S Lind and Martin van Creveld. Or what Captain John Stark of NH established with his Rogers Rangers generational small infantry combat warfare in the French Indian wars, or what happened to to Brit’s at King’s Mountain and other 4th G operation battlefields up to York Town.
    As far as pointing out probabilities of the state and it’s actors and proxies intents and actions, by this stage thats all pretty predictable and of such a repetitive history, you can basically set your watch by what they will do and general outline of their operations follow. You really only have a limited sert of options when your using force and violence against inherently free natural born people, born into liberty to start with, not just fighting for liberty and their self preservation.
    Of course the false media and it’s 5th column effects is technologically advanced over previous history, but propaganda and agitprop is propaganda and agitprop, is exactly that, and does not change, only the medium it is distributed thru. It is Stalin and Mao’s useful idiots and the Nomenklatura class, sycophant class really, that is an evolving changing element, as the DOC says about such agents sent hither to eat out the people existence, it is Hobbes Leviathan, against that mystical three percent, that concerns us in the real world where the rubber meats the road and as it drops in the pot.

    I believe things beyond any of our wildest expectations take place. Things so amazing and wonderful in their results we are shocked speechless. I believe the evil breathing down our throats will receive it’s just rich long due deserved rewards. I believe Liberty was still only a babe in the vast woods of history till now and it’s about to experience a great leap again as it’s birth as a living thing within our hearts and minds was a great leap.

    But there for the grace of G-d I go, my cause I leave to G-d and my Rifle.

  7. On December 24, 2019 at 6:38 pm, Fred said:

    Not true. VCDL Lobbying Day is a regularly scheduled annual even. This year a sitting state senator will be speaking among other public figures. This is a boomer 2A rally, it has zero to do with anything else. This is not about whites vs commies or western land owned by the feds or anything else. Please stop trying to make it something that it is not. That intel will be collected against those who go is a given, so what. If you’re scared now you will never fight when the bullets start flying.

  8. On December 25, 2019 at 8:31 am, 41mag said:

    “Override a will of a majority of voters…”


    That’s what the Dems have been engaging in since Nov 2016!

  9. On December 25, 2019 at 10:30 am, Fergus Boone said:

    The 14th amendment provides legal remedy against all who propose and pass these laws as well as those who attempt to enforce them. Law suits and lawfare must be waged without mercy lest real Americans are left with no alternative than those available to our forefathers when the British attempted to seize their legal arms in 1775. Defiance of tyrants is obedience to God. Americans must never forget what was sacrificed to gain our freedoms and we must stand fast in the face of the fanaticism of a few unhinged Marxists.

    Never compromise with these Hitler wanna bes. Never accept the lies of these Stalinists acolytes. Throw them out of office and take action against them. Sue them and ruin them financially as they are threatening to do to you.

  10. On December 25, 2019 at 12:46 pm, Red in OleVirginny said:

    “Gentlemen – we are being killed on the beaches. Let us go inland and be killed.”
    – Major General Norman Cota

    That’s kind of where I’m at now. Virginia will once again become a battleground. I really don’t expect to survive it. But I’m older now and have had a good run. Children grown and well.
    Killed commies before. Is it time again?
    Best Regards to all.
    Red in OleVirginny

  11. On December 25, 2019 at 2:15 pm, Ned said:

    Fam – regarding the post by Aesop – here’s an interactive map that has a list of “Federal Weapons Loaned to Public Bodies” :

    Locally, even with all their toys and FLIR in State Police helicopters, they can’t find people who do things like steal police cars and then melt into the desert. One bad actor was searched for for days, and he finally turned himself in because he didn’t have water with him.

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