Wake County Sheriff Takes Over Gun Range Originally Chartered For Public Use

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

David Codrea.

“The Wake County Range (the Firearms Education and Training Center), built for use by Wake County citizens is now being closed to the public, effective January 15, 2020,” Grassroots North Carolina alerted its members Friday. “This comes as a huge surprise as Sheriff Baker, who manages the range through contractors he hires, gave no advanced warning of this decision. There was no public discussion, no prior announcement—not a thing.”

Per The News & Observer, “The Wake County Sheriff’s Office ended its contract with Range Safety Management (RSM) LLC.” The sheriff’s state reasoning, a “lack of profitability and a review that fees and funds collected … were not accounted for accurately,” speaks more to mismanagement than anything else. If there are issues, why is it not in the public interest to openly discuss them and to consider temporary and long-term solutions?

The county commission’s response was initially tepid and noncommittal, even though GRNC asserted a letter it issued “makes it clear that they were not involved in the Sheriff’s decision, and suggested his decision may have been rash.” WRAL.com now reports “County Manager David Ellis informed the sheriff that the county would take over control of the facility.” What Ellis means by “find[ing] a balance between public and law enforcement use” remains to be defined.

It is Wake County, after all, one of the two centers of progressive thought in North Carolina (Charlotte being the other one).  Without Wake and Mecklenburg counties, North Carolina would be solidly red and an easy win for conservative and libertarian candidates.

But this one hits hard, as it was originally chartered for public use.  Now, the Sheriff has claimed sole ownership and use of it.

Brock Townsend has written a letter to the Wake County Commissioners.

The citizenry must be allowed access their own facility, which was originally chartered for public use. I’m demanding that this be rectified as soon as possible, and that a full explanation of how this happened in the first place be provided.
I will be monitoring your actions on this important matter through alerts from Grass Roots North Carolina.

So this is how it’s going to be.  Attacks against our God-given rights nationally and locally, with a new attack virtually every breath we take.

Very well.  Queue up the war.  Politicians and peace officers serve at the behest of the people, and the people can throw them out.  Or do you not see yourself as a peace officer, Sheriff Baker?  Let’s start there.  Are you a constitutional Sheriff and a peace officer, or are you a law enforcement officer?  Your answer to that question will tell us everything we need to know about you.

Which is it?  We’re waiting.


  1. On December 26, 2019 at 8:06 am, John Taylor said:

    I submit that we already know the answer (yes, I know your question was rhetorical). Baker was elected by those who were attracted to the shiny bauble he waved in their faces, saying he would not assist the Feds with illegal immigrants. On his head be it (though it is we who suffer the consequences).

  2. On December 26, 2019 at 3:08 pm, Phil Carson said:

    It is an act of the great sins of hate & envy, writ large in a tiny pond, an abiding contempt, for our unalienable natural sovereign self determining existence and our primal rights to the weapons of war and venues of training excellence, for exactly this reason, the whole kittenkaboodle of our unassailable legitimacy as Freemen, being antithetical to their lust for power and lucre.

    This was an act of pure contempt.
    You do not usurp people, their property, their self determined, and yes, self funded activities and centers of their Liberty, their access to their government they themselves solely provide the wealth to keep it running, it’s resources, if you respect us dirt people.

    This contempt for us and our sovereignty is a universal thing now if you haven’t noticed.
    They wrap it up in this velvet lined totalitarianism of illusion they themselves and only themselves possess some kind of divine legitimacy, yes, and they are highly skilled at pushing the boundaries one layer at a time.

    It’s what they do now, to keep one step ahead of this crisis of legitimacy they find themselves rightfully so facing. None of that ever stopped the despotism of any “official” or agent of the State. But when the rightful dirt people stand fast and steadfast they have only two ways out, they back off, or they double down which invariably concludes with the ultimate escalation of use of force and violence in a last ditch effort to remain relevant, for retaining their grasp on the levers of raw naked power, which underlies the body of lies and dissimulation along with the system of plausible deniability that passes for legitimate republican form of government, or just simply, maintaining the fig leaf and illusion of legitimacy.

    There is an inner underlying cautionary warning in all this though, and I for one and I’m not the only one who is grasping the truth, never give up your guns, arm yourself to the fucking teeth, then arm everyone you can to the teeth too, because things are past the profound inflection point of walking back from the brink. You don’t have enough boolits.

    What that implies here has to do with runaway trains and “It’s the breath before the plunge” as Gandalph the White put it. We are committed to a man and this despotism is past the point of limits or control to stop specifically by those who created it.
    Events naturally are going to escalate as we watch it happen. Events on that score are beyond our direct immediate control. That in no ways implies, or even hints that resistance is futile, that truth, resistance to tyranny is fertile, it is the most legitimate and audacious thing imaginable, it’s the stuff that created America in the first place, the leap that made living functioning viable creative productive prosperous happy liberty possible for the first time in all of history.
    Notice if you will, that unfettered economic activity is the essential element in Liberty, our freedom, and our ability to self determine and defend ourselves. Only our unfettered economic activity makes a local local local community center for the unorganized militia of the whole people possible to maintain, keep alive, train, associate freely, create bonds of fellowship and develop our great inherent Christian Western citizen warrior nature we are born into.
    This last point is in no doubt the origins of the contempt of the act of defacto occupation and denial of use of this community arms and militia training center.
    This is self appointed, or is it self anointed, divine special powers, that an appointed one who has determined via some magical make believe special powers we are not to have such nice and rightful necessary things.

    I can only sum it up as briefly as this:
    The dirt peoples primal element of rightful self defense and all instruments of defense there of.
    Is it pure hatred, unbridled contempt, fear of us, for our unalienable natural sovereign self determining existence, our natural born manifest existance, being antithetical to their lust for power and lucre?

    I see this exercise of elitist tyranny with a myriad of armed badged legbreakers, where they have this certain standard operating style that never varies, where they have this arrogance of power to simply make decree’s and form diktat, and because they are the praetorian class of the “onlyones”, their word therefore becomes spontaneously “Da Law”, rule of men beats rule of law, because I said so, because they are armed and sanctioned to use force and violence by their superiors, thus enabling the chain of administrative tyranny within the hollowed out shell of the Republic.
    Those at the top got no direct personal power over us dirt people because they don’t have within their physical grasp the barrel of a gun. It’s not their style or their purpose. Their’s is to manage the power of the gun in the praetorian’s under their control, in order to better project the politikal power that grows from the barrel of the gun, and to assure that the gun never controls them and their sycophants or their institutional order as the controllers.
    The last thing, the unacceptable thing, is for dirt people to exercise and create a robust anti-fragile grass roots open source body of the unorganized militia of the people, and in no uncertain terms should this body of properly armed prepared and equipped Freemen be permitted to form under their own motive power and wealth to become A Legion of free and self reliant dirt people.
    No Way! Can you imagine something as or more dangerous to the politikal class running things?
    Well that tells you just about everything right there.
    So if they are the legitimate ones they declare they are, they are constitutionally the makers of “laws”, how could we be dangerous to them then, when that instrument of constitutionality clearly states, it sanctions as the second most vital stipulation of legitimacy of the whole republic, the militia and the arms there of the whole of the people being necessary for the continued health and safety of the same state?

    I smell a rat. A big Ol’ rat, the rat of the mother of all double standards.
    A rat infected with the black death of an unbroken line of a system of treason by plausible deniability from 1860 onward to this moment.

    There is no threat greater than armed dirt people and our activities and resources, outside the iron fist control of usurpers such as this Sheriff and ones such as the vote fraud/gerrymandered legislative tyrants of Virginia.

    Whose BSing who right?
    Of all the States, probably NH, WV, Kentucky, Missouri, Idaho/Montana, Nevada, AZ, North C. and Virginia constitute the highest probability of immediate armed revolt and redress. Thats not to discount or disparage in the least the millions across the 50 states who are also Freemen in similar mold and heart, but from the perspective of the “ruling class” these states are seen as immediate threat, historical threat also, and Virginia has been deemed the most suitable to begin a false flag operational, geographical start point, it’s also logistically the prime territory from the federal armed badged leg-breaker thug community aspect, home turf, vast prepositioned resources. And target rich, the opportunities for creating events perfect for the false narrative media complex to employ can not be over emphasized. White. Rural. Christian Faith based culture and community. Tribal and Family/community Clannish. All the trigger memes and agitprop, stereotypes. You know the pejorative narrative built up since 1860 about the dirt people of the South. A more suitable stage for false flag crisis as a means violent bloody psy-ops would be difficult to create.

    Shits dropped in the pot for us brothers and sisters. They have cast the die. Things are in motion now that will not be stopped by those who have decreed it is to transpire. The last stages will center around creating the desired optics for implementing Republic wide disarmament and or genocide of us undesirables. This is the unescapable standard series of actions which history proves out absolutely. There is no other way.
    The scale of logistics, the geography and culture of America, the nature and codes of the dirt people, dictate the course of how they are attempting to obtain total raw naked power absolutely over us and citizen disarmament or methods to liquidate the threat is the objective, it has always been about our guns. Police state kinetic action follows.

    Me, I think they already are toast.
    Such is a characteristic of such usurpation and it’s power. That hubris always blinds. That they are incapable of seeing the inevitable is the prime feature.

    See, it is the purview, and only the dirt peoples purview, to effect positive change in this world, we are the only ones with the resources and in absolute terms the motive power, the hearts and minds and temperament to do so. Look around, is there anyone else? I do not see anyone but us dirt people. So it always has been. Our history proves this out too, as dirt people we do so every day in our course of life, our actions tempered by prudence, accountability and as inherently generous people by nature, we leave strive personally, meaning it all begins with each of us, to essentially leave better than we take, we believe in things larger than ourselves, in our humility to strive to do better than ourselves as we learn from our foibles and weaknesses, and to simply, be left alone to our own lives and our beliefs, and codes, we are content, happy, it is serenity lived huge. We do not ask for much, and if meddling into our privates is respected we are highly appreciative of our blessings of Liberty and are the glue of our civilization.
    It is a mighty big thing to go messing with, the arrogance to do so a vast thing, awesome in it’s scale of malice.

    There’s underlying audacity, and motive power, cause, and the instruments to not only effective defense of itself, but innate capability to destroy completely what is it’s existential enemy here.
    Really difficult to define in words, but if you got the grit and in some way the great warrior virtues, the perseverance, courage and sovereignty in you it don’t need any explaining. In large part the narrative here is why there are those insane or suicidal, or galactic grade stupid enough to try pulling this Virginia crap over on all of us.

    Brock Townsend has always exemplified these qualities, a steadfast tireless holder of the honor of citizen warrior and member of The Honorable Resistance, his missive to the Wake County County Fathers embodies these great virtues and reasons of warrior Free Men of Liberty. It is whats between the lines of his demand for total accountability of those we have entrusted with our governance which are the things everything pivots upon.

    In the final equation, for us dirt people it will be the best thing could happen no matter how ugly and bloody it can get. What a time to be alive, the things that are possible no other way, we are being presented with pennies from heaven. The irony is beyond profound.
    Lets Win!

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