Control All The Things
BY Herschel Smith
You know that little sporting drone you bought at the sporting goods or hobby store, or perhaps even if you didn’t buy one, you know someone who did, or looked on and wished you had one? Well, FedGov wants to control it.
The top U.S. aviation regulator on Thursday proposed a rule that would allow for remote tracking of most drones in U.S airspace.
The Federal Aviation Administration, or FAA, said the proposed rule would require all drones operating in the United States to be compliant within three years.
Congress directed the FAA in 2016 to issue regulations or guidance by July 2018 to permit the public, the FAA, law enforcement and others to remotely track and identify drones and their operators during flight.
One commenter at reddit says this desire for control might have something to do with this. Good point, but only if you stipulate that the FedGov wants a monopoly over that kind of violence.
Then again, you have to note that the U.S. certainly has all of those assets and capabilities too, and yet a bunch of uncivilized goat herders drove them out of Afghanistan.
On December 27, 2019 at 8:49 am, Mark Matis said:
I have no doubt that we can trust the FBI and the DoJ to do what’s right!!!
On December 27, 2019 at 9:20 am, Dugan Heimerschmitt said:
There are really only two types of people…those who want to control others and those who have no such desires.
Control freaks get their just rewards when they control nothing and all of their narratives and fairytales are worthless.
On December 28, 2019 at 10:42 am, Fred said:
Had a recent interesting conversation with a guy who was flying his “drone.” From what I gathered his is semi autonomous; returns “home” at 30% battery and when confronted with an obstacle (house/tree/etc) it pauses and seeks a way around which is most often over (makes sense it’s aerial after all).
10 mile range. The camera is the feature, that commercial one has great capabilities. He said that he registered it with the FAA. Of course where I live nobody will care whether he registered it or not (for now) including the po po if they see him flying. I do remember seeing news that registration was required for certain vehicles a couple of years ago.
That thing could not have been cheap. Comes in it’s own Pelican style case with a 3 ft landing pad that it hones to if needed/wanted. It was pretty neat. You decide the implications.
On December 29, 2019 at 12:19 pm, Ned said:
On December 29, 2019 at 6:51 pm, Ghillie Suit said:
I heard Trump was pulling us out of the open skies treaty. Our external enemies probably have it all reconned by now anyway.
Any word on the drone hive that has been spotted over Colorado lately?
On December 29, 2019 at 9:58 pm, BRVTVS said:
Here is a case of a teenager who tested a drone with a 22lr mounted and posted video online. The government couldn’t attack him directly, so the cops arrested him for what I consider bizarre reasons. At one point, they tried to say he had child porn, but there was apparently no real evidence for that, so I assume just a smear to make an example of him. If I remember correctly, the incident over which he was sentenced involved the police harassing him for parking at a library when the library was closed, i.e. they were out to get him.