Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

As 2A Sanctuaries Spread, Gun Control Groups Warn Of Consequences

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

News from Virginia.

ROANOKE, Va (WDBJ7) From Bedford to Botetourt, Second Amendment Sanctuaries have been popping up across Virginia. The resolutions are largely symbolic, designed to send a message to state government.

But Eric Tirschwell worries the Sanctuaries could do some real world harm.

“These resolutions are nothing more than an attempt to short-circuit the Democratic process,” he said.

Tirschwell is Managing Director of Litigation and National Enforcement Policy at Everytown for Gun Safety, a gun control advocacy group. He says he’s sounding the alarm now because of the rapid spread of the sanctuaries across Virginia and beyond.

“If these folks actually follow through on what at this point is really just a threat to not enforce laws, that’s where I think the real danger will reveal itself,” he said.

Tirschwell argues the resolutions are problematic for a number of reasons, most importantly, he says, because they put lives at risk.

“These resolutions could have, and threaten to have, a chilling effect on people who might otherwise use, or take advantage of gun safety laws to try to prevent harm, like a suicide, a homicide or even a mass shooting,” he said.

However, gun rights organizers say Tirshwell and other critics are missing the message.

2nd Amendment Sanctuary movement continues to grow

In statements to city and county governments across our region, citizens have argued that the resolutions are about making the Governor and House of Delegates pay attention. “Because we don’t have a voice at the state level. We only have a voice at the local level,” said one man at a Pulaski Board of Supervisors meeting.

Supporters also say the movement is chiefly about standing up for Constitutional rights.

“Don’t let Botetourt County be culpable in the death of liberties and freedoms,” said another man to the Botetourt County Board of Supervisors.

Tirschwell takes issue with that, noting laws frequently decried by gun rights activists, like expanded background checks and so-called red flag laws, have been upheld in the courts.

“These officials aren’t quote-unquote defending the Constitution, as they like to say. They’re really threatening to defy it, and to substitute their own personal views of what’s constitutional,” he said.

Tirschwell says, for now, any threat posed by the resolutions is purely theoretical. However, he warns any officials who try to use the resolutions to defy state gun control laws could have a rude wakening.

“I wouldn’t suggest betting on them,” he said.

Everytown also had a hissy fit in a recent press release, saying “the gun lobby is hypocritically encouraging law enforcement to ignore the rule of law in defense of their extreme and dangerous interpretation of the Constitution.”

“Chilling.”  “Dangerous.”  But to listen to the Virginia AG, also a controller, and his interpretive legions in academia, these county laws have no effect and are irrelevant.

So which is it?  Are they chilling and dangerous, or are they completely ineffectual?

They can’t make their mind up because they fear CWII.  They know it, and we know it.  You can blame it all on them.  Any blood spilled will be on their hands.  All the controllers had to do to ensure peace and stability was leave people alone.

That … a controller cannot do.  Can a Leopard change its spots?  Neither are they able to do good, being accustomed to doing evil (Jeremiah 13:23).  They know enough to warn of the consequences, but are unable to change their own behavior.  But those consequences may not work out the way they had planned.

300 Blackout Gel Test

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

I guess I’ve never understood the love for 300 Blackout or why people think it’s a better option than virtually anything else, especially at long range, but to each his own.  I know this round has its believers.

More On Kneeling Positions While Running An AR-15

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

With Chris Costa. I would only find this position comfortable with knee pads.

MSR Shooting Tips, Reverse Kneeling Position

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Sheriff’s Gun ‘Goes Off’ in Georgia Walmart All By Itself

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

A teenager was hit by ricocheting shrapnel when a North Georgia sheriff’s gun discharged inside a Walmart.

Pickens County Sheriff Donnie Craig was wearing the gun in his waistband when it went off inside the Jasper store Tuesday night, according to the sheriff’s office. The round hit the floor.

Craig and several deputies were attending a “Shop with the Sheriff” holiday event and were standing near the front of the store during the “accidental discharge,” sheriff’s spokesman Capt. Kris Stancil told A 15-year-old boy in a nearby checkout line reported a minor injury, he said.

At the time, the teen told deputies he had not been hit and was OK. It wasn’t until later that he noticed a “small cut” that was barely recognizable as a wound from shrapnel, Stancil said.

The shrapnel that ricocheted was about the size of a pencil eraser, he said. The teen reported the injury to the sheriff’s office and went to a hospital for an X-ray.

“At the time of the discharge, the weapon was not being handled and the weapon was secured in the waistband,” the sheriff’s office said in a Facebook post. “Sheriff Craig has stated how thankful he is that no one was seriously injured in the incident. All policy protocols will be followed during the investigation into the incident.”

The gun was a “backup weapon,” the agency said. It is not clear what caused the weapon to fire.

Sorry, but I don’t believe this.  I also don’t believe in gremlins, goblins (except in the halls of congress), the tooth fairy, or the Easter bunny.

Something mechanically interacted with the firearm to cause the discharge.

More Creative ATF Rulemaking

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Via David Codrea, courtesy of Len Savage, the ATF is involved in more creative rulemaking.

No mechanism currently exists for ATF to authorize a request from an FFL to transfer a GCA/SBS, such as the Reformation, to a non-licensee. Therefore, until ATF is able to promulgate a procedure for processing and appr.oving such requests, an FFL may not lawfully transfer a Reformation configured as a GCA/SBS to a non-licensee.

I don’t personally care since I don’t want one.  But I do care because if someone else wants one, they should be able to have one.  Fudds are not honorable men.

Because.  Liberty.  I don’t have a bump stock either, but if I wanted one I should be able to have one.  Because.  Liberty.

Because.  Shall not be infringed.  All gun control is wickedness.

Replacing The AR-15 Dust Cover Without Removing The Barrel Nut

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

I found this to be a useful video.  I enjoy and benefit from videos like this where an operation that could be complex is taken apart into its parts and explained thoroughly, with tricks of the trade explained.

Baltimore Cops Have An Ugly Year

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

The Daily Wire.

At least 20 cops in Baltimore, Maryland were arrested, sentenced, or suspended in 2019 for their behavior, a Baltimore Sun report found.

The outlet noted that this was an “ugly” year for the city’s cops, some of whom committed crimes themselves and terrorized residents. In addition to the 20 or so who were punished for their actions, Baltimore State’s Attorney Marilyn Mosby in October presented a list of 305 Baltimore police officers with possible credibility issues.

“We have 305 officers with integrity issues and/or allegations of integrity issues that would in essence put them in jeopardy from testifying,” Mosby said when she presented her list.

Beating a Man “Without Justification”

Former officer Arthur Williams was found guilty of second-degree assault in June based on body cam footage of him beating a man multiple times. The victim received a broken jaw and ribs and spent three days in the hospital. Baltimore Circuit Judge Yolanda Tanner said the attack was “without justification.” Williams was sentenced to 9 months in prison.

Sergeant Charged after Chasing and Arresting Man For Exercising Free Speech Rights

A sergeant was charged with “assault, false imprisonment and misconduct,” the Sun reported, after he chased a bystander who was complaining about how officers were treating a suspect. The bystander committed no crimes, yet the police sergeant arrested him, according to body cam footage. When the bystander asked why he was being arrested, the police sergeant told him: “Just go to jail and take your charge like a man.”

Road Rage

Former officer Michael Gentil was sentenced to five years in prison after he nearly ran over a pedestrian and then pulled a gun on the man after he spilled tea on Gentil’s car. Gentil, according to prosecutors, didn’t yield when the pedestrian was crossing the street. The pedestrian was carrying tea and spilled some on Gentil’s car. Gentil then pulled a gun on him and ordered him to get down on the ground.

Drunk Driving

Former officer Aaron Heilman was found with a blood alcohol level of 0.22 and slumped over in his car in the early afternoon last year. He entered a plea agreement this year. Another officer, detective Kevin Brown, was suspended and charged with driving under the influence.


Michael O’Sullivan was sentenced to 15 months in prison – but is still part of the police force, though he has been suspended – for lying in court regarding a criminal case. O’Sullivan claimed he saw a suspect throwing away a handgun while fleeing from cops. It was determined he could not have witnessed the event.

Planting a Toy Gun on Someone to Justify Police Chasing Him

A man was chased by police in 2014 and eventually “run down by an officer’s vehicle,” the Sun reported. To justify police actions, retired police Sgt. Keith Gladstone planted a toy gun on the man. He pleaded guilty and faces up to 10 years in federal prison, according to the Sun.

Gun Task Force Corruption

Eight city officers were “convicted of racketeering offenses for robbing people using their badge,” the Sun reported.

Tasing and Beating a Teenager

Former officer Carlos Rivera-Martinez was dismissed and convicted of second-degree assault and misconduct after beating a 16-year-old in the head and using his taser on the boy after chasing him.

When the state no longer even cares about what Mike Vanderboegh called the mandate from heaven.  And doesn’t care if you know they no longer care.  And no longer makes pretensions about any of it.  And doesn’t care what God thinks about it all.

Virginia Second Amendment Sanctuary Update

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Via David Codrea, this reddit link updates us.

The following six localities became sanctuaries tonight, making the total 101!:

Franklin County – Unanimous, 400+ in middle of the work day Mathews County – Unanimous, 500+ in middle of the work day Prince Edward County – 4 to 3, 550+, voted down a weaker resolution and passed a stronger one! Stafford County  – Unanimous, 3,000+ Town of Vinton – 4 to 1, 60+ York County – 4 to 1, 800+

500+ gun owners showed up in Clarke County to urge the Board of Supervisors to put a 2A Sanctuary resolution on their agenda.  The Board of Supervisors is considering having a special meeting to do so.

News Coverage:

[ … ]

Virginia local government is divided into 95 counties and 38 independent cities (govt and population separate from counties). So after tonight:

2A Resolutions: 2 cities and 7 counties

Sanctuary: 7 cities and 76 counties and 15 towns (overlaps with counties)

Pending: 4 cities and 7 counties

Rejected: 5 cities and 3 counties

No Action: 20 cities and 2 counties

This equates to 46% of the population and 85% of the area under sanctuary or 2A resolution status.

One good thing all of this does is flush the collectivists out of hiding.  Now Virginians will know who to go after in the next election cycle.  In the mean time, if Governor Ralphie “Kill babies give me all your guns” Northam and his minions are serious about starting CWII before then, patriots have both a moral and legal basis for resistance.

$150 Million Lawsuit Filed Against Smith & Wesson By Danforth Shooting Victims

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Global News.

Two of the victims who were injured during a mass shooting in Toronto’s Danforth neighbourhood in 2018 are looking to proceed with a $150-million class-action lawsuit against United States gun manufacturer Smith & Wesson Corp.

Lawyers for Samantha Price and Skye McLeod, along with their family members, filed a statement of claim with the Ontario Superior Court of Justice on Monday.

“The handgun is an ‘ultra-hazardous product specifically designed to injure or kill people. The handgun was negligently designed and manufactured in that Smith & Wesson failed to incorporate ‘authorized user’ (or ‘smart gun’) technology into the weapon,” the claim said, noting “smart gun” technology “prevents unauthorized users … from firing the weapon.”

I don’t have a feel for whether a judgment in Canada would actually affect S&W here in America, but when the supreme tyrants decided to let the Remington lawsuit go forward, they doomed the legal process to ridiculous claims like this.

Congratulations to the tyrants.  I guess you won this round.  And S&W will doubtless have to look for ways to cut costs because of the legal fees coming their way.  I’m sure this won’t affect the customer.

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