Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Reasons To Like Lever Action Rifles

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

So before watching this I have to say a few things.

I don’t think the 9mm is a “wimpier” cartridge than the 10mm.  I think they serve different roles and functions, some of which overlap (think Venn diagram).  I could say that the 10mm is a wimp compared to my 450 SMC cartridges, and that would be technically correct since I can put 230 grains downrange as fast as a 10mm round, and I’ll take 230 gr. any day.

But that would be missing the point, just like those folks who criticize others for carrying a 9mm gun rather than the “mighty” 10mm gun.  I can shoot my 1911 with 450 SMC for a while, but my hand is going to take a pounding.  The 450 SMC isn’t for range shooting except for getting good enough with it to defend yourself in the bush from predators.  It’s not a good cartridge for anything else, and besides, it’s much more expensive to buy than standard .45 ACP.  He’s being cute, but he almost shoots his own argument.

As for the tools that can handle most everything (he’s exaggerating the case again here to make a point), the AR-15 and Glock is of course not the answer, since the 5.56mm/.223 round wouldn’t be the preferred round for deer or hog (or big game), and I don’t happen to like the 22° grip angle of the Glock, and much prefer the 11° for the 1911.  John Moses Browning understood ergonomics before anyone else did in the firearms world.

As for his reasons for liking lever action rifles, I agree with all of them.  Recall that we’ve had this discussion with Matt Bracken on having a rifle and revolver chambered in the same round.

I would prefer to wait until Henry Repeating Arms comes out with a side gate loader for .357 magnum.  I sent a note to Mr. Anthony Imperato and he responded to me that they have things in the works, but won’t announce until the firearms are on the shelves ready to ship.  Specifically, “We will expand the H024 Side Gate line, so stay tuned. We will keep you posted. We do not announce new calibers, models, variations etc until they are on the shelf ready to ship.”

I would like to think that rather than getting all twisted about this like some bloggers and gun writers do, i.e., “If you don’t like me and what I like and believe everything I believe you’re just an ignorant poser and have no right to an opinion,” we can be the rainbow coalition of shooters. Like what you like, do what you want to do, carry how you want to carry.

That’s the most libertarian-minded way to be, right?

Your Tax Dollars Are Subsidizing Your Disarmament

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Brett MacDonald.

Millions of American tax dollars are being funneled into an organization that’s pushing for more gun control in the United States—and has been for some decades. The organization, the Police Executive Research Forum (PERF), ostensibly supports a cause near and dear to the hearts of almost every conservative American: supporting law enforcement officers throughout the country.

But, while the organization does some admirable work assisting the families of slain officers who have fallen in the line of duty, or attempting to mitigate the rising suicide rate among officers, much of PERF’s real attention is focused on destroying the Second Amendment rights of private citizens. They’re also keenly interested neutering the ability of law enforcement agencies throughout the country to effectively police and protect the communities under their wing. And that’s something that constitutionally minded Americans should be paying attention to. In short, your hard earned dollars are being taxed by the government and then funneled into an organization that desperately wants to disarm you and render impotent the brave men and women who serve your community.

The article is short on links, so I did a little research of my own, and ended up with this: “Key Findings and an Action Plan to Reduce Gun Violence.”  In it, you’ll find advocacy for the following.

  • Universal background checks
  • Red flag laws
  • Limits on magazine capacity
  • Banning of future sales of semi-automatic weapons to citizens.
  • Bump stock ban.

In short, a laundry list suitable for a Michael Bloomberg wet dream of gun control, staffed by professional cops, and all underwritten and funded by your tax dollars.

Because the controllers are all smarter than you and know what’s best for you.  You are the raw material for their globalist, Utopian designs.

UPDATE: See also this link.

Virginia Counties Declare Gun Sanctuaries, But Experts Say They ‘Don’t Have Force Of Law’

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

More perspective from Virginia.

A wave of resolutions have been passed in Virginia counties, declaring sanctuaries and constitutional havens in support of the Second Amendment as a new Democratic majority prepares to take over the state General Assembly in January.

But what do they really mean?

“I think it’s a form of political protest,” said Richard Schragger, Perre Bowen professor of law at the University of Virginia School of Law. “Obviously, it’s caught a certain amount of fire in Virginia.”

This week, Prince William and Spotsylvania counties became some of the latest to pass resolutions affirming their commitment to residents’ rights to keep and carry guns.

In the end, Prince William’s resolution may be short-lived and is likely to be reversed when a new board of supervisors led by Democrats takes control in the county, according to a statement from incoming supervisor Ann Wheeler that was made days before that vote.

Fauquier County seems poised to pass its own resolution in support of gun rights in the coming days. After a public comment period that lasted more than four hours Thursday night and amid concerns about the resolution’s wording, the county’s board decided to delay the vote on their resolution in support of Second Amendment rights until Dec. 23.

“I think there’s a lot of, maybe, misunderstandings about what the impact of these statements, these resolutions that are being adopted, will do,” said Dana Schrad, executive director of the Virginia Association of Chiefs of Police. “They are nothing more than position statements. They don’t have the force of law.”

[ … ]

Professor Schragger said that if gun laws that may be perceived as over restrictive of gun rights do pass, “those laws are enforced and citizens have to abide by them.”

“There’s no ability for citizens in any of these Second Amendment sanctuaries to assert that they don’t have to comply with state law,” Schragger said.

“The sheriffs and local officers have to comply with state law, and the state police will enforce state law,” Schragger added.

We’ve met up with professor Schragger before.  Do you think he might be a wee bit biased in his analysis?

So any levelheaded analysis would have concluded that the Sheriff is elected by the people of the county, and is not a state employee.  Any levelheaded analysis would have also concluded that county commissioners can make laws just like state lawmakers.  What they’ve done is indeed make a law.

And any levelheaded analysis would have concluded that the notion that “if we make laws they must be obeyed” is preposterous given that these very same laws in Connecticut and New York were roundly ignored by the citizens of those states.

The entire paradigm of the folks making these statements is different (and directly contrary) to the existing paradigm in place today in the counties voting these resolutions.  Mr. Schragger’s thinking is confused, outdated, outmoded and lacks a critical and legitimate understanding of where we are in America today.

The citizens have guns.  Millions of them.  The citizens have ammunition.  Billions of rounds of it. Mr. Schragger would do well to let that sink in for a while.  I’ll say it again.  The 2A laws made in the counties have exactly as much power and legitimacy as the people of the counties are willing to give them, and the force with which they are willing to defend them, not one ounce more, and not one ounce less.

Full Auto Versus Semi Auto AR-15

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Socialists Want Dictatorship

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Survival Blog, quoting Bastiat.

Again, it is claimed that persons are nothing but raw material. It is not for them to will their own improvement; they are incapable of it. According to Saint-Just, only the legislator is capable of doing this. Persons are merely to be what the legislator wills them to be. According to Robespierre, who copies Rousseau literally, the legislator begins by decreeing the end for which the commonwealth has come into being. Once this is determined, the government has only to direct the physical and moral forces of the nation toward that end. Meanwhile, the inhabitants of the nation are to remain completely passive. And according to the teachings of Billaud- Varennes, the people should have no prejudices, no affections, and no desires except those authorized by the legislator. He even goes so far as to say that the inflexible austerity of one man is the foundation of a republic.

In cases where the alleged evil is so great that ordinary governmental procedures cannot cure it, Mably recommends a dictatorship to promote virtue: “Resort,” he says, “to an extraordinary tribunal with considerable powers for a short time. The imagination of the citizens needs to be struck a hard blow.” This doctrine has not been forgotten. Listen to Robespierre:

“The principle of the republican government is virtue, and the means required to establish virtue is terror. In our country we desire to substitute morality for selfishness, honesty for honor, principles for customs, duties for manners, the empire of reason for the tyranny of fashion, contempt of vice for contempt of poverty, pride for insolence, greatness of soul for vanity, love of glory for love of money, good people for good companions, merit for intrigue, genius for wit, truth for glitter, the charm of happiness for the boredom of pleasure, the greatness of man for the littleness of the great, a generous, strong, happy people for a good-natured, frivolous, degraded people; in short, we desire to substitute all the virtues and miracles of a republic for all the vices and absurdities of a monarchy.”

Collectivists know more than you.  They’re more virtuous than you.  They know what is best for you.  You are just the raw material for social engineering projects to achieve utopia, as defined by them, of course.

Learn your place, peasants.

Weekend Music

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

There’s been a lot of serious water over the dam this week.  It’s time to unwind with one of the best young guitarists in America.  In concert at the Muddy Creek Music Hall in Winston Salem, North Carolina on June 4, 2017.

Hoplite Armor: Threatened By Cops For Calling Out The Cops

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Hoplite Armor.

My name is Lyman Bishop. I’m the Founder and CEO of Hoplite Armor, as well as the engineer responsible for the design and development of all our custom armor solutions. I’m also the man responsible for posting various things online that have recently offended a lot of police officers.

First let me say I am not anti police as many would have you believe, but rather I put the the American people first in every circumstance. I believe in the United States Constitution and as such I recognize that it is We the People who are, or should be, in full control of this nation. If We the People take issue with our government or law enforcement, it is our right, even our sacred duty, to speak out boldly and without concern for the consequences brought on by would be tyrants.

Over the last few days I have been slandered, lied about, conspired against and even threatened with physical harm, by police officers, for speaking out against the events in Florida where police opened fire on 2 criminals in stand still traffic using civilian vehicles as human shields, resulting in the Deaths of 2 innocent people; UPS driver Frank Ordonez and Family Man Richard Cutshaw.

The idea that such a thing could happen on US soil is almost beyond belief, but what’s worse is the position of many of those in law enforcement who show no remorse and target those of us who speak out.

Whenever the people stand up against police misconduct we are told to mind our own business, to stay in our lane or that we are Monday Morning Quarterbacks. We are told that unless we have done the job ourselves we have no right to speak out. This is heresy! We the People have every right to speak up against anything that takes place in this country, or for that matter, anything on the planet. Make no mistake, this event will prove to be the defining moment where people take sides. Youre either a free citizen of the United States or a slave to the tyranny closing in around us.

We the People are the single most powerful and influential group of people in human history. We are better educated, and better armed than any group of people that has ever existed and the world would be wise not to stand in our way. That includes our so called authorities here at home.

For too long we have sat idly by and allowed our nation to be picked apart by vultures. Now is the time to stand up and be counted. For years I have felt called by God to run for Governor of Montana, in order to safeguard the rights of the people but I had to wait for the right time. That time has finally come, and I would encourage all of you who are like minded to do the same in your states. What office you seek is unimportant. Only that you get involved and fight for the people. Its time we take back our country and our rightful place in the world.

My position is simple, the rights of the people shall not be infringed. If I am elected we will have constitutional carry for every law abiding citizen on day one. I will also nullify the National Firearms Act. The very thought that our rights should be held hostage, subject to bureaucratic paperwork and fees is an abomination to our traditions and our culture of freedom and individual liberties.

Where we go from here is not up to me. I will leave it to you, the People, to decide our fate, but I can promise you one thing. There are NO other candidates, in Montana or anywhere else, that are willing to draw a line in the sand and put themselves in between you and tyranny like I will.

God bless America

Lyman Bishop

Mr. Bishop is the author of this, linked (embedded) by me earlier (I wish I had known who to credit, but didn’t).

That thin blue line, you know.  Those cops who would threaten this man are ensuring that the people hate them and see them as the enemy.  Those are the unintended consequences of failing to police your own people.

Remember.  These cops used citizens as human shields during this brief skirmish.  Let that sink in.

Let something else sink in if you’re one of the cops who threatened Mr. Bishop.  He isn’t your problem – we are.  His work was linked (embedded) by me.  Get angry at me.  Threaten me, so I can turn your ass in.  Make a comment below so I’ll know your IP address.

And if you want to give Mr. Bishop some of your business, here is his web site.

Reid Henrichs On Deploying The National Guard To Disarm Virginians

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Matt Bracken: Virginia Gun Control Laws As A Flashpoint

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago


Necessary viewing.  I’m delighted to see Matt use our Ralph “Kill The Babies Give Me All Your Guns” meme, three times.

Matt is also concerned about a false flag event, as am I.  I’ve already told you, and have made it ready for linking and reference.

Straight Wall Hunting And Self Defense Cartridges

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

I recently said something about the benefit of a MSR that can double as a hunting firearm and a self defense gun in the bush, i.e., 0 – 150 yards.  While multipurpose tools can suffer from not doing anything well, a legitimate multipurpose tool that can do more than one thing well is a good thing.

Hunters are buying straight-wall guns 50:1 over slug guns for deer.  Here’s a quick rundown of the recoil energy associated with these new cartridges.

Designed and developed by Winchester, the 350 Legend is the first new introduction to the market aimed specifically at straight-walled hunting regulations. The company unveiled the new round at the 2019 SHOT show and currently offers it in Deer Season XP, Power Max Bonded, and many others. Winchester has also chambered their XPR line of bolt-action rifles for the cartridge, and other major gun manufacturers are producing rifles for it as well.

The plus side of this cartridge is that recoil is pretty mild, so it’s a good choice for shooters who need to take recoil into consideration. The Winchester 150-grain Deer Season XP generates 8.52 foot-pounds of recoil in a 7-pound rifle. By comparison, a 250-grain .450 Bushmaster factory load generates 22.99 foot-pounds of recoil, and a full-power 12-gauge slug generates 45 foot-pounds.

By contrast, the .223 generates around 5-6, and the 30-30 (which I recall as mild enough to enjoy shooting a lot thus lending to good practice and accuracy) is 8-10.  So the 350 Legend is around the same as the 30-30, not much more than the .223, less than half of the .450 Bushmaster, and 19% of a 12 gauge.

Any of these choices would be fine within 150 – (maybe) 200 yards for either hunting or self defense.  The 12 gauge would be less accurate than any of them.

This might be good perspective for your next selection(s).  I wouldn’t call myself “recoil sensitive,” having shot a lot of different rounds, but I like reduced recoil to ensure a pleasurable experience.  If that happens, I’ll shoot more and be better at it.

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