Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Bleg For “Blackface Governor Ralphie ‘Kill Babies Give Me Your Guns’ Northam”

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

From the comments.

So is there anyone good with Photoshop and meme-making that can give me this:

Blackface Governor Ralphie ‘Kill Babies Give Me Your Guns’ Northam?

With a picture of him in blackface?

Grabbing for guns?

He should be shamed.

I’ve never worn blackface, and didn’t even know what it was until the MSM began covering it.


Governor Ralph Northam: “Register Your AR-15s Or Hand Them Over”

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this bit of humor from Ralphie.

Gov. Ralph Northam (D) announced Monday his assault weapons ban will mean AR-15 owners can either register their guns with the government or hand them over.

The Virginia Mercury reported Northam spokeswoman Alena Yarmosky used a statement to say, “The governor’s assault weapons ban will include a grandfather clause for individuals who already own assault weapons, with the requirement they register their weapons before the end of a designated grace period.”

This didn’t even work in Connecticut or New York.  What makes Ralphie think his follies will work in Virginia?  We’ll call them “Ralphie’s follies” from now on.

Besides, this runs directly contrary to ordinances already adopted by Virginia counties.  And take careful note, it isn’t the 2A supporters who are fomenting the coming fight.  It’s the collectivists.  It’s always the collectivists.

One final point.  If you study this video very carefully, the tripe that it’s the mischief-makers who are riling people up to make hunters think their way of life is being threatened is a lie, and everyone knows better.  The ordinance adopted by the county of Buchanan specifically discusses AR-15 style rifles, and the people aren’t going to turn them in or register them.

This isn’t about hunters or hunting.  It never was, and it never will be.

Is Local Government Really Irrelevant?

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Robert Verbruggen writing at NRO.

The legal force of these resolutions is limited, thanks to local governments’ status in relation to the states where they’re located. The Constitution protects states and localities from certain forms of federal meddling — including the “commandeering” of law-enforcement efforts — but it’s silent on the rights of localities against states. Local governments exist only because states choose to recognize them, they possess only the powers states choose to grant them, and a state government can override any local law it wants. Counties can declare themselves sanctuaries and fire employees who don’t go along, but only until the state decides to put a stop to it.

I think he’s badly underestimating not only the constitutional authority of the Sheriff (most specifically, the state constitutions), but the resolve of the people as well.  One might argue to the contrary.

If the sheriff sounds like something from the American frontier, that’s because it is. The role of sheriff goes back to England where sheriffs were usually appointed by the Crown and other officials to oversee the laws of the shire, or county. Duties included tax collection and running a local militia, also called the posse comitatus—citizens who would moonlight as law enforcement.

In America, sheriffs played a particularly pivotal role in Southern states where they served as chief law enforcement officers. (Northeast states relied on constables, who are more like the police chiefs of today.) Sheriffs got to take cuts from fees, one of the perks of the job, in addition to collecting salaries. As America expanded westward, those states adopted the Southern sheriff model. As states drafted their constitutions, they often included an elected sheriff position. Right now, at least 40 states have elected sheriffs. [James Toberlin / Virginia Law Review]

In many regions, especially in the South, sheriffs still have wide jurisdiction and primary law enforcement responsibilities. Unlike police chiefs, who usually report to mayors or other elected officials, sheriffs have fewer checks on their power. Many sheriffs serve long stints in office, and some are in place for decades.

While the precise role of elected sheriffs varies from state to state, they have some duties in common, including overseeing local jails, transporting prisoners and pretrial detainees, and investigating crimes. Some even act as coroners, ruling over a person’s cause of death.

The only states that do not have local sheriffs are Alaska, Hawaii, and Connecticut, which rely on statewide law enforcement agencies. [National Sheriffs’ Association]

[ … ]

Historically, some sheriffs have not only enforced the laws; they have also decided which laws not to enforce. They view this as protecting the people from the intrusions of the federal government.

The “constitutional sheriff” movement is comprised of current and former members of law enforcement who believe that sheriffs are the ultimate authority in their jurisdiction—even above federal law enforcement. [Robert Tsai / Politico]

While it may seem like a fringe movement [italics HPS] it is prevalent enough to be taken seriously. In 2013, 500 sheriffs agreed not to enforce any gun laws created by the federal government. In Utah, almost all elected sheriffs signed an agreement to protect the Bill of Rights—and fight any federal officials who tried to limit them. [Robert Tsai / Politico]

I see that National Review continues its tilt towards bad analysis.

Agent Provocateurs In The Second Amendment Awakening In Virginia

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Kaiserworks had this to say.

Time to keep eyes open for Agent Provocateurs in the pro 2A rallies or an incident directed at an anti-2A Politician. I can tell you right now that when you see ‘breaking news’ and the badged orcs kitted up responding to some crisis, it will not be from our side. I implore those at the rallies, that if they see anyone smelling of an undercover Fed, contractor or even someone off their meds, be vocal and notify all those around you to the Trojan horse in your midst. Early warning and exposure may be the only thing that can derail a psyop or blackhat operation in progress.

It’s really a shame we are where we are, but this is a recurring theme.  See this reddit/firearms discussion thread.

As the grassroots 2A Sanctuary movement continues to gain momentum and traction in Virginia, what do you think the odds are that a conveniently timed and horrific mass shooting event will occur in VA within the next month?

[ … ]

My theory is “they” will infiltrate a crazy person into being deputized, who will then shoot up a school or something using their new deputy status to get into the property with a gun.

The black hats may be CIA, they may be Dyncorps, they may be three or four tiers deep and never known, completely removed from those who sent them on their nefarious mission.  But with the increased momentum of the 2A rights movement in Virginia, the soccer moms from Alexandria need some ideological and emotional support.

That’s how the theory goes, anyway.  And I’m not going to say that it’s wrong, just that it is so very difficult to collect meaningful and actionable facts after such events, and this is all likely by design.  The .gov hides everything behind the cloud of “ongoing investigation,” and then the MSM gets involved printing inaccurate and incorrect crap.

So here’s a quick note to the black hats.  Upon any such event, 2A supporters will blame it all on you.  Just realize that’s where we are.

Got it?  Are we clear?  And this post is now indexed and ready for linking in the future.

Buchanan County Board Of Supervisors Passes Second Amendment Ordinance

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

John Adams On The Fall Of America

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

All the guns in the world, similar to the most seductive politics on earth, cannot fix a broken spiritual problem.

Review Of The Winchester 350 Legend

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Shooting Illustrated.

Winchester began development of the 350 Legend in 2017. The primary motivation was the need for a straight-wall cartridge that would meet the legal requirements in several states previously only allowing shotguns and muzzleloaders for deer hunting. Though I would not call it a revolution, this straight-wall resurgence has increased the popularity of cartridges—like the .450 Bushmaster—that were waning in popularity. The 350 Legend fills this “specialized” need, but the question of whether it has any practical or tactical application beyond whacking deer somewhere in the Midwest remains.

[ … ]

… from inception, the 350 Legend was intended to work with the AR-15 platform. The 350 Legend case is only about a tenth of an inch longer than the .357 Maximum and just .12-inch longer than the .357 Mag. The real difference is the 350 Legend’s rimless design and operating pressure. The .357 Mag. is only loaded to 30,000 psi and the .357 Maximum to 40,000 psi. And, of course, neither of these revolver cartridges are compatible with Stoner’s semi-automatic (AR-15) design that has essentially become “America’s Rifle.”

[ … ]

Current count shows more than a half-dozen available factory 350 Legend loads. Winchester offers a 145-grain FMJ load rated at 2,350 fps, a 150-grain poly-tipped bullet at 2,325 fps and a conventional lead-tipped 180-grain Power Point at 2,100 fps. Hornady is offering a 170-grain Interlock at 2,200 fps, and Federal is on board with two 180-grain soft points at 2,100 fps and a 160-grain Fusion load. For the hunter, all of these—with the possible exception of the 145-grain FMJ—are more than sufficient for any whitetail deer or feral hog.

[ … ]

Some cartridges chambered in the AR-15 will shoot fast and flat, while others will hit harder. Picking one over the other means you must plant your feet on one side or the other of the fence or try to walk a balance right down the middle. The .223 Rem. will shoot the fastest and flattest—at 300 yards the bullet will drop half as much as the 350 Legend. The 350 Legend on the other hand will hit harder—almost 50 percent harder at the muzzle than the .223 Rem. At distance, cartridges like the 25-45 Sharps and .300 HAM’R offer more middle-of-the-road performance between the .223 Rem. and the 350 Legend.

So, what you have with the new 350 Legend is the hardest-hitting factory cartridge that will work in a standard AR-15 with the standard .373-inch bolt face. (Of course, the .450 Bushmaster will hit even harder, but requires a different bolt.) This means any AR-15 originally chambered for the .223 Rem. can be converted to 350 Legend. What you sacrifice is the ability to carry that power anywhere past what most shooters now consider short range. Due to the low ballistic coefficients of the bullets used in a 350 Legend—compared with the bullets used in other cartridges designed for the AR-15 platform—velocity falls off fast. From the general-purpose standpoint, the 350 Legend is at its best inside of 250 yards, which, of course, is more than fine for defensive purposes.

[ … ]

The niche the 350 Legend fills is that of a one-gun solution for self-defense and big-game hunting inside of 300 yards in a compact carbine—bolt-action or semi-automatic. The 350 Legend should be of particular interest to self-defense-minded deer hunters in the several states that require the use of straight-wall cartridges. Essentially the antithesis of the .223 Rem.—a tactical cartridge sometimes pressed into duty as a big-game round—the 350 Legend is a hunting cartridge that can excel in a tactical environment.

I think that’s what would be it’s attraction for me.  A legitimate multipurpose tool is always better than a tool that does one thing.  The thing you lose is the ability to reach out to 400-500 yards.  On the east coast, that’s not an issue.  This is a hunting and self defense gun for the bush, with ammunition that is significantly cheaper than the .458 SOCOM or .450 bushmaster, and not nearly the recoil.

And I’d like to have one, but don’t.

Paul Singer, Hedge Funds And Cabela’s

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

The merger between Cabela’s and Bass Pro Shop always seemed odd to me.  I knew that both stores were doing extremely well.  It all makes sense now.

Capitalism is an ungodly form of economics.  Socialism is an ungodly form of economics.  What we have today in America is the worst of both.  The Biblical form of economics is the free market, free from control, and free from evil things like this.

Paul Singer does the devil’s bidding.

Misdirected Blame In Virginia Gun Battles

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

David Codrea.

Just to be clear—rather than face up to the truth of who is doing the killings in his district, Jones is blaming the “disproportionate harm” committed by his Norfolk constituents on residents of counties like Tazewell, where the Board of Supervisors not only overwhelmingly passed a sanctuary resolution, but went a step further and passed a Militia resolution, both to overwhelming citizen approval.

The blame and alleged reason for all of this is a misdirect, as well as the second misdirect in all of this, pointing the finger at Tazewell and similar counties.

The stated reason for gun control – increased safety for everyone – has nothing whatsoever to do with why they want gun control.  They’re just copping selling points for ignorant soccer moms.  The stated problem – gun owners – is the second misdirect.

Controllers are just liars all around, and each new lie stacks on top of the other in the set.  It’s a tangled web, to be sure.

The Culpeper Militia

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

The Culpeper Minutemen were formed on July 17, 1775, in a district created by the Third Virginia Convention. This district consisted of the Orange, Fauquier and the titular Culpeper counties. In September of that year, 200 men were recruited for four companies of 50 men from Culpeper and Fauquier, with an additional 100 men for two companies from Orange. By order of the District Committee of Safety, the Culpeper Minutemen met under a large oak tree in a large field currently part of Yowell Meadow Park in Culpeper, Virginia.

When the Revolutionary War came, the Culpeper Minutemen chose the Patriot side. It was at this time that they also adopted their standard bearer that can be seen adorning pickup trucks of modern-day patriots from sea to shining sea. Their first action during the American Revolution was to defend Virginia capital Williamsburg after the Royal Governor, John Murray, Lord Dunmore, confiscated the gunpowder.

It’s sort of like the fundamental nature of mankind never changes, and rough men have to stand ready to defend family, home, hearth and liberties.

And here we are today, with Virginia having forgotten the lessons of history.

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