Guns And Ammo Flying Off Shelves In Virginia, Governor Calls For Gun Ban Force
BY Herschel Smith
Gun retailers in Virginia say they’re seeing sales of weapons and ammunition skyrocket as the now fully Democratic Virginia legislature moves closer to passing strict gun control within the state — including a provision that allows the state government to confiscate so-called “assault weapons” if citizens who own them don’t register the weapons.
The Washington Examiner reports that at least one gun retailer has seen sales rise more than 200% year over year. Cash sales are way up, especially amid news that Democrats in Virginia and in Congress want to use credit card information to track gun purchases.
“This is the largest Christmas and November, December that we’ve had, basically, since Trump has come on board. The only other person that was a better salesman right now is when we had President Obama,” one retailer told the Examiner.
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Democrats in Virginia say they’re paving the way for a national gun control program, and have proposed a number of possible restrictions, including a complete ban on assault rifles, backed up by the threat of confiscation. The Examiner adds that Democrats are also pursuing “restrictions on magazine capacity, universal background checks, and restrictions to one gun a month purchases.”
This is a continuation of the trend we already noted. Meanwhile, governor Ralph “Kill the babies give me all your guns” Northam continues Virginia careening down the road to possible civil war.
“We see in the governor’s proposed budget that he wants $4 million and 18 new law-enforcement positions to enforce a ban on commonly-owned firearms,” said Erich Pratt, Gun Owners of America senior vice president.
“Gun owners want to know: Is this money going to be used for the gun confiscation?” he added.
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At today’s budget hearings, the groups have urged their members to ask questions about Northam’s budget that includes $4.8 million for an 18-person force to implement his proposed assault weapons ban.
Anyone who joins that 10-person force is a fool, and it isn’t clear that 18,000 would be enough. That’s all assuming that Virginians are serious about this thing. As I have said before, this “cannot be an empty warning. If it is, no one should be issuing the warning at all. If the next step is to turn to the black-robed tyrants, you will lose …
So-called “assault weapons” bans are in place in New York and Connecticut and have been for some time. No state or federal court has ever struck them down. If you trust your future to the tyrants, you’ll be disappointed. When Sheriffs say they will deputize a posse, they must mean it. State agents will have to be put in county prisons. Road blocks will have to be set up. Show downs will occur, and they’ll be armed show downs. Teams of agents will have to refuse to do the bidding of the state tyrants for fear of the consequences. The same goes for the national guard troops.”
I’m certain that the baby-killing governor is certain that he intends to do all of this. What I’m uncertain of at the moment is whether Virginians intend to go down peacefully. There is a huge difference between active resistance and hiding weapons in the back yard, never again being able to go to the shooting range for practice, waiting for that time when the .gov finds you out, and hoping for leniency.
On January 2, 2020 at 11:40 pm, Torcer said:
Try this on for size – the liberty controllers want to up the ante to GPS tracking of guns:
Both sides of gun debate holster up for new firearms bills
ALBANY: Both sides of debate holster up for GPS requirement.
ALBANY — The new year means New York lawmakers will be wrangling with new gun control measures at a statehouse that has already embraced some of the nation’s strictest regulations on firearms.
One of the latest bills to emerge calls for a requirement that gun manufacturers install Global Positioning System technology on firearms before they are sold.
That measure, proposed by Assembylman Felix Ortiz, D-Brooklyn, notes approximately 500,000 guns are reported stolen each year, with many ending up being used by criminals.
“Installing a GPS tracking device in all guns manufactured will allow these guns to be tracked if stolen,” the legislation states.
GPS is a system that provides location and time information anywhere there is an unobstructed line of sight from a device equipped with the technology to four or more GPS satellites
On January 3, 2020 at 7:47 am, Wes Rhinier said:
Gov. Blackface has lost his mind….
On January 3, 2020 at 8:13 am, Nosmo said:
Just a hunch, but I’m guessing all that money isn’t being spent to gift firearms to Richmond. Exactly what it’s being spent for is an unknown, but I haven’t heard about a matching increase in sales of 6-8″ PVC pipe.
On January 3, 2020 at 8:24 am, ROFuher said:
Question for the fool referenced in Torcer’s quoted article: How do you think GPS works?
The battery won’t last forever, and when the device is transmission capable, that’s a whole ‘nother level of power required.
This idea doesn’t even get to the gun maker’s bench before it’s feasability goes to hell.
On January 3, 2020 at 10:17 am, William said:
To ROFuher: Not only do Democrats routinely reject God’s authority and violate His commands, they are moving to countermand His laws of nature. These are the people who aim to rule over us.
On January 3, 2020 at 1:18 pm, Gator said:
ROFuher/William, what is likely coming are simply RFID tags, kinda like what my mom had in her expensive Corgi and you can get implanted in a pet. It won’t be GPS enabled and broadcasting where anyone can see it, like your cell phone, it will have a very low range, and most likely need a special scanner to see them. Stores, certain structures will also have a ‘ring’ around them that senses the RFID tags and alerts if a gun crosses the threshold. Also, authorities would be able to see how many where in your house from a few hundreds yards away, and probably be able to be alerted in their cars if one was nearby when driving down the street, etc. Going to sell one will requie them to be scanned, verify its being sold by the person its registered to, and the registration will be updated each time it changes hands. This will go hand in hand with a requirement later the RFID bracelets be worn as ‘security devices’ so only the registered owner can use the gun. More expensive and probably only marginal functionality. This will be a ‘compromise’ since the GPS/battery issue will be seen as not workable. They get what they want, the 2A crowd in those states gets fucked, same as it always was.
Obviously, this will be mostly ineffective, as there are already a myriad of bags you can use that will choke off the signal. Lining the inside of your safe, or your glove box in your car, with a certain material will render he RFID ineffective as long as these things are closed, but it will add yet another onerous regulation on the books they can arrest the otherwise law-abiding for, and add an expensive (and mandatory) feature to guns, driving the prices up, and pricing more people out of the market. Higher prices = less guns, so they obviously win even if these things prove to be useless.
On January 3, 2020 at 1:22 pm, penses said:
Four years earlier and a long way from Lexington, Massachusetts, a boogaloo was started in Western North Carolina by a group of Scotch-Irish calling themselves Regulators, who in defiance of Royal rule wanted to establish their own republic. William Tyron, the British governor of the colony, sent a force of militia (National Guard) and suppressed the uprising, defeating the Regulators at Alamance Creek on May 16, 1771. Anyone from a Second Amendment enclave take note: trained colonial militia were ordered to fire on their own countrymen and they obeyed their commanding officers with the consent their political overlords.
On January 3, 2020 at 1:48 pm, Paul Bonneau said:
Things are warming up nicely. Jefferson thought we needed a revolution every so often, and I think he was right.
Of course, if the Virginians do back down, then we will deserve the slavery we eventually would see resulting. But I don’t think there is much chance of that. Way, WAY too many ornery bastards out there, who won’t put up with that kind of shit. How many dead politicians do you think it takes, before the legislature has a change of heart? I think, not very many. This is 4GW days, folks, with a heavily-armed population. Northam must be an amazingly-deluded fool if he thinks that is going to work. A wave of his magic legislative wand, and all the people will just bend the knee and kiss the ring of power? I don’t think so.
On January 3, 2020 at 2:35 pm, NOG said:
I see people think he is budgeting the 4.8 million to just have 18 guys enforcing this “law”. I think they are mistaken. These guys are to be the core of a new weapons control and enforcement branch of the Attorney General’s office, like the drug enforcement units. They will be the leadership. If the locals won’t enforce this he will create a group that will. This will only be the seed, set to grow as large as needed to “enforce” this monstrosity. He is planning to force this into being. Funny how the Dems have become the thing they claim to have opposed for years. Straight up Fascism.
On January 3, 2020 at 7:27 pm, St.Maur1066 said:
Hhhmmmm, lets see. Men of Virginia seeing their state being invaded by third worlders (check). Losing all their jobs from Wealthy corporate college boys shipping their jobs overseas (check). Watching their Sons, Daughters and neighbors dying from the opioid crisis funded by the same people shipping their jobs overseas. (check) And now these same people bringing all of this misery upon these men, now want their Guns?….LOLOLOLOLOL!!!
Well, at this point…… I think these men see themselves have nothing else to lose. “Blood Lust” comes to mind.
On January 3, 2020 at 9:00 pm, PSU79 said:
At 2:35 penses talks about stealth and going to ground, because of the advances in Thermal imaging for both air and ground assets, you would need to have your traps in place in advance, long enough for them to thermally stabilize with their environment and for you to be far enough away not to be detected while hoping not to catch any neighbors kids by accident. Also make sure not to leave any trace DNA behind. You might not be in the system ,but because of all the 23 and me types a distant relative just may be.
On January 3, 2020 at 9:11 pm, Poshboy said:
The Marxists must think their degenerate historical dialectic is the only one worth reading.
In 2020, those taking the pay of the Commonwealth (my cousin’s tax dollars, btw) should instead focus upon something grounded in actual reality, found almost exactly 10 decades ago in Ireland. Pay particular attention in the link below to the section labeled “Collins’s plan” and the men stupid enough to sign up to take the Queen’s shilling.
I think they’d all agree the paycheck wasn’t worth it.
There will be informers up and down the LEO chains this time, too. They will leak like a sieve all sorts of important information, especially since this “treachery” in being done in defense of our noble Constitution, both state and Federal, is the same one we all swore an oath to.
The Marxists will use lies, half-truths, and fanaticism in trying to persuade otherwise, but there isn’t a true Virginian who bothers to believe them.
Bloody Sunday, 21 November 1920. I wonder if today’s patriotic operatives will pick the same day 100 years later purely for symbolism. It would be ironic.
On January 3, 2020 at 10:45 pm, Phil Ossiferz Stone said:
>Democrats in Virginia say they’re paving the way for a national gun control program
These words do not occur in the article you have linked to. Apparently it has been edited.
On January 3, 2020 at 10:51 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Very interesting. Thanks for noticing that. I have the best readers on the interwebz.
On January 3, 2020 at 11:23 pm, wes said:
@Phil & Herschel,
as of Friday, 1/3/20 @ 8:20pm PST the current Daily Wire article, linked at the beginning of this post, starts the sixth paragraph with “Democrats in Virginia say they’re paving the way for a national gun control program” – so if it was edited out it’s been put back in.
On January 4, 2020 at 10:19 am, revjen45 said:
I wish the new Gun Gestapo many casualties with a high %age of fatalities.
On January 4, 2020 at 10:29 am, Ned2 said:
This should be done nationally.
Carry on.
On January 10, 2020 at 1:46 pm, Sanders said:
Remember, when the festivities kick off, any government workers will be lauded as heroes. Any freedom fighters will be reported to be psycho nutjobs.
Take, for example, the real-life Crocodile Dundee and how he met his end in Australia. Funny thing about this story at the link, is when I first heard it in the news, he was gunned down because he wouldn’t turn in his firearms…but, the victors get to write the history books. So, now he’s just a drug-crazed paranoid lunatic and the cops did society a favor by removing him from among them.