MARADMINS Number: 719/19
BY Herschel Smith
R 311847Z DEC 19
GENTEXT/REMARKS/1. This MARADMIN authorizes qualified active Marine Corps Law Enforcement (LE) professionals who possess valid Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act (LEOSA) 18 U.S.C. §926B credentials to carry concealed privately owned firearms (POF) aboard Marine Corps property in the United States and U.S. territories for personal protection not in the performance of official duties.
2. In December 2019, the Department of the Navy (DON) suffered two fatal active shooter incidents aboard Naval Base Hawaii and Naval Air Station Pensacola. These tragic events prompted Headquarters Marine Corps (HQMC) to accelerate existing efforts to develop concealed carry policies aligned with SECNAVINST 5500.37, “Arming and the Use of Force.”
3. SECNAVINST 5500.37 authorizes the Commandant of the Marine Corps (CMC) to grant permission to Marine Corps uniformed and civilian personnel to carry a POF aboard Marine Corps property for personal protection not in the performance of official duties or status. Through this MARADMIN, the CMC authorizes only Marine Corps LE professionals who possess valid LEOSA 18 U.S.C. §926B credentials to carry a concealed POF aboard Marine Corps property. Marine Corps property are Marine Corps installations, bases, and stations in which the Marine Corps exercises primacy for LE functions.
4. MCO 5580.4, “Implementation of the Amended LEOSA,” with changes captured in MARADMIN 470/18 and AMHS message DTG 231907Z Aug 18, codifies requirements for the concealed carry of a POF by Marine Corps LE professionals for personal protection not in the performance of official duties. Per MCO 5580.4, Marine Corps LE professionals are defined as Military Police, Criminal Investigators, and Marine Corps Law Enforcement Program Police Officers who meet credentialing requirements for concealed carry of a POF for personal protection.
5. This MARADMIN authorizes Marine Corps LE professionals, who maintain LEOSA 926B credentials, to carry a concealed POF aboard Marine Corps property while off-duty. The authority of this MARADMIN does not extend to Marine Corps LE professionals on joint bases, on other Department of Defense (DOD) property under the cognizance of another DOD service, or on other federal facilities. This MARADMIN does not authorize other DOD LE professionals to carry a concealed POF on Marine Corps property.
6. Marine Corps LE professionals must comply with concealed carry requirements as set forth in DODD 5210.56, “Arming and the Use of Force.” Restrictions and special considerations, including POF registration, POF storage and transportation, and adherence to POF concealed carry policy, as prescribed in MCO 5580.4, remain in effect. Pursuant to 18 U.S.C. §930(d) and DODD 5210.56, Marine Corps LE professionals are authorized to carry a concealed POF for personal protection not related to the performance of official duties within buildings and facilities located on Marine Corps property except for DOD schools in accordance with 18 U.S.C. §922(q), “Federal Gun-Free School Zone Act of 1995,” courtrooms unless previously authorized by the military judge, or where otherwise prohibited by law.
7. HQMC will continue to develop policy to address the total force requirements for the carry, transport, and storage of concealed POFs aboard Marine Corps property aligned with SECNAVINST 5500.37. Installation commanders and arming authorities charged with implementing the provisions of this MARADMIN should consult their servicing Staff Judge Advocate to ensure local policies comply with law, regulations, and policies.
8. Release authorized by Lieutenant General G. W. Smith Jr., Deputy Commandant, Plans, Policies, and Operations.//
Here’s a quick note from a former Marine Corps parent whose son served honorably and earned the CAR to Lieutenant General G. W. Smith Jr., Deputy Commandant.
You suck.
Your MARADMIN essentially says that only LE officials’ lives are worth saving. You and the USMC are willing to sacrifice the lives of the sons of America anywhere on the planet for U.S. interests, but are unwilling to arm them to defend their own lives on U.S. soil.
On January 4, 2020 at 9:09 am, Phil Carson said:
An undeniable increasing pattern is apparent from all quadrants of the political elites. They are becoming desperate in their statements and intents, logarithmic, soon it will become exponential, doubling every day, as doubling down is all they have in any case. I think what we are seeing is the mere tip of the iceberg of an all hands on deck attempt at disarmament, and or, and would not surprise me, attempts to set up the conditions of genocide against armed American’s.
Yes I have no doubts at all it is this serious. If they have to kill us by any and all means to disarm us they will attempt to do so, and in fact as this post clearly shows, they indeed do this systematicaly with precise use of social engineering science, to wit, gun free zones and other disarmament tactics and the strategy behind such diabolical action.
If they are making such public declarations as below, what are they talking about, what plans have they, within discreet channels we are not privy to?
Thats a retorical question far as I’m concerned, it is an absolute given they are and there is. It is what they do, what they are.
Clearly, they are under the gun no pun intended, the walls are closing in on them, time is a critical perishable resource they are running out of, simply to many things have happened that have thwarted and destroyed carefully highly costly plans and resources, and if they do not make this last hail-mary desperation move, their so called long march, their system of feral government and it’s institutionalized organized crime syndicate they run using the hollowed out shell of a federal government, the raw naked power and lucre will be Kaput.
These people are lunatics. Is there really a suitable name for what these people are? Seriously. Though dead swinging from lamp posts down Pennsylvania Avenue, would be a good start, as is the case with all foul despots.
By the time the shooting begins they will have created conditions where they are so reviled and despised by the despicable it will not stop till they are exterminated or have exterminated us Freemen.
To wit, from The Last Refuge:
“Think about all of the media panel discussions on gun ownership you have watched; segments where second amendment advocates were ridiculed by media pundits for daring to bring up the possibility of the U.S. government using arms against U.S. citizens who hold opposing political views… There are hundreds of recent reference points.
Now consider, earlier today U.S. House of Representatives Legal Counsel, Douglas Letter, argued in court it would be a possible remedy -for a conflict between branches of government- for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to order an armed “gun battle” between the House and the United States Department of Justice. Yes, this actually happened.
At the same time as national Democrat political candidates are arguing to remove the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners, the highest ranking Democrat in the United States; a person only two succession-steps away from the presidency; is arguing in DC federal court the House could begin an armed conflict against the Dept. of Justice.” – Sundance
-From: Speaker Pelosi Threatens Possibility of Armed Conflict Against U.S. Department of Justice…
Posted on January 3, 2020 by sundance
On January 4, 2020 at 10:18 am, Drake said:
I expected no less crap. Now we are kissing MP ass as hard as civilian cops.
If they actually cared, they would just offer a safety course and allow any Marine above a certain rank – maybe E-5 or 6, to carry once he’s passed the course.
In 1990 my Marine Reserve unit was activated and moving around getting ready to deploy. While we all had our weapons, no ammo was going to be issued until we were in Saudi Arabia. Some of the officers and senior NCOs bought 9mm and 5.56 ammo and distributed it to a few trusted Marines – so we weren’t sitting ducks while in transit. Saw similar stuff later on in the National Guard.
On January 4, 2020 at 11:13 am, Fred said:
“Is there really a suitable name for what these people are?”
Try “Evil” on for size, I think you’ll find it fits nicely.
The need to control other people is a sign of emotional weakness; it’s a spiritual sickness of the soul, it is an evil. Gun controllers, and controllers in general are sick, they have a godlessness eating them up making them constantly need to control and fix sin, even if it means sinning to do it. That need doesn’t just apply to guns. Controllers; they are dangerous people, because it truly isn’t about the guns, it’s about the control. And the more they control, the more fear begins to grip them that they will lose that control. It is an Evil. This is something of which I personally know. I used to be all in, I was the State!
The Law is not made for a righteous man, but for sinners, to draw them nigh unto Christ. The laws of men have zero power; the power is in knowing sin, deep in a man’s soul, and needing redemption, to be made free. That’s the purpose of laws. If the laws of men stopped anything at all, the law would consist of one simple sentence such as; don’t do bad stuff.
It’s really quite simple. They are protecting themselves from YOU, out of fear that you will find them out, as weak helpless and full of sin:
And I tell you again, with all seriousness, many of them at the highest levels have a devil in possession.
On January 4, 2020 at 1:14 pm, Longbow said:
Phil Carson,
Well said, Sir!
“…and if they do not make this last hail-mary desperation move, their so called long march, their system of feral government and it’s institutionalized organized crime syndicate they run using the hollowed out shell of a federal government, the raw naked power and lucre will be Kaput.”
On January 4, 2020 at 8:40 pm, Ralph said:
Interesting. While at Ft. Ord, Ca 1979 guarding the ammo dump located by the beach we had Ar16’s with full magazines, locked, cocked and ready to rock. Only threat that night was two teenage boys taking a shortcut across the property. I’m sure their parents were happy to get a call at 2am from the mp’s that we turned them over to. Times change.
On January 5, 2020 at 1:29 pm, Phil Carson said:
Check out this lunatic move by Pelosi at the link below. It’s a dandy. Says everything.
She states more or less if the DOJ still refuses to hand over all the secret grand jury indictment minutes from Mueller’s “investigation”, er witch hunt, against Trump and his allies, she will send men with guns to shoot them at the Dept. of Justice.
This is documented, stated in front of a 3 federal judge oversight panel into the justification of the swamps efforts to find any dirt they can use to pull off the ongoing palace coup by getting their meathooks on sealed grand jury minutes no entity is allowed to acquire to use as evidence in an impeachment. it’s a desperation move, unhinged, this fucking rancid old cunt thinks she is a special unique power unto herself. Some fucked up shit right there. Rumor going around she’s going to openly charge Trump live on TV, with fake treason at the SOTU address:
“…Now consider, earlier today U.S. House of Representatives Legal Counsel, Douglas Letter, argued in court it would be a possible remedy -for a conflict between branches of government- for Speaker Nancy Pelosi to order an armed “gun battle” between the House and the United States Department of Justice. Yes, this actually happened.
At the same time as national Democrat political candidates are arguing to remove the constitutional rights of law-abiding gun owners, the highest ranking Democrat in the United States; a person only two succession-steps away from the presidency; is arguing in DC federal court the House could begin an armed conflict against the Dept. of Justice…”
It’s the same overlord shit they are trying to pull in Virginia and Washington State, promising and threatening the same in a number of states.
Arm yourself to the fucking teeth ye fellow patriotic deplorable’s rebels.
These scumbags are exactly like musloids, they only respect absolute violence used against them once they go full retard imposing full police state violence to make people comply and obey.
They can try anyways.
Me thinks, believes totally, they are in for a really rude fucking surprise.
Could not happen to a more deserving cabal of total FUBAR fucking scum of the earth.
Could turn out the best thing in the world to happen too. Imagine the things that could be accomplished not possible under other circumstances.
Time to dust our brooms.
On January 5, 2020 at 2:43 pm, Fred said:
While I could think of several other, much better reasons, I support her move.
On January 5, 2020 at 6:19 pm, Phil Carson said:
Yeah, if they begin going after each-other, thats a good thing. Saves on rope.
On January 6, 2020 at 2:02 pm, Frank Clarke said:
It’s all OK. Trump will override this and order his generals to get rid of military base gun-free zones (snicker!)
I keep wondering how long it will take, how many anal lubes will be necessary before the reliable-Republican base begins to understand that the EGOP isn’t going to give you what you claim to want…
On January 7, 2020 at 6:40 pm, Sanders said:
Since Infantry spends a far greater amount of time pulling triggers, it only makes sense that they, and other combat arms folks be carrying while on or off duty.