Dean Weingarten: Mountain Lions Are Another Reason To Go Armed
BY Herschel Smith5 years ago
Mountain lion populations are on the increase and pose significant threats to unarmed humans. Mountain lions were involved in a flurry of interaction with humans in the last two weeks of 2019.
On 26 December 2019, Gary Gorney was hunting pheasants with his two dogs, in the Custer Mine hunting area near Minot, North Dakota. His dogs alerted him to something ahead. Instead of a pheasant, a large female mountain lion charged him out of the grass. He shot and killed the lion with his 9mm pistol.
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On the last day of the year, in 2019, near the Pine Canyon trailhead, a few miles Northeast of Tucson, Arizona, Pima County Sheriff deputies discovered three mountain lions were feeding on a human body. The three lions were unafraid of people. The lions did not flee as officers approached. They were feeding on the body within sight of human homes.
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In the week before Christmas, 2019, mountain lions attacked five pet dogs in the Wood River Valley in Idaho.
Dean could have added the fact that Idaho has seen a rash of pet killings and a mountain lion was killed while eating a pet dog on January 3, 2020.
But hey, the tree huggers say that this kind of thing is extremely rare. So there’s that. Say that to yourself when you send your pet out to play or go hiking or backpacking.
On January 8, 2020 at 1:16 pm, Mother Nature's Son said:
I wonder if the RBCD rounds are still made? A good wheel gun revolver is best out on the trail for point and shoot reliability. Tree huggers smoke a bong in the faculty lounge and think that they are in touch with nature.
Get right with Mother Nature she will see you through what is coming.
On January 8, 2020 at 2:54 pm, Fred said:
On the one hand I want to see one in the wild very badly, on the other hand I hope to never see one.
On January 8, 2020 at 3:58 pm, Sanders said:
I was sitting on a hilltop, glassing for elk, when I saw a couple mule deer cross a fire break down below me. A few seconds later, a mountain lion came across in the same place, stalking them.
I used to hunt quail not too far from that Tucson incident. There was a patch of BLM land on the other side of the Catalina State Park (where hunting wasn’t allowed). My buddy and I would walk through the park to the BLM land, where hunting was allowed. We’d usually limit out there. Sure got the stinkeye from a lot of the hippies as we passed through.