Matt Bracken On The Upcoming Gun Rights Protest In Richmond, Virginia

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

American Partisan, The Mother of all Buffalo Jumps.

Just make sure that you’re not being stampeded toward a cliff, by devious political operatives who are more clever and cold-hearted than you. Remember Charlottesville, and what happened at Twin Peaks. Please think long and hard about stampeding into Richmond for what might turn out to be the mother of all buffalo jumps.

Keep it smart, and keep it local. Be the Indian, not the buffalo.

I’ve already got my finger of blame ready to point.

In the mean time, I really wonder if it might be a much better use of time and resources to leave Richmond alone (after all, there is virtually nothing that can be done to stop the controllers on their way to the Tower of Babel), and schedule a cup of coffee with your local town police, county Sheriff or county deputies.

You can see exactly where they stand, and perhaps make a difference in their views.  If not, you know exactly where you stand.  Yes?

Shhh … quiet.  Hidden from view.  Don’t telegraph your plans to the controllers.  Prepare your own terrain, physical and human, and meet them there.  Focus on your strengths, not theirs.  The pit of vipers is their terrainDon’t silhouette the skyline.


  1. On January 8, 2020 at 8:08 am, RM said:

    I agree with Mr. Bracken that this year’s Lobby Day presents more risk than opportunity. Regarding ANTIFA, TTAG reported on 12/28/19 that 2 Virginia ANTIFA groups posted online that they were in support of citizen efforts against the pending tyrannical Demonrat “gun control” legislation. Lastly, there are a large number of Iranian sleeper cells in the United States. Thanks to the stupidity of the US and VA governments some of those Iranian terrorist cells are in Virginia. Lobby Day would be the perfect day for an Iranian terrorist to throw a match into the large lake of gasoline that Governor Northam, the Demoncrats and Bloomberg have deliberately turned Virginia into.

  2. On January 8, 2020 at 8:31 am, john simmons said:

    Good reasoning, which is what we need at this point. Why go to hell, protest the devil, in paper armor, on halloween night?

  3. On January 8, 2020 at 8:52 am, George said:

    RE: RM
    or, some government operative acts and blames it on the sleeper cell.

  4. On January 8, 2020 at 9:51 am, Randolph Scott said:

    I am quite reactionary sometimes. At first I thought marching into Richmond with 100,000 people would put these communist bastards in their place. Not going was akin to being a traitor for not supporting the cause, or so I thought.

    Over the past few days I can see and understand where I was wrong about the marching thing. Reading Bracken’s post the other day caused me to realize that marching into Richmond would bear no good fruit and could possibly bring harm to those who participate in the ‘Lobby Day’.

    On the 20th of January Richmond, Va. is not the place nor time to take ‘THE’ stand in person. At this time a living and free Patriot is worth a lot more than a dead or incarcerated Patriot.

    Thank you Matt Bracken and Hershel Smith for bringing this to my/our attention.

  5. On January 8, 2020 at 10:14 am, Fred said:

    Every reason I’ve seen for not going is all the more reason to go. This is what war looks like. Because the enemy has multiple and growing armies it can hit you with, is why you should go. Because they have a massive surveillance state is why you should go. Because they are dangerous to you and your family and ruinous to your country is why you must go. I could go on. This is war. It’s messy, dirty, the enemy gets a vote. What did you think it would be like? Some fantasy fiction novel? Some 3 shot mumbo jumbo?

    The people who have done nothing but blab on the internet for the past 10 years in the pro gun fight will be the same people who will still be blabbing on the internet when the bullets start flying. The same people who are waiting for some tactical or strategic advantage will never join the fight.

    There will NEVER NEVER NEVER be an advantageous position from which we can fight this war. Get that through your heads. They have unlimited resources and clear intent. The right time will NEVER NEVER NEVER come, ever. If you haven’t been already working, you won’t, ever. This is a fact of human nature.

    God knows the heart, be very careful about your motivations, and I mean your deeply rooted motivations down in the places of your soul you won’t talk about. If you find fear there, you will never fight back. If you find a love a God, Nation, Tribe, and Family and knowing that there will NEVER be a right or good time or advantageous way, then will you do what a man does, you step off the porch. Your fear motivator is strong, designed to keep you alive in fallen world. Courage is the thing that you get, AFTER you do what scares you.

    Frankly, Bracken’s piece sounds like State propaganda to keep you from getting riled up. And that’s a fact.

    The words of Solzhenitsyn will be ringing through your head as the Lord brings to mind all of the things you COULD have done before it was too late, and you will live and die with that shame.

    Enjoy the fall of Western Civilization, you deserve it.

  6. On January 8, 2020 at 10:55 am, Ned2 said:

    So I take it you’re going then, Fred?
    Okey dokey.

  7. On January 8, 2020 at 10:55 am, Calumet Wolverines said:

    The comrades play the long game for all the marbles so don’t do anything brash in the heat of the moment.
    Choose carefully which hill to charge up and group protests are probably not that hill.
    Also remember that cams and comms are everywhere. The old hat grampaw used to wear will hide your face out in enemy territory.
    Let’s don’t do anything to let our ancestors down because they are reason we don’t speak German, Japanese or Russian right now.

  8. On January 8, 2020 at 10:58 am, Sanders said:

    Just remember something about Charlottesville: Witnesses saw buses delivering Actors from BOTH sides from the same buses. Some were nazis and some were antifa – but all were on the same payroll. They were somewhat successful in pulling off their little charade, too. That dude panicking and that morbidly obese, chain-smoking chick having a fatal heartattack was just icing on that particular cake.

    If there is trouble in Richmond, it will be imported.

    I’m neither for, nor against folks doing what they believe they must do. The Virginia folks have had a lot of luck in the past doing what they are planning on doing with their lobbying efforts. However; these are not the same types of politicians they were lobbying in the past.

    Keep your head on a swivel, no matter what your plans are. There are a lot of folks out there with itchy trigger fingers right now.

  9. On January 8, 2020 at 11:41 am, Randolph Scott said:

    Fred, I have hesitated from saying this but, in our dreams and make believe world … just Bowmanize these bastards.

  10. On January 8, 2020 at 1:34 pm, Fred said:

    @Ned2, I go in the name of the Lord. God has prepared me for this very moment, and every moment that follows, I’ve zero doubt of this. And since you asked, I didn’t offer these up front mind you; I’ve been on one watch list or another since before I got that dd214, since before 9/11. I’ve been face to face federal/state/local “leaders” and even a head of the nra. Nobody in the so called patriot movement has ever met me, at least not that we both know of, and yet I’ve been a public face of firearms rights activism for, what, 8 or 9 years now. That’s the short version.

    But more importantly, I’m a public face Christ Jesus. So, yes it is my intent to go to VCDL day. Though it’s not my state, the enemy has declared their intent as a National Model. That makes it my business, they did this, not me. I will NEVER adapt to their communism, ever.

    I will take my King James Holy Bible and see who among those many (presumably) thousands might be compelled of the Father to be born again by the blood of His Son on the cross. I fully expect and desire a peaceful, boomer, NRA-tard rally, but and if the Lord takes home that day, at the hands of any of the devils workers I consider it my “reasonable service” both to Christ and to you. I go in peace, at the will of Jesus Christ by His Holy Spirit.

    The local Churches all across America are utter falsehood and cowardice, somebody has to do it. Lord, choose me.

  11. On January 8, 2020 at 1:47 pm, JFP said:

    Bracken makes good points. There is little reason to bother talking to the gun grabber commies at this stage in the lion’s den. However, I can’t blame people in VA for wanting to go, to redress grievances with government.

    I think people make a bit too much out of false flag scenarios now. The whole Epstein thing and constant calls for gun bans after shootings in anti gun places have helped blunt that deep state weapon’s effectiveness.

  12. On January 8, 2020 at 2:42 pm, 15Fixer said:

    fwiw…… The colonies didn’t flock to Boston when it was blockaded by the red-coats. They did send support as they were able to, but didn’t add to the over-burdening of Boston’s facilities. The VCDL have been doing this gig for years, it is THEIR area of operations, they know what to do and how to do it. I’m quite sure their guys are weighing all the possibilities and permutations just as Matt (and the rest of us) are doing. 1. Encourage and support the VCDL but don’t invite yourself into someone else’s house. 2. This ‘Lobby Day’ should be done (by Virginians) because it is NEVER right to just cede the ground to the enemy. Sinn Fein still worked at their program even if they weren’t the IRA. Multiple fronts. ((How many districts did the Dead Elephant Party not even run a candidate because it wouldn’t have made any difference??? bastards….)) 3. Pray for the peace and safety of the VCDL, then monitor the events and figure out how YOU will handle the situations when they arise in YOUR AO. Matt and others are right, don’t be a buffalo, but still doesn’t mean be an ostrich either.

  13. On January 8, 2020 at 3:29 pm, Fred said:

    Here is the list of speakers so far. This looks like big trouble, bwa ha ha, VCDL day is scawy:

    Stephen Willeford stopped a massacre at a church in Texas
    Antonia Oakafor trains women college students to be able to protect themselves with a firearm
    Dick Heller from the landmark U.S. Supreme Court case of DC v. Heller
    Brendan Mooney, VCDL Executive member and gun rights activist from Virginia Beach
    Cam Edwards, Bearing Arms and host of the Cam & Co Youtube channel
    Jeff Katz, talkshow host on Richmond’s powerhouse radio station WRVA
    Erich Pratt, Senior Vice-President of Gun Owners of America
    Sheriff Scott Jenkins of Culpeper County, willing to deputize thousands if necessary to save their gun rights
    Sheriff Danny Diggs of York County, pledging to stand strong against infringements on the right to keep and bear arms
    Anthony Myers, gun-rights activist from Suffolk
    Senator Amanda Chase
    Delegate Nick Freitas
    Delegate John McGuire

  14. On January 9, 2020 at 9:34 am, Wilson said:

    Is this a joke? Everyone should just stay home because a big crowd might scare some people, or someone might misbehave, or the socialists might spring a false flag act?

    You can either get off your ass and try to stop this in the political arena while you still have a voice or you can sit in your hidey holes until it comes to your front door in a very kinetic way. Even if we just delay the socialists and upset their plans thats a good thing, buying time is a viable strategy.

    The socialists want you to stay home, they want you to cede the intiaitive, they want you to give them free reign to prep the battle space to their advantage, they want you to work under their time table.

    What do you think the VA politicians will do if 50,000 2A people flood their offices? They have never had more than maybe a couple hundred show up ever, and most of them were lobbyists. 50,000 would paralyze that part of Richmond, and it would definitely send a message.

    But hey just stay at home, because, you know, “false flag”, or someone might misbehave, or those soccer moms might get nervous, or fill-in-the-blank-BS-excuse.

  15. On January 9, 2020 at 9:41 am, Fred said:

    Well, the NRA’s Virginia Lobby Day was yesterday. So, they probably saved their range and have already negotiated your rights away. Oops!

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