US Will Stop Sending Explosive-Detection Dogs To Jordan, Egypt After Several More Canine Deaths

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago

Stars and Stripes.

The U.S. is temporarily halting a program under which bomb-sniffing dogs were sent to countries in the Middle East after a report released Friday found at least five more of the specially trained dogs had died in Jordan and Egypt following poor care, mistreatment or negligence.

One of the dogs in Jordan died after overheating in June, and another was poisoned by insecticide sprayed near its kennel in September, the report by the State Department’s Inspector General said.

Three of 10 dogs the U.S. has provided to Egypt in the past year have also died — one from lung cancer, one from a ruptured gall bladder and one from heat stroke, the report said.

The announcement that the program is being stopped comes months after American inspectors found that at least 12 of the U.S.-trained canines sent to Jordan under an antiterrorism program had died from medical problems. Others were overworked, unhealthy and forced to live in kennels with “barely existent” sanitation, the officials said in an evaluation released in September.

At the time, the IG called for the U.S. to stop sending dogs to Jordan until a plan could be put in place to ensure the animals’ health and welfare, but State Department officials refused to do so. The department’s top security and counterterrorism officials said at the time their divisions were taking steps to improve monitoring of the health and training of dogs provided to foreign partner countries.

But the IG learned through a hotline complaint after the original report was published that two additional dogs had died in Jordan of “non-natural,” preventable causes.

“The death of two canines from non-natural causes — namely, hyperthermia and poisoning — since June 2019 raises serious questions about the Department’s contention that it has taken adequate steps to protect their health and safety,” said the report released Friday.

A third dog in Jordan was infected with leishmaniasis, a preventable disease spread by sand flies, officials told the IG in October. Last year, a 3-year-old Belgian Malinois provided to Jordan had to be euthanized after being infected by the same disease.

Jordan is the main recipient of U.S.-trained bomb-sniffing dogs but several other countries have also received canines under the program, which has been running for some 20 years.

Two of the deaths in Egypt were not previously disclosed to the IG, the new report said. Egypt had denied U.S. officials permission to visit the kennels or the airport where the animals would work, and would not allow U.S. mentors to accompany the dogs to Egypt for in-country training.

[ … ]

In its earlier evaluation, the IG said the department could not provide detailed information about programs in nine other countries which had a total of between 75 and 100 dogs as of last September.

In August, the State Department repossessed 10 dogs from Morocco because they were not being used for their intended purpose, the IG said.

Oh.  Okay.  It all makes sense now.  The State Department is responsible for this grotesque program.

Now see, this really pisses me off.  We’ve bred wolves (and then dogs) for millennia to be our under-foot partners and companions, always with us, faithful and loyal to us to the end.  This kind of treatment in return is an abomination.  End the program … NOW!  Totally and completely, no second chances, no modifications, no alterations.  End the program.  That’s the only thing I’ll accept.

A good man has regard for the life of his beast, the evil man doesn’t.  The State Department is evil for doing this, among many other reasons.  The article has pictures of starving dogs that I can’t bring myself to embed.

So the U.S., under the flag of foreign relations, spends a ton of money training dogs to detect explosives, sends them overseas to be used, and instead of taking care of them, they are abused by their handlers if used at all for their intended purpose.  And after finding that out, the State Department refused to stop the program.

Why does the State Department exist?  Rex Tillerson made this major mistake, among many moderate and smaller ones.  When he fired an entire floor of employees from the State Department, he should have emptied the building and permanently shuttered it.  It’s good for nothing at all.

So the intent is to detect explosives?  The Arabic culture disrespects dogs?  Fine.  Let those countries explode to hell and back.  I don’t care.

My own Marine who did a tour in Fallujah in 2007 came home disgusted and repulsed by the obscene and revolting treatment of dogs in middle eastern culture.  If you look at dogs the way they do, I look at you the way I look at the middle eastern culture.

There.  Is that clear enough for you?  On both accounts?


  1. On January 8, 2020 at 9:30 pm, Fred said:

    Only a retard would give a muz a dog and expect anything other this. But, why do give anybody anything? They view us the same as a dog…did the all knowing State Dept know that?

  2. On January 8, 2020 at 9:58 pm, penses said:

    The alphabet of federal agencies is run by muzzies or muzzy sympathizers. Brennan is a communist and a muzzy and can speak fluent arabic. The FBI has been running a program since Emperor BushII desensitizing local law enforcement with lectures on how to detect “Islamaphobia” and islamophobes. Of course anyone that has studied Islam is an islamaphobe or a convert, the USSA government giving the converts preferred treatment. Muslims are taught jihad from birth and any one of them, male or female, can go off like a bottle rocket for no reason.
    The banning of guns on military facilities, recruiting office/military base, is in place to protect muslims not American citizens.

  3. On January 8, 2020 at 9:59 pm, 15Fixer said:

    Amen, and again I say AMEN!!!!!!

  4. On January 8, 2020 at 10:07 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    Brennan converted when he was Chief of Station in Riyadh.

    Per John Guandolo.

  5. On January 8, 2020 at 11:31 pm, JoeFour said:

    “At the time, the IG called for the U.S. to stop sending dogs to Jordan until a plan could be put in place to ensure the animals’ health and welfare, but State Department officials refused to do so. ”

    Have you ever noticed that articles like this one always fail to identify by name. title, and e-mail/phone number the so-called “officials” responsible for whatever lousy, disgusting policy is being exposed??

  6. On January 9, 2020 at 12:58 am, Georgiaboy61 said:

    @ Penses

    Re: “The alphabet of federal agencies is run by muzzies or muzzy sympathizers. Brennan is a communist and a muzzy and can speak fluent arabic. The FBI has been running a program since Emperor BushII desensitizing local law enforcement with lectures on how to detect “Islamaphobia” and islamophobes.”

    Back in the mid-2000s, Barack Hussein Obama and his handlers claimed he was a Christian during his campaign for the White House, but the evidence presents a far-different tale.

    During his youth, Obama was adopted by his Indonesian stepfather, Lolo Soetoro – a practicing Sunni Muslim. Islamic society is patrilineal, and one’s identity as a Muslim is conferred by one’s father. By this act alone, Obama was converted to Islam.

    – His parents enrolled him in an Indonesian school where, amongst other things, he learned learned lengthy passages from the Koran verbatim and in perfectly-accented Arabic.

    – His middle name, “Hussein,” is found nowhere else on earth except within Islamic culture and peoples.

    – While campaigning, Obama made a number of statements which would have been expected from a Muslim, but completely out of place for a non-Muslim.

    In one interview with George Stephanopoulos, Obama said “… my Islamic faith,” whereupon the former Clinton staffer corrected him, saying, “You mean ‘your Christian faith,’ don’t you?”

    On another occasion, Obama commented that the muezzin’s five-times-a-day call to prayer at the mosque was “the most beautiful sound on earth.”

    On yet another occasion, Obama stated that “The future must not belong to those who slander the prophet of Islam.”

    -After attaining the Oval Office, Obama was asked to speak at Notre Dame, the Catholic University in Indiana. He consented, but only under the condition that all Christian symbols – including all crosses and crucifixes – be covered up first. Notre Dame complied.

    – Obama claim to be Christian rests upon his membership in the Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago, whose former pastor, Jeremiah Wright, is famous for publicly damning the United States. Wright was/is a proponent of so-called “black liberation theology,” an ugly perversion of traditional Christianity, and during his time as pastor, did not require members of other religious faiths/traditions to renounce them in favor of Christianity. Membership there would have been perfect cover for someone like Obama.

    – Obama’s eight years in the White House were conspicuous for their celebration of Ramadan, Iftar, and other Islamic holidays.

    – The White House guest list looked like a “who’s who” of Islamic radicalism, including prominent members of the Muslim Brotherhood.

    – When Egyptian politician and Muslim Brotherhood supporter Mohamed Morsi won the presidency of that nation in 2012, Obama supported him. When he was ousted in a coup d’état the following year, Obama tried to force the Egyptian Army to recant and reinstall Morsi in office.

    – When Obama was a student trying to gain admission to Harvard Law School, his people contacted Percy Sutton, the elderly black power-broker and eminence gris, seeking his help. Sutton referred the matter to Dr. Khalid al-Mansour, the rabidly anti-Semitic chief of staff to billionaire Saudi Prince al-Waleed Bin Talal. Talal and Mansour supplied not only a glowing recommendation, but ultimately made a series of multi-million dollar donations to Harvard which helped secure Obama’s attendance there.

    -Major Stephen Coughlin (now retired, U.S. Army), widely-regarded as the premier subject matter expert within the military/intelligence communities on Muslims, Islamic and Islamic affairs, had – prior to Obama’s rise to power – received a long string of excellent OERs (officer efficiency reports; how officers are given performance evaluations). However, after clashing with Obama appointees, Coughlin was summarily fired from his position, and retired from the army. He landed on his feet at the think tank “Center for Security Policy,” but the take-away here is that an outstanding officer known for his hard-hitting briefings on Islamic jihad – was fired for speaking the truth.

    Thanks to the eight years of this usurper, the entire federal government, including the armed forces and national security sectors, are now compromised by Muslim Brotherhood sympathizers, jihadists and moles of various kinds. Most are stay-behinds whose mission was to cause trouble for Obama’s political enemies, and of course, the enemies of Islam.

    It is going to take a very big broom indeed to clean out the mess, perhaps something along the lines of the House Un-American Activities Committee in the 1950s.

  7. On January 9, 2020 at 9:23 am, June J said:

    Between the communists and the islamists in our government the Republic has been destroyed. I don’t see any way to vote our way back when 10’s of millions of Americans simply don’t care enough to vote, or they see the path ahead as acceptable to them if it happens.

  8. On January 9, 2020 at 12:53 pm, Randolph Scott said:

    We won’t vote our way out of this mess. We won’t talk our out of nor will we be able to compromise out way out. The tree of Liberty is thirsty.

  9. On January 9, 2020 at 3:36 pm, Fred said:

    We must protect the State of Israel no matter what, even if it means killing every last Christian on Earth who isn’t a Zionist.

  10. On January 9, 2020 at 3:50 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    These dogs were sent to Jordan and Egypt.

  11. On January 9, 2020 at 6:07 pm, Fred said:

    Sorry, but it did turn into a wide ranging discussion of issues in the middle east, so why we are there in the first place seemed pertinent.

  12. On January 9, 2020 at 6:58 pm, Chris Mallory said:

    American cops aren’t any better. Even ignoring all the citizen owned dogs they shoot, they are murder on their own “K-9” partners. One source claimed that 40% of K-9 deaths were due to being left in overheated vehicles.

  13. On January 10, 2020 at 11:31 am, Sanders said:

    When has the State Dept. been successful at anything?

    When was the last time we had a Sec. of State who was respected by foreign leaders?

    Pompeo, currently. Who before him? I can’t think of anyone going back to Alexander Haig.

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