Common Sense Resistance
BY Herschel Smith5 years ago
Via WRSA (and reader QuidProQuo), some common sense resistance.
For starters, I seem to recall at least one sheriff in one county stated that should the state begin unconstitutional confiscations, he’d deputize the population as a posse-at-large to nip that right in the bud.
So tell me, those of you on the ground there, with actual skin in the game, WhyTF aren’t all your 2A sanctuary counties and cities pushing your respective sheriffs and police chiefs for the exact same plan??
Why are you leaving it as a what-if contingency?
Why aren’t you pushing to make it a by-God reality, RightF-ingNow??
1000 yahoos fapping in the park at the statehouse are a juicy target for the leftards, the media, and the minions of jackbooted thuggery.
But 500 or 1000 folks at the county meeting or sheriff’s office is a voting bloc that won’t be ignored. Because how in hell did all y’all get those 2A sanctuary votes pushed through? Hmmm???So how about leading with your strength, instead of your chin for a change?
Dear Sheriff Dawg,
We, the citizens of Bugtussle County, respectfully require that you come up with a plan to deputize auxiliary deputies, to prevent or oppose any unconstitutional enforcement actions in Bugtussle County, effective ASAP. – signed, 500 registered voters
If he does it, you’ve just grown fangs for liberty teeth. If not, you’ve identified that he was just paying lip service, and needs to go in the next election, if not sooner.
Sounds a lot like something I said.
In the mean time, I really wonder if it might be a much better use of time and resources to leave Richmond alone (after all, there is virtually nothing that can be done to stop the controllers on their way to the Tower of Babel), and schedule a cup of coffee with your local town police, county Sheriff or county deputies.
You can see exactly where they stand, and perhaps make a difference in their views. If not, you know exactly where you stand. Yes?
Shhh … quiet. Hidden from view. Don’t telegraph your plans to the controllers. Prepare your own terrain, physical and human, and meet them there. Focus on your strengths, not theirs. The pit of vipers is their terrain. Don’t silhouette the skyline.
The innovative citizen could come up with any number of good plans that don’t silhouette the skyline. Nothing you say or do will change the controllers’ minds to build their tower of babel. “Can a leopard change its spots?”
But you can make it too costly for them to finish the job.
On January 10, 2020 at 11:21 pm, Fred said:
The Leadership, and the model of Holy God: The 1/3/12 Model
And if the good Citizens of Virginia or elsewhere would seek representation to the Sheriff, as a temporary and parallel governance model against the commies, this is Holy God’s Governance model.
On January 11, 2020 at 6:03 am, penses said:
Whatever you do don’t bunch up and give them an easy target.
On January 11, 2020 at 7:34 am, Wes said:
I posted some thoughts on this yesterday here…
But there are many previous articles on this subject at NCRenegade.
While I agree with Matt and Aesops premise I think the time is coming when the People are going to say Nope not one more inch.
Is January 20th that day? I don’t know. I own property in Virginia so I have an interest in these events going on. I was planning on attending, now I’m not so sure.
I think the wheels are probably already in motion for the 20th. Doubt the brakes can be pumped. The Governor and the legislature keep pouring gasoline on the fire that is building.
We’ll see what happens. But many of us have already tried working within the system.
It’s an interesting time. I guess the best advice is to be ready for all hell to break loose on the 20th and pray that it doesn’t. Keep Preparing.
On January 12, 2020 at 1:11 am, BRVTVS said: