Denying Giffords, Everytown And Brady The Right To Tell Lies
BY Herschel Smith5 years ago
This is a remarkable document, a complete slapdown of the controllers. I’m surprised it happened where it did (California). Here’s an excerpt.
Everytown contends that its brief will provide the Court with the historical backdrop necessary to evaluate the Second Amendment challenges to firearms regulations. Id. at 3. However, this is not a perspective beyond what Defendant’s attorneys could provide on their own. Moreover, like Giffords Law Center, Everytown’s partisanship is apparent. The Court finds that the amicus brief may prejudice Plaintiffs on the trial level because the brief allows Defendant to have a proverbial “another bite of the apple” due to partisan influence.
The document is linked here (2020-1-14-jones-order-denying-amicus-motions).
On January 16, 2020 at 2:38 pm, Elmo said:
“…the Giffords Law Center’s position should be more accurately termed friend to Defendant Xavier Becerra than a friend to the Court.”
Even more remarkable is that M. James Lorenz is a Clinton nominee.
I see there are no Trump nominees on the court and there are currently five vacancies. I wonder what the holdup is.
On January 16, 2020 at 10:16 pm, Badger said:
Don’t care who appointed that Judge, that was a fine piece of writing on all counts, to the points only. Slap x 3, followed by some more chewing of hind parts, and then DLTDHYITAOYWO.
2 thumbs-up.
On January 17, 2020 at 5:22 pm, Geoff said:
the holdup on filling those 5 vacancies are the Democrats hellbent on getting rid of President Trump on false charges.
On January 17, 2020 at 8:37 pm, Elmo said:
But it makes no sense. Trump has 10 nominees confirmed and on the Ninth Circuit (in three years) compared to Barry O’s 7 in eight years. Something is going on here.