Judge Upholds Weapons Ban For Rally At Virginia Capitol
BY Herschel Smith
Via David Codrea, the VDCL sued the governor Ralphie “Kill babies and give me all your guns” Northam over his ban on guns in the state capital.
VCDL Sue VA Governor over Lobby Day Gun Ban Springfield, VA – In response to Virginia Governor Ralph Northam’s gun ban before Lobby Day, Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Virginia Citizens Defense League (VCDL) announce the filing of an emergency injunction to overturn the governor’s illegal ban. Erich Pratt, GOA’s Senior Vice President, stated the following: “Governor Northam is behaving like the royal governors who long preceded him. He has arrogantly and brazenly tried to restrict the rights protected to Virginians by the First and Second Amendments. “For this reason, Gun Owners of America is joining VCDL in asking the courts to issue an emergency injunction forbidding the enforcement of the Governor’s unlawful ban. The Lobby Day rally is held annually with thousands of participants and without incident. The only difference this year is that, in response to the Democrats’ attempt to eviscerate the Second Amendment, a much larger crowd is expected. “GOA is arguing that the Governor’s actions violate the Virginia and U.S. Constitutions, as well as, a 2012 state law which strictly limits the governor’s ability to ban guns in a state of emergency.”
But it didn’t work.
A Virginia judge has ruled in support of a state of emergency Gov. Ralph Northam (D) put in place on the state capitol Wednesday to temporarily ban guns ahead of a rally scheduled for Monday.
Northam declared a state of emergency citing “credible intelligence from our law enforcement agencies of threats of violence.”
What? You didn’t really expect a black-robed tyrant to be true to your God-given rights, did you?
So now you’re cordially invited (or not) into a city where you know they’re busing Antifa thugs in, and yet you can only come if you’re disarmed.
Remember what I’ve said about being in confined spaces and around crowds. And remember what I recommended that you being doing instead of this.
I’m not a prophet, so I can only ponder the good and bad that may come from all of this and try to recommend wisely.
On January 17, 2020 at 7:25 am, ambiguousfrog said:
This is convenient and will reinforce or justify the ban https://www.washingtonpost.com/national-security/fbi-arrests-alleged-members-of-white-supremacist-group-the-base/2020/01/16/ae8c01d4-386b-11ea-bf30-ad313e4ec754_story.html. The comments section is an echo chamber. One got it right comparing it to the Reichstag fire. Charges sound like the three letter is really reaching. They own the narrative though.
On January 17, 2020 at 8:19 am, Fred said:
Shocker. The State said the State can do whatever the State wants the State to do for the State.
On January 17, 2020 at 11:47 am, Where Eagles Dare said:
Will the armed security detail to protect these government workers be disarmed as well?
Yes there is a love of snarky rhetorical questions.
Deplorable Kulak Untermenschen have no right to self defense only comrade kommissars have this right.
On January 17, 2020 at 11:51 am, snuffy said:
From another site, says if you go armed, do not attempt to go inside the perimeter where the ban is in effect, but stay just outside. Personally, I agree with Aesop. Stay away. The rally is not going to change any minds in the VA gov, and when, not if, it all goes sideways, the folks who are on the fence about the new rules are going to get off it. and not on our side of it. All it takes is one idiot, and they’ve already arrested 3. How many more CI’s, agents provocateurs and undercover LE agencies will be among the attendees? My guess, conservatively? 20%. Here’s a scary thought. One way in, one way out. I’d be more worried about someone 1400 to 1800 yards out or farther, dropping indirect fire, as Matt Bracken described, than an incident with a concealed carrier. Nothing good is going to come of this.
On January 17, 2020 at 12:35 pm, 41mag said:
I bet there will be a wall.
Would be nice to see all VA gun owners surrounding the border, armed, to show the hypocrisy in nice images.
Also bet no one from the state .gov will even be there that day.
On January 17, 2020 at 7:52 pm, Mike said:
It would undermine the commies in the capitol building if everybody keeps under arms and stays outside of that damn fence – the optics would be priceless.
On January 18, 2020 at 8:06 pm, Paul B said:
#1 rule of self defense is you are using your skills you already screwed up.
I would not visit Virginia for any reason what so ever now. Good to know that my vacation plans can ignore anything east of the Mississippi.
good to know.