Caging Other Men
BY Herschel Smith
From reddit/firearms, this picture of the Virginia capitol.
I don’t believe in caging men. I’ve said it before in the context of imprisonment. I don’t believe in incarceration and rehabilitation, nor prison camps of any sort.
If a man has committed a crime worthy of death (e.g., rape, murder or kidnapping), then put him to death. If he has stolen from you, he becomes your slave until the debt is paid. There is no such thing as a “debt to society.” Debts are to individuals, not groups. That’s the Biblical model. There isn’t a model better than that.
What the democrats are doing in Virginia is caging men, just like incarceration. Democrats believe in caging men. And most republicans too.
On January 17, 2020 at 1:44 pm, Paul Scales said:
My eyes were opened in MA when I realized the RINOs locked out any actual Republicans or “Conservatives” from rising through the ranks of the party, or getting anything that they stated they wanted to do done. There was more self-sabotage, spinning of wheels, and nothing than there was actual competence. The Democrats were actually more true to their word than the Republican Party Officials were. The best way to stop the opposition is to lead it.
On January 17, 2020 at 1:50 pm, Fred said:
You may seek redress only from within the gun free kill box. – Ralphie “kill all the babies and give me your guns” Northam
On January 17, 2020 at 1:57 pm, Duke Norfolk said:
Just because they’re Republicans doesn’t mean they are of the right. They support feminism, sodomy, and all kinds of other degeneracy. They long ago stopped being The Right.
On January 17, 2020 at 2:07 pm, Paul Scales said:
And Trump just came out for mass immigration yet again on Laura Ingraham’s propaganda show, only this time it’s to take all the smart Americans’ jobs. He’s also about to sign the USMCA aka the NAU. The majority of puppet decision-makers in the govt agree with him on this.
The jobs and therefore economy are reserved for all these immigrants, and whether you are Black, White, or whatever if you aren’t part of the favored new immigrant or sodomite classes you are planned on being forced into homelessness and extinction. All government and corporate policy.
So you’re being forced to separate whether you like it or not. Otherwise you can follow the path laid out for you to become a spaded metrosexual or impotent murmurer. Both end in extinction. Notice the liberals are being replaced by immigrants? That’s because they aren’t procreating and murdered probably half of all their offspring. We were already looking aside while cursed brainwashed fools murdered millions of Americans in the womb. How could it stay our country?
On January 17, 2020 at 2:14 pm, Fred said:
@Duke, Amen.
On January 17, 2020 at 3:05 pm, ambiguousfrog said:
I’m sure if you wanted to tear down that statue they would have any fencing around it.
On January 17, 2020 at 5:47 pm, MTHead said:
Isn’t that what they call a “Free Speech Zone”? Kind of like Bunkerville?
On January 17, 2020 at 5:58 pm, Badger said:
And while everyone is focused on their right hand and the 2A fight, their left hand is still creating things like SB399 and SJ29. One to effectively nullify the electoral college at the national level for Virginians and, in contrast, the other to disenfranchise everyone in Virginia except a handful of counties in NoVA who will end up determining who is the governor every time.
On January 17, 2020 at 9:57 pm, X said:
Of course there are cages. You don’t live in a free country. Your “Bill of Rights” is an illusion. You can “peaceably assemble” and petition for “redress of grievances” in a cage where you will be photographed, put on facial recognition software, under the surveillance of snipers, and your cell phone number and GPS coordinates pinged into the NSA database. You can have any gun you want — as long as the government allows you to have it and the FBI approves the sale. The cops can search you at at any time because you’re “acting suspicious” or “they smell marijuana” and they can beat the hell out of you and break your face for “resisting” and “obstruction.” They can confiscate your money without charging you with a crime. You can’t take a flight to Disneyland without your wife and your five-year-old going through a naked body scanner and getting felt up by TSA affirmative action hires.
This hasn’t been a free country since 1865. This whole country is one big fucking cage.
OH, WAIT. Check that, I was WRONG. You are free, after all. You’re free to be a Chargers fan or a Broncos fan. You’re free to buy Chinese shit at Walmart, or at Target. And you’re free to do anal, which the Supreme Court ruled is a “constitutional right.”
Sorry, my bad.
On January 17, 2020 at 11:08 pm, Herschel Smith said:
I want all comments to be pertinent to the post. For every post.
For other interesting items (esp. URLs), send me a note and I’ll decide whether to post.
On January 18, 2020 at 10:44 pm, Longbow said:
What if a hundred thousand people showed up on Monday, and no one entered the cage?
On January 19, 2020 at 10:47 am, revjen45 said:
Someone should post a sigh on the fence saying
I like the idea of showing up and staying outside.
On January 20, 2020 at 12:49 pm, penses said:
Uncagedand proud of it.