More Live Stream Of Richmond
BY Herschel Smith
This one is classic. YouTube has it up, but has the “disclaimer” right on the video that “RT is funded in whole or in part by by the Russian government”
Like that’s supposed to mean something to me. What, this isn’t really happening in Richmond? Is it fake news? And really, who’s the one censoring like streaming of the rally – Russia or YouTube? Tell me Google? Who’s censoring coverage? We’re all waiting.
On January 20, 2020 at 2:29 pm, Blake said:
Starting to look a lot like Northam tried to throw a riot and people declined to attend.
Good to see people with cameras all over the place.
On January 20, 2020 at 4:14 pm, Badger said:
Epic. Thanks for sharing that as well as RT for capturing so much footage.
And the regular coverage & interviews throughout the day by WRVA were phenomenal.
Started off this morning with the wire & the HF rig listening; then the sun came up so switched to the internet feed. Just like having the station right here in town.
On January 20, 2020 at 7:19 pm, Wilson said:
Capital police are saying there were 7,000 people inside the Capital grounds (inside the fence), and 15,000 outside. That’s 22,000 people showing up to protest.
You can be sure this sent a clear message to the D’s in Richmond. No problems, no false flag, no antifa, no scared soccer moms. Just a lot of people peacefully protesting, even the people with those “assault weapons”. And the place was nice and clean afterwards.
Now the naysayers will say we were lucky, that if it went bad it would have been a disaster. That’s what naysayers always say.