The NRA Wants To Compromise In Virginia
BY Herschel Smith
Richmond, VA–You’re going to be angry when you hear the crap that’s coming out of the NRA today.
In an article posted just today by Reuters, a spokesperson for the National Rifle Association in Virginia stabbed gun owners in the back.
While 30,0000 or more gun owners are traveling and gathering at Virginia’s Capital at great expense–and no small risk to their safety–the NRA is offering to compromise.
NRA official Daniel J. Spiker made the repulsive comments in an article posted earlier today:
“Anti-gun billionaires who invested millions in the 2019 Virginia elections expect a return on that investment,” said NRA official D. J. Spiker. “The NRA is fully prepared to work to defeat Governor Northam’s gun grab – but also work to find compromise.”
It’s an all too familiar compromise. Who really expected the NRA to fight on the side of liberty and God-given rights? Really. Answer that question. Who among us?
But be aware, Ralph “Kill the babies and give me all your guns” Northam. If you swagger around telling everyone that you and the NRA compromised to achieve “gun safety laws,” to most of us that merely means that communists cooperated with betrayers. In fact, any bill supported by the NRA will likely be opposed by the rest of us merely because it was supported by the NRA, if not for other reasons.
On January 22, 2020 at 12:18 pm, John said:
Is the NRA being run by some guy named Neville Chamberlain?
On January 22, 2020 at 12:19 pm, MTHead said:
On January 22, 2020 at 1:26 pm, JFP said:
Fudds to cuck again. Wayne needs new pretty suits.
On January 22, 2020 at 3:17 pm, Jack Crabb said:
Why do good American citizens still support the pro gun control NRA?
On January 22, 2020 at 4:10 pm, FiftycalTX said:
So in the name of ALL OR NOTHING, you prefer nothing. Hate to tell you but the leftists run the government in VA. Don’t like it, vote them out next time. Unfortunately the lobby day didn’t get the requisite number of socialists to resign, so they still make and pass laws. According to Cam Edwards, who lives there, NRA and other lobbying got a “compromise” on several bills, like making concealed license holders exempt from the one gun a month law. Now would you prefer that not happen? If so just tell me and I’ll tell my NRA rep to not waste any more money on Virginia. Enjoy getting nothing but I’m sure your virtue signalling will keep you warm at night.
On January 22, 2020 at 6:22 pm, Frank Clarke said:
Not Relevant Anymore is busy Negotiating Rights Away — again?? Color me ‘unsurprised’.
On January 22, 2020 at 8:00 pm, Just Me said:
At one time I was proud of my Life Membership, I’ve had it for over 30 years, but unfortunately my disappointment with them has outnumbered the number of times I’ve been pleased by them over the last several years.
On January 22, 2020 at 8:21 pm, Randolph Scott said:
I have never been nor will I ever be associated with the NRA. I despise lobbyists, every single one of them. All they do is lie and compromise with the political liars and thieves, thus making themselves liars and thieves as well.
Every member of the NRA should write the NRA office and tell them to ‘go suck on a fat one’.