Hi, We’re FLIR, And You Suck, And We Hate You
BY Herschel Smith
Reader AZ Guy.
I specifically attended SHOT to speak with FLIR about some of their products. To say they were jerks to me would be an understatement and I actually walked away mid-sentence from one of their smug talking-heads. Fortunately, right across the aisle was US Night Vision corp and David there was happy to spend over 10 minutes educating me. He confirmed what someone wrote above, that FLIR is more interested in 50-pack sales to dot gov and dot mil customers. David also said that Trijicon has better firmware glue between the sensor and the display compared to FLIR and suggested the Reap-IR model. A soon as everyone gets back home next week, I will give them my business. usnightvision.com
I think we’ve seen this song and dance before.
On January 24, 2020 at 11:30 am, 41mag said:
Meprolight any good or is that a different product completely
On January 24, 2020 at 11:55 am, Bill Sullivan said:
Basically the same product, also available from others, like ATN. Thermal night vision.
On January 24, 2020 at 1:14 pm, Paul Scales said:
Jan 21, 2020
FLIR Outdoor Product Notification
FLIR is discontinuing certain Outdoor product lines as it further heightens its focus on the professional user. Select handheld product lines will continue to be offered commercially, but remaining products will be further focused toward law enforcement, public safety, and other professional users. FLIR will offer discontinued products through existing channels until inventory is fully depleted, and FLIR will continue to honor qualified warranties for all registered products. For warranty information, visit http://www.flir.com/support.
FLIR Outdoor thermal handheld products FLIR will continue to sell include:
Scout family
Scion series
LS series
FLIR Outdoor products to be discontinued pending inventory depletion:
All thermal bi-oculars and thermal monoculars except for the products detailed above
All night vision and thermal riflescopes and clip-on systems
All night vision multi-purpose systems and goggles
Laser systems
All outdoor and tactical accessories
On January 24, 2020 at 1:18 pm, Paul Scales said:
“I bet activist investors took another scalp.
Largest investor: Vanguard
Second largest: BlackRock
https://www.cnbc.com/2018/03/02/blackrock-says-its-time-to-take-action-on-guns-may-use-voting-power-to-influence.html “
On January 24, 2020 at 4:53 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
It has been my experience – for what it is worth – that Trijicon isn’t all that friendly to civilian customers, either. They don’t take customer service to individual buyers seriously, since that isn’t where their bread is buttered. They make most of their profits from military/LE sales and maybe they figure it isn’t worth their time/effort to deal with single customers.
It has been a number of years since I dealt with them, and only on perhaps three or four occasions, so maybe things have changed for the better – or not.
Be that as it may, I sold off my Trijicon products and now patronize companies who support the civilian market and the individual RTKBA movement. Their products are very good, but not so good that I will take that sort of nonsense from them. They didn’t stand behind their product and I ended up having to eat one of their mistakes, financially-speaking, and their reps were precisely the opposite of helpful, telling me more-or-less “That’s too bad but we can’t do anything to help you.”
On January 26, 2020 at 1:52 am, Ned said:
Always thankful to discover businesses working against my interest and those who don’t want my business.
On January 28, 2020 at 10:01 am, BRVTVS said:
It’s not just FLIR. Nikon is also getting on the anti-gun bandwagon. https://www.outdoorlife.com/story/gear/nikon-will-no-longer-make-riflescopes/
On January 28, 2020 at 10:03 am, Herschel Smith said:
Yea I knew that a few months ago. Before Gander shut down on my AO, they were clearing everything with half-price sales. I got a Nikon FX1000 for half price. It was a deal I couldn’t pass up.
On January 29, 2020 at 2:49 pm, jayne cobb said:
that has not been my experience; I had a ACOG that I had bought as “New” in a little gunshop 15 years ago. recently started fogging up; I called Trijicon and spoke with a rep; they asked me the numbers on the two segments and it turns out that they mis-matched. (They should match). Looks like someone re-arsenaled my Trijicon and sold it as “New” to me who didn’t know any better.
Trijicon said “send it in” and I got it back a week later, cleaned and refurbished. They didn’t even charge me shipping.