“It Smells Like Christmas And Freedom To Us!”
BY Herschel Smith
So when’s the last time you worked as an emissary and evangelist for the cause? It’s easy. And fun. And you have to be patient. And you can’t call people ugly names and curse at them. And you have to teach them. And you have to go slowly. And you have to invest a little time. You’ll lose some converts, and you’ll win some converts. Do it for the win column.
On January 24, 2020 at 3:17 pm, Fred said:
I just got somebody started, on gab. No you don’t have to be the trainer you can evangelize, encourage, and direct people how and where to get started, which is, I always recommend; “Basic Handgun” by a qualified instructor, and it’s ok, even important to like your trainer. Thanks for the reminder, it’s time to follow up with that one.
On January 24, 2020 at 4:48 pm, 41mag said:
You’re always an emissary 24/7. Even if others do NOT know you’re a gun owner/operator, when that finally is public knowledge to them, your past actions and behaviors will flood back to them and attach to your new-found “label”.
On January 24, 2020 at 6:27 pm, William said:
Her thick accent betrays her non-heritage American status, and she voices her (initial) opinions about being “against guns being sold easy to and available for everybody,” and “I am scared”. I’d wager that the country she came from doesn’t have a 2nd Amendment. Nevertheless, these folks become voters when naturalized and vote for politicians who vow to take away guns and keep people like her safe. This is what we’re up against, and the country is being flooded with her type. This is a complete disaster. They have no concept of the ethos of this country and vote to change it to the crap-hole from which they came. New citizens should be prohibited from voting until the third or fourth generation. Sigh.
On January 25, 2020 at 8:54 am, Michael said:
What a great video. Was smiling the whole time. The instructor sets the bar high in that the example that he sets— upbeat, positive, SAFE, fun… is what every gun owner (Real American) ought to aspire to.
On January 25, 2020 at 3:19 pm, Pat Hines said:
If you want to introduce females to shooting, well trained female instructors are best. Most men are intimidating to women when guns are concerned.
I’ve seen and heard the arguments about taking folks shooting to introduce them to guns. About 18 years ago, plus or minus, I took several of my colleagues from work, all MDs, to a well run range up in the hills above Oakland. They had a good time, but failed to adopt an interest in guns or self defense rights.
On January 25, 2020 at 9:43 pm, Tim said:
I think the Warrior Poet did just fine. Many physical activities are intimidating to the uninitiated (though football certainly isn’t as loud), and how they are presented to the newbie, well, the saying goes is that you only get to make a first impression once. No she didn’t start whooping it up, but she left with a positive experience to reflect on versus her previous negative one. She might be on the fence now instead of being on the other side of it. Now all she has to do is swing the other leg over the fence and she’ll be one of us. At the very least she won’t end up one of those screaming shrews that foam at the mouth and point like the extras in the movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers” anytime someone mentions the word gun. Gun owners never argue with someone why they should have a gun and rarely get the same courtesy in return. So again, I think he did a great job here.
On January 26, 2020 at 8:44 am, Sanders said:
Pretty lady. But I don’t think he changed her mind on gun ownership. At least he helped her become somewhat comfortable around guns.
Pretty ironic, her stance on gun ownership, considering she came from Venezuela.
I dated a Venezuelan lady before I got married. I doubt her family stuck around to live under the commies, since they were wealthy and owned a bunch of radio stations. If I cared, I bet I could find them in Miami or Houston. I’m sure they saw the writing on the wall before most folks did.