U.S. Second Amendment Sanctuary Map

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 1 month ago

From Wiki page.

Lots of reference URLs at the link.

Now.  The trick here isn’t just to get the resolutions passed.  The picture above is just a map, nothing more, nothing less.  That’s only the first step.  Those counties and states have the framework of the law within which to work.  The next steps are harder and will require work.

You must get the county commissioners on your side.  You must get the Sheriff and his Deputies on your side.  And you must get the county commissioners on your side.

You must make sure they see their resolutions this way.

Mack is founder and president of the Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, and gained prominence in the 1990s. He was a plaintiff in a successful lawsuit resisting requirements that law enforcement perform background checks on gun buyers as originally intended by the Clinton-era Brady Bill. He says he’s in touch with some of the sheriffs supporting Second Amendment sanctuaries today.

“A lot of those sanctuary cities and counties across the country don’t go far enough,” said Mack. “What do you do if they still come in and try to take law abiding citizens’ guns? [The sheriffs] need to actually intervene and interpose and not let it happen.”

That, combined with determined, trained, physically fit and well-armed and well-equipped militia determined and committed to the fight, should do the trick.

When agents of the state cross county lines to arrest people for state firearms violations, they are promptly arrested by militia, turned over to the county Sheriff, and thrown in jail for several months along with the drunks, abusers, thieves and murderers.  Weapons will be confiscated and split between militia and Sheriff’s department, vehicles and other equipment will be confiscated, and a permanent record of felonious criminal activity will be put on file for the state agents.

If there is a battle to be waged, let it be won.


  1. On January 24, 2020 at 9:19 pm, Fred said:

    How will anybody know since they are picking people off one at a time with Red Flag laws?

  2. On January 24, 2020 at 9:24 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Comms. The 2A community had better gear up and organize. If the militia has to arrest the state agents outside of homes, or as they try to drive away, then so be it. If they’ve shot anyone, they go on trial for murder. But they don’t make it out of the county.

  3. On January 24, 2020 at 9:28 pm, Drake said:

    Missing Sussex County, NJ.

  4. On January 24, 2020 at 9:58 pm, X said:

    I sure HOPE that this will happen, but I’m not terribly sanguine. Cops are a big clique, and they stick together. When they call for backup, they want ANY sworn cop from ANY department to back them up, no questions asked. Therefore they give each other a LOT of latitude. One thing I have anecdotally observed is that a “good cop” will almost NEVER intervene against a “bad cop” who is beating the f–k out of somebody, making a shitty arrest, etc.

    I’ve only heard about one such situation — a black female cop got into a fight on the street with a white male cop who was pounding the f–k out of a black man he was arresting (who later had the charges dismissed). Black chick cop got fired 19 years into a 20-and-out job… no pension. White cop got promoted to lieutenant, then later got arrested and sent to prison for a short time for other, unrelated stuff. Gets his pension now that he’s out of jail.

    The idea of deputies arresting state cops is NECESSARY for 2A sanctuaries to fully work… but I don’t see it happening. Sheriffs and deputies are gonna say, “Well, I won’t personally arrest anyone under this gun control law,” but they are not going to actively prevent a statie or a Fed from doing his thing. I have seen this thing happen with my own eyes in a “ban state,” so I am not just bullshitting here.

    What is REALLY critical for 2A sanctuaries is to have DAs and judges who automatically dismiss gun charges. That way, even if the state boys make an arrest and file the charges when the deputies won’t, the local DA refuses to prosecute and the local judge dismisses the case.

    THAT’S the key. Get VERY active in local DA and judicial elections.

    (Of course, this all becomes moot if — when — The Ban goes federal and then people start getting jammed up in federal court, because all federal judges and prosecutors are appointed).

  5. On January 24, 2020 at 10:31 pm, Okanogan Offgrid said:

    My county is listed on that map as a sanctuary county, but I wouldn’t trust our Sheriff for a moment. Not long ago, I tried to get body cam footage to use as evidence to file a complaint against one of his deputies. I found out our Sheriff won’t issue body cams, dash cams or anything that may record how his deputies treat the people of Okanogan County Washington.

  6. On January 24, 2020 at 10:33 pm, Herschel Smith said:


    Can he be voted out? How strong is his support?

  7. On January 25, 2020 at 4:08 am, Dan said:

    Once these “red flag laws” are passed and stay “on the books” in these states the left has won 90% of the battle. NOW…..with the help of $$$
    from commies like Bloomberg, Soros etc. they will start targeting each county one by one with massive out of state funded efforts to get both the DA/County Attorney AND the Sheriff voted out and replaced with THEIR
    hand picked nominee. After that happens the gloves come off and gun owners start dying.

  8. On January 25, 2020 at 8:58 am, PeanutButter said:

    If any readers are looking for sample legislative text for organizing militia units, which can be submitted to 2A Sanctuary county boards, here is a site I found this week that has such language.


    2A Sanctuaries are the first step. This is the second.

    If you are in Virginia, start spreading this document. Adapt and change the language for your local circumstances. Tazewell Co.’s militia resolution is weak–these actions are much stronger.

    But the more counties improving upon Tazewell Co.’s opening example and trying to legally organize these local county military units, the better it will be for the coming litigation phase in Virginia.

    And other actions, too.

  9. On January 25, 2020 at 9:33 am, Ned2 said:

    As I’ve said before, this map is WOEFULLY INACCURATE! And misleading. Here in WY, we have Teton county, which would probably follow VA in a nanosecond.
    Some of the states in green may be Constitutional Carry states, but that does NOT make them 2A sanctuaries.
    Some states not colored are CC states. Maine for example. VT. OK any day now?

    A more accurate representation would be a county by county map, similar to the 2016 electoral map, showing only counties that have declared themselves to be 2A sanctuaries.

    Unless your county Sheriff and local officials have specifically stated they have designated your county a Second Amendment Sanctuary, do not take it for granted.

  10. On January 25, 2020 at 9:52 am, Okanogan Offgrid said:

    @Herschel, this sheriff was just elected in the most recent election. I’m trying to get the word out about him and get him out in the next. This is a pretty conservative county, but we have a lot of cop worshipers and boot lickers here.

  11. On January 25, 2020 at 10:10 am, Herschel Smith said:


    While I don’t necessarily disagree, remember that this web site isn’t behind a paywall, and I don’t make even a single penny for it. I pay out-of-pocket for hosting fees. Bandwidth for the web site is via my wallet.

    So if any reader with time wants to put together such a map, with links as references, that would be great. Otherwise, this is the quickest thing I could find.

  12. On January 25, 2020 at 11:29 am, scott s. said:

    Unfortunately in Hawaii, as a result of an infamous case known as the “Massie Rape Case” in the 30’s, it was reported on the mainland that white women were not safe in Hawaii, and subsequently elected county sheriffs were removed and instead we have a bureaucrat in the territory (now state) Dept of Public Safety so that the territorial governor (appointed by Washington) could appoint the Sheriff. At the same time a police commission was created for the HPD, so that the city & county could not have direct control of the police force (at one time there was an Oahu County but it was merged with the city of Honolulu). In fact Hawaii has never been a 2A location, although the 2A was incorporated into the state constitution via the 1979 con-con. The reality is going back to the Republic and even the Kingdom in the 1800s there was strict gun control imposed by the elite power structure to prevent guns being obtained by royalists or “undesirables”, much like the Jim Crow south.

    We had a couple of cops killed by some guy this week who exhibited anger, if not possible mental health, issues and that will be the entre for more restrictive gun control laws here. We already have a bill in the hopper this session to prohibit lending a gun. The press is having the vapors because HPD says no guns were registered to the perp.

  13. On January 25, 2020 at 11:49 am, Dirk said:

    It’s a step in the right direction. I’d like to offer a couple observations as I come out of the coproach community.

    You want meaningful dialog with your county elected officials.

    ” invite them to coffee”.
    ” open with niceties, subtle tips, like how’s the family, your grandchildren, are you still fly fishing, and go over their voting record, ” let them know you/ your crew’s tracking their politics. Make em comfortable.

    One of my favorites tacks for Years has been to take em shooting. Put em behind a high end rifle and on target from 800y to 1500y. Build their skills, their confidence. Teach them to run the range finders, the shoot computers, educate them, let them for that day share your sport.

    Above can be accomplished on the m4 range or the shotgun range. The goal is building their confidence, in your sport, teaching them how to achieve a high degree of accuracy, and skills. Something they can see the benifits of, down the trail.

    I’ve done this for many years now” 23″, two of our state senators are now hard core shoot rs, who are as serious as me about shooting skills. They embraced not only the sport of it, but the utility and the Responsibility which, goes with it.

    These two gentleman were two of a handful whom physically walked out of the Oregon Capitol, last year and went into hiding after the DEMs tried to force the very laws VA, is achieving.

    The Oregon Gov, physically sent the State Police to collect them and deliver them back to the dome, just long enough to meet the ” Quorum” requirements, of legislature to vote.

    It’s rumored that one told the press the following ” Send young single troopers”. If your coming after me. They and probably me won’t be coming back.

    The science behind these thoughts is this. You simply have to bring them onto common ground.

    Listen this isn’t rocket science, and winning hearts and minds isn’t voodoo.

    2, make ANY idea’s theirs. Egos are exclusively involved, theirs.

    My county in southern Oregon is a second amendment county ” Klamath County” , while I’m not involved, I’ve stayed abreast of where this is headed. Further legislation is being developed for incorporation onto the county ballot, for vote. It’s anticipated the newer language will be incorporated next election.

    One rule, which makes these kinds of things more productive, is that Bills, laws can be introduced via the signature. The only real hurdle is that citizen developed lay must pass the sniff test. The Leagalize must pass that standard.

    I know, hey I didn’t write the rule, deal with it. Work thru it.

    3, donate to the leaders campaigns, do so publicly and loudly. ” don’t laugh it works”

    4, understand the endgame team dildo on the left will attempt to counter with.

    Wanted to close with this. I WAS a member of the Constitutional Sheriffs Assn. Sheriff Mack was here in my county. His smug ass, his attitude severely put the current sheriff, and the DA off.

    I came to understand early on that Sheriff Mack and crew, were more concerned with” DUES” paying members then with meaningful input. I joined right after LaVoy Finicum was killed, I received the paperwork to join at his funeral in southern Utah.

    Signed up to work events and educate We The People, at my own expense. The only time I heard from this knucklehead was 30 days before dues were due.

    I had also joined Oath Keepers. What a shit show. I no longer belong to either outfit, but then I don’t intend to follow ANY laws regarding my owning weapons. The answer is simply ” NO”

    After having been around here and WRSA, for awhile now. Their are many very effective folk at both sites. And then their are the haters!. Haters gotta hate, it’s as simple as that. Haters rarely solve anything.

    These second amendment attacks are tangable, they can be solved. When you here, you don’t solve a fucking thing, unable to remain objective

  14. On January 25, 2020 at 3:37 pm, MTHead said:

    Remembering the mindset that it the government that’s acting as the criminal has to be upmost in our minds. It’s the point that should be driven home at every occasion.
    Like I told an officer once. If you can’t enforce the first law on yourself. You have no business trying to enforce the 3 billionth one on anyone else!

  15. On January 26, 2020 at 10:45 am, Ned2 said:


    Maybe the guys at handgunlawus could create something along the lines of what they already have?
    I sent them an e-mail to see if they would consider it.

  16. On January 26, 2020 at 12:13 pm, Ned2 said:

    Guys @ handgunlaw sent me this link; a good start.


  17. On January 26, 2020 at 1:47 pm, Andrew Phillips said:

    It seems to me that this is a county level map. The county lines for Texas look right, at least. I can even explain the two grey boxes in the green zone of North Texas. They’re Tarrant and Dallas Counties, better known as the DFW Metroplex. If Austin is the San Francisco of Texas, Dallas is New York City.
    Closer to home, Waller and Montgomery County are both green, while Harris and Fort Bend are not. The GOP recently lost control of Harris County local government, so they’ll remain that way unless the next election cycles flip the table again. Mayor Turner and Chief Acevedo are vocal proponents of gun control, so HPD will come down on the side of the Feds or State if that means enforcing new infringements.

  18. On January 26, 2020 at 2:47 pm, Herschel Smith said:

    Acevedo is a communist, and was the catalyst behind FedGov random stops with forced blood draws in Austin when he was there.

  19. On January 26, 2020 at 4:25 pm, TheAlaskan said:

    Our law in Alaska…it’s short. Makes all federal gun laws “null and void” in the State of Alaska. Including red flag laws…see Section 2, part B.

    Source Chapter No. SCS CSHB 69(JUD) _______

    AN ACT

    Prohibiting state and municipal agencies from using assets to implement or aid in the implementation of the requirements of certain federal statutes, regulations, rules, and orders that are applied to infringe on a person’s right to bear arms or right to due process or that implement or aid in the implementation of the federal REAL ID Act of 2005; exempting certain firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition in this state from federal regulation; declaring certain federal statutes, regulations, rules, and orders unconstitutional under the Constitution of the United States and unenforceable in this state; requiring the attorney general to file any legal action to prevent implementation of a federal statute, regulation, rule, or order that violates the rights of a resident of the state; and providing for an effective date.
    Enrolled HB 69

    AN ACT

    Prohibiting state and municipal agencies from using assets to implement or aid in the implementation of the requirements of certain federal statutes, regulations, rules, and orders that are applied to infringe on a person’s right to bear arms or right to due process or that implement or aid in the implementation of the federal REAL ID Act of 2005; exempting certain firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition in this state from federal regulation; declaring certain federal statutes, regulations, rules, and orders unconstitutional under the
    Constitution of the United States and unenforceable in this state; requiring the attorney general to file any legal action to prevent implementation of a federal statute, regulation, rule, or order that violates the rights of a resident of the state; and providing for an effective date.

    * Section 1. The uncodified law of the State of Alaska is amended by adding a new section 11
    -1- Enrolled HB 69
    to read:
    FINDINGS. The legislature finds that a statute, regulation, rule, or order that has the purpose, intent, or effect of confiscating any firearm, banning any firearm, limiting the size of a magazine for any firearm, imposing any limit on the ammunition that may be purchased for any firearm, or requiring the
    registration of any firearm or its ammunition infringes on an Alaskan’s right to bear arms in violation of the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States and, therefore, is not made in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, is not authorized by the Constitution of the United States, is not the supreme law of the land, and, consequently, is invalid in this state and shall be considered null and void and of no effect in this state; and further authority for this Act is the following:

    (A) art. I, sec. 19, Constitution of the State of Alaska, clearly secures
    to Alaska citizens and prohibits government interference with the right of individual Alaska citizens to keep and bear arms;

    (B) the Tenth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
    guarantees to the states and their people all powers not granted to the federal
    government elsewhere in the constitution and reserves to the state and people of Alaska certain powers as they were intended at the time that Alaska was admitted to statehood in 1959; the guaranty of those powers is a matter of contract between the state and people of Alaska and the United States as of the time that the compact with the United States was agreed to and adopted by Alaska and the United States in 1959;

    (C) the Ninth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States
    guarantees to the people rights not granted in the constitution and reserves to the people of Alaska certain rights as they were intended at the time that Alaska was admitted to statehood in 1959; the guaranty of those rights is a matter of contract between the state and people of Alaska and the United States as of the time that the compact with the United States was agreed upon and adopted by Alaska and the United States in 1959;

    (D) art. I, sec. 7, Constitution of the State of Alaska, and the Fifth
    Amendment to the Constitution of the United States guarantee to the people the right to due process.
    Enrolled HB 69 -2-

    * Sec. 2. AS 44.99.040 is repealed and reenacted to read:
    Sec. 44.99.040. Limitation on use of assets. (a) A state or municipal agency
    may not use or authorize the use of an asset to implement or aid in the implementation of a requirement of an order of the President of the United States, a federal regulation, or a law enacted by the United States Congress that is applied to;

    (A) infringe on a person’s right, under the Second Amendment
    to the Constitution of the United States, to keep and bear arms;

    (B) deny a person a right to due process, or a protection of due
    process, that would otherwise be available to the person under the Constitution
    of the State of Alaska or the Constitution of the United States; or
    (2) P.L. 109-13, Division B (REAL ID Act of 2005).
    (b) In this section, (1) “asset” means funds, facilities, equipment, services, or other resources of a state or municipal agency;
    (2) “state or municipal agency” means the University of Alaska, the
    Alaska Aerospace Corporation, the Alaska Housing Finance Corporation, the Alaska Industrial Development and Export Authority, the Alaska Energy Authority,the Alaska Railroad Corporation, or a department, institution, board, commission, division, council, committee, authority, public corporation, school district, regional educational attendance area, or other administrative unit of a municipality or of the executive, judicial, or legislative branch of state government, and includes employees of those entities.

    * Sec. 3. AS 44.99.500(a) is amended to read:
    (a) A personal firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that is possessed
    in this state or manufactured commercially or privately in this state and that remains in the state is not subject to federal law or federal regulation, including registration, under the authority of the United States Congress to regulate interstate commerce as those items have not traveled in interstate commerce.

    * Sec. 4. AS 44.99.500(b) is amended to read:
    (b) This section applies to a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition that
    -3- Enrolled HB 69 is possessed in this state or manufactured in this state from basic materials and that can be manufactured without the inclusion of any significant parts imported from another state. Generic and insignificant parts that have other manufacturing or consumer product applications are not firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition, and their importation into this state and incorporation into a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition manufactured in this state does not subject the firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition to federal regulation. Basic materials, such as unmachined steel and unshaped wood, are not firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition and are not subject to congressional authority to regulate firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition under interstate commerce as if they were actually firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition. The authority of the United States Congress to regulate interstate commerce in basic materials does not include authority
    to regulate firearms, firearm accessories, and ammunition possessed in this state or made in this state from those materials. Firearm accessories that are imported into this state from another state and that are subject to federal regulation as being in interstate commerce do not subject a firearm to federal regulation under interstate commerce because they are attached to or used in conjunction with a firearm in this state.

    * Sec. 5. AS 44.99.500(d) is amended to read:
    (d) The attorney general may defend a citizen of this state who is prosecuted
    by the government of the United States under the congressional power to regulate interstate commerce for violation of a federal law concerning the manufacture, sale, transfer, or possession of a firearm, a firearm accessory, or ammunition possessed in this state or manufactured and retained within this state.

    * Sec. 6. AS 44.99.500 is amended by adding new subsections to read:
    (f) A federal statute, regulation, rule, or order adopted, enacted, or otherwise
    effective on or after the effective date of this Act is unenforceable in this state by an official, agent, or employee of this state, a municipality, or the federal government if the federal statute, regulation, rule, or order violates the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States or art. I, sec. 19, Constitution of the State of Alaska, by;

    (1) banning or restricting ownership of a semiautomatic firearm or a 31
    Enrolled HB 69 -4- magazine of a firearm; or

    (2) requiring a firearm, magazine, or other firearm accessory to be

    (g) The attorney general shall, under the Second Amendment to the
    Constitution of the United States or art. I, sec. 19, Constitution of the State of Alaska, file legal action necessary to prevent the implementation of a federal statute, regulation, rule, or order that violates the rights of a resident of the state.

    * Sec. 7. This Act takes effect immediately under AS 01.10.070(c).
    -5- Enrolled HB 69

  20. On January 26, 2020 at 6:17 pm, 41mag said:

    Yea, Maricopa county AZ.

    The guy who beat Sheriff Joe. Doubt I’d be given the audience to ask him these questions.

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