New Mexico Sheriff’s Association: “We Swore To Uphold The Right To Bear Arms For Our Citizens At All Costs”
BY Herschel Smith
“Citizens have a right to bear arms and we cannot circumvent that right when they have not even committed a crime or even been accused of committing one,” added the Sheriff’s Association. “We sheriffs have sworn to uphold those and other God-given rights for our citizens at all costs.”
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In the statement from the New Mexico Sheriff’s Association, signed by the chairman, Sheriff Tony Mace, it says, “The founding fathers of our republic were patriots with firearms in their hands fighting against tyranny for the freedom and liberty of which they were denied by England. Upon their victory, they formed a new and innovative government to protect their newfound freedom to include the drafting of a Constitution with accompanying Amendments to protect their rights.”
“This created the Second Amendment to the Constitution of the United States of America. It is an Amendment that has often been challenged and interpreted by the highest court of the land and to this day stands as an individual right for each law-abiding citizen to keep and bear arms,” reads the statement.
“Law-abiding citizens are guaranteed the right to freely choose to arm themselves as collectors, to hunt, to compete in shooting sports and/or recreational shooting, as well as personal and home defense,” says Sheriff Mace. “Most importantly, and should it become necessary, American citizens have the right to be armed to stand and protect the republic against a corrupt and usurping government once again as the original framers of the Constitution intended.”
He continued, “29 out of the 33 New Mexico sheriffs agree that the rush to react to violent crime and atrocities perpetrated by disturbed and/or violent offenders by proposing controls on law-abiding citizens’ guns is ill conceived and is truly a distraction to the real problems proliferating violence in our counties and in our state.”
“These sheriffs encourage the full and complete enforcement of existing gun regulations and oppose any executive order or rule that further restricts the rights of law-abiding citizens to own, possess, keep and use firearms for lawful purposes,” reads the statement.
We might note that this is a great statement except for the last part about existing gun regulations. A bit of discussion is in order about our understanding of compromise.
Not one more inch, not one more compromise, not one more infringement. Yes, and all of that, but would you seriously refuse to become allies with these Sheriffs?
Compromise, the way I see it, is giving something up that isn’t justified and isn’t a guaranteed right by God. In this case, enforcement of existing laws isn’t a compromise. Those laws are already on the books. Undoing them is way down the road, because the gun rights community is in full retreat right now.
The “us four and no more” philosophy will get gun owners killed. This community is going to have to learn incrementalism. We’ve got to learn to find proper allies. The statists have made good use of that tactic, and we are where we are because rather than ally with those closest to our views for a period of time, we sit and squander the opportunity to press forward in the war. Politics is war.
Those Sheriffs aren’t asking you to give anything up that hasn’t already been codified in state law. If they are serious – and that’s a big if – they are potentially putting their jobs and pensions on the line to be “constitutional Sheriffs.”
Would you refuse an ally like this and let Eric Holder take them on and destroy their careers, cast them out of office, and turn your neighborhoods against you? Eric Holder understands incrementalism. If you’re waiting on the perfect one, you may as well board the train now and save the state the money to hunt you down.
Again, there is nothing in that statement above that would cause a patriot to wince except the enforcement of existing laws. That can be handled later, maybe, but certainly not if your Sheriff is Art Acevedo, or Paul Penzone (41mag will have no audience with him). When is “a huge step in the right direction” worth your support?
And if nothing is, what’s your plan? And don’t give me a list of all the tactical crap you’re going to do if you won’t even use your real name to comment.
If I lived in New Mexico, I’d be telling these Sheriffs to press on. They’re doing God’s work.
On January 28, 2020 at 8:31 am, Heywood said:
You are correct, Sir. One must, first and foremost, defend the line that has been drawn in the sand before charging forward. This is indeed a good start and we are not going to overturn a century of bad policy overnight. Stand strong my friends in NM…we are watching and, hopefully, learning.
On January 28, 2020 at 8:39 am, Sanders said:
Unfortunately, I live in one of the 4 counties where the sheriff doesn’t give a damn about the Constitution.
We did have a town meeting a few months ago, where around 120 folks filled the council chambers to standing room only. We were able to convince the town council to vote to make our town a Second Amendment sanctuary. The local cops were there and several cops from outlying towns and cities. They all talked a good game, like they were on our side, but the proof will be in the pudding, so to speak.
The big concern I have, is that the local cops may not actually do red flag confiscations, but will they actively resist the county and state cops from doing them in our town?
On January 28, 2020 at 11:00 am, George said:
Sheriff Mace waffled. He said “of course we have to enforce the law”.
Sheriffs are elected officials. Sadly some of them are more interested in re-election than upholding their oaths.
I live in New Mexico.
On January 28, 2020 at 11:09 am, Herschel Smith said:
Is he therefore your enemy? Do you have a plan to (a) replace him with someone more of your liking, or to (b) let Eric Holder, Bloomberg and Soros kick him to the curb and put a communist in his place?
Which is it? What’s your plan?
On January 28, 2020 at 1:39 pm, George said:
My Sheriff is on board. Sheriff Mace is not the Sheriff in my county.
I hope he can be influenced or replaced.
On January 28, 2020 at 2:05 pm, Herschel Smith said:
“My Sheriff is on board.”
So you Sheriff never enforces *ANY* gun laws, ever, and would disagree with the statement to “enforce existing gun laws?” Is that what you’re saying? Because I think that’s what you’re saying.
On January 28, 2020 at 5:15 pm, MTHead said:
Total agreement Hershel. We need to focus on people we can have a conversation with. Versus trying to convert the brainwashed. Law enforcement is more apt to understand a constitutional argument. (The law is on our side). Than anyone else.
Those ranks being filled as they have with brainwashed commies is something to sort out. Locally.
But just like Richmond showed the police. Were not as out of control as they’ve been told. And once again, the law is on our side. Not the lefts. Its a good time to drive that point home.
On January 28, 2020 at 5:46 pm, mikrat said:
Without a social compact agreement and an oath (you were supposed to do this at 21) with your State and with The United States of America, you are not a Citizen. You are a Stateless person and concidered to be a resident in DC. Why do you think they force Federal law on yo outside of their jurisdiction?
Read the law of nations. Its the true law of the land and mentioned in the constitution.
On January 28, 2020 at 7:06 pm, GomeznSA said:
Herschel – one ‘minor’ quibble – little artie is NOT an elected sheriff – he is the appointed police chief and serves at the whims of the mayor in a city noted for such wonderful things as sheilajacksonlee and ‘genderless’ bathrooms. That being said, he is about as anti-gun and personal freedom as they come.
On January 28, 2020 at 7:16 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Sigh …
Agree or disagree, somewhere, somehow, I am failing. I’ve tried so very hard to communicate these things, but apparently they aren’t clear enough. I’l give it one more go.
That “social compact” to which you refer is the constitution. And they ignored it, didn’t they? It is a covenant between men, under God, with blessings and curses for obedience and disobedience. They didn’t care. John Adams observed that what they wrote was for a religious and moral people, and what wholly unsuited and inadequate for any other.
The fault isn’t the constitution. It’s just a covenant. People break covenants all the time. If you don’t like the existing one, make new ones. Find allies. Find partners. Find people among whom you can agree at least enough enough to protect each other.
And remember, whatever covenant you make can be broken by bad men who may replace the ones with whom you made the covenant. So you must be engaged in teaching your children, children’s children, the young people around you, your elected people, your neighbors, your friends, and on and on.
This is politics, and politics is war. The things I am saying have to do with aligning yourself with people of enough like mind that you can make it through what the communists intend to bring.
If you don’t have allies, if you cannot get along with anyone, if you cannot agree to disagree on the minor issues, if you “major on the minors,” you will get squashed like a bug on the road. You will get run over. If you go it alone, you’ll be flattened like a pancake, talking about social contracts while the communists load you onto the rail cars.
Those alliances are local, not national.
On January 29, 2020 at 7:28 am, mikrat said:
“But indeed, no private person has the right to complain, by suit in court, on the grounds of a breach of the constitution. The constitution it’s true, is a compact, but you are not a party to it.” Padelford, Faye & Co. vs Mayor and Aldermanof the City of Savanah, 14 GA 438, 520.
See also – “The People” does not include you and me. (Barron v. Mayor & City Council of Baltimore. 32 U.S. 243)
Unless you are a signatory of the compact, you are not apart of it.
You can sigh all you want, but it wont negate the truth.
The United States is not the same as the United States of America. And neither are the same as The United States of America
The president has always sworn his oath to the United States, not the United States of America.
On January 29, 2020 at 7:36 am, 41mag said:
Well I can try talking to him, no harm in wanting to talk. And at least he would hear a calm person talking and not a sound byte. If he blows it off, that’s an answer too.
On January 29, 2020 at 8:37 am, Herschel Smith said:
We’re talking about different subjects. You’re not even in the conversation with me. You have no reading comprehension, or at least, did put it to use when reading what I wrote.
On January 29, 2020 at 9:58 am, Fred said:
Denying that you are a party to a contract is not the same as acknowledging that the contract was made void by the other party(s), and therefore you now have no duty to it.
The right position is; THEY did this, they broke the covenant, this is their fault, they are the ones that are making war on us and our way of life. This manner is an appeal to God for His justice. Read the works of and about David.
There is a higher Law, but the Left denies any such law. It is the Left that declare anarchy by breaking the covenant and then denying God. The correct position is; ok, if the constitution is void, and it is, then we must go about to reestablish a functioning system; thou shalt not kill, thou shalt not steal, thou shalt not covet, thou shall have no other god’s before me, don’t rape you neighbors wife, etc.
But the left makes itself to be a lawgiver and sole arbiter of right and wrong based upon innumerable tests, all which are the feminine. Evolution is the feminine; it is mother earth as life giver instead of Father God and the life being in the blood by his being Master, Creator, Redeemer, Holy, having made us Sons of God to an inheritance incorruptible, granting by His blessing to us dominion and authority to bring His Word to all people and subdue the Earth by being the head, male, masculine. Evolutionisism is humanism, self as god, evolutionism is the feminine.
The Left has created a state of lawlessness wherein there is no functioning Constitution and no functioning Law of God. This is a state of war both against America, and against Holy God. This is, what Red Flag laws are, they are a declaration of intent to make themselves a god by voiding all other law. It’s lawlessness, anarchy by the witchcraft of divination.
You won’t like me operating in the knowledge that there is no law but to restore God’s Laws, but God will bless those that do, and that’s where the American Church is infantile in its understanding. When there is no law, God’s Law WILL be restored by means and with manners most unpleasant, and since Christians won’t do it, He will.
Whose Garden is this? Whose Kingdom is this? Who’s given authority to reign over it? If not Christ Jesus the Saviour by His men then who? Why do Christians allow the wicked perverters of Holy God to run rampant, to own the entire planet and to dictate unto God himself what the means and outcomes should be? Enjoy the Judgement, you deserve it.
On January 29, 2020 at 11:58 pm, Sanders said:
@Fred Thanks for putting into words the ideas I’ve been trying to tell people for years, but could never quite convey the message.
Although, most will not understand a thing you wrote, anyway, which is very unfortunate.
On January 30, 2020 at 7:47 am, Sanders said:
I just learned about this. I believe I’ll try and make it up there, tomorrow.
Letter of Instruction for Second Amendment Rally NM
Let’s prove the media wrong again; let’s show them that thousands of gun owners can come together and rally PEACEFULLY just like Virginia did! We want THOUSANDS of legal gun owners to show up to make this the BIGGEST Second Amendment Rally in the history of New Mexico!
How to Get Up to Date Information:
Text NMGUNS to 484848 and stay connected for event updates!
January 31, 2020, at 11:00 am, outside on the East Side of the Capitol Building. (Get there early to park)