T.L. Davis On Allies
BY Herschel Smith
Allies are crucial in this war, but the right has no understanding of how to make an alliance, with whom to make it, or what has to be done to sustain it. The right cannot even ally itself with itself.
Yea. As I’ve been trying to say over these past few weeks. If you don’t get past this “us four and no more” philosophy,” if you don’t learn not to “major on the minors,” you’ll get squashed like a bug in the road.
Honestly, with the disagreeable nature of gun owners lately, I wondering whether they will be pounding in anger on the keyboard until they’re picked up to ride the rail cars, and inside the rail car, if they’ll be bickering over who sits where.
There is no reason for the communists to worry. They have no unified opposition.
On January 28, 2020 at 10:46 pm, 15Fixer said:
Between trolls that just want to disrupt, haters that just want to hate, and blamers that just don’t want to face up to their own self-induced short-comings, it is hard to get a sane, decent conversation going. People want to talk over, shout down, interrupt, and put themselves up front to be seen. I thank God for Matt Bracken, Aesop, NCScout, our esteemed host here Mr Smith, Mr White at WRSA, JC Dodge, and Mr T. L. Davis with his newsletters have kept the conversation alive even thru Hell and high water. Gentlemen, and others who I have neglected to mention, THANK YOU!!!!!
A Listener, Learner, Doer.
On January 29, 2020 at 9:18 am, Ned2 said:
The right is not unified because we tend to be free thinkers. Commies are dumb sheep.
There’s still a lot of ignorance on our side though. Several of our gun owning friends had no clue what was happening in VA.
On January 29, 2020 at 8:40 pm, Sanders said:
@ Ned2 Free thinkers and prideful. Unfortunately, we’ve been led to believe that compromise means “My way or the highway.” which is how conservatives have had to compromise with the liberals, always giving them the “My way” and the gaslighted into thinking we actually reached some sort of compromise. So, you get the backlash against each other, everyone figuring they’ve compromised enough to the point they cannot compromise with one another, even though they are on the same side and want the same things. Yet, we wind up arguing over the minutiae to the point where nobody will give an inch either way while the commies just keep on “Moving forward”.
It is pride as to why we can’t unite. Like has been said more than once by many folks, trying to get conservatives (and gun owners) together is like herding cats.
Richmond was a huge victory if you look at the fact that so many were able to come together.
On January 29, 2020 at 8:56 pm, Paul Scales said:
God is always the same and never changes. Follow Him, not the church, not your pastor, not your friends, not your wife. He’s going to open your eyes and make you into something you did not think you could ever be. It’s yourself and interacting with everyone else who drowns His voice out. If He’s with just you out of anyone else within a 1,000 miles you’re better off than within an army following a man.
On January 29, 2020 at 9:17 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Thanks for that Paul. While certainly true, that’s not what’s being discussed here. In the future, please use a legitimate email address to post.