Telling Lies About Richmond
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 12 months ago
Despite things not working out the way the governor ginned up all that fear for, reality hardly stopped his political allies from doing what they do best, springboarding off his lie and adding whoppers of their own.
“Annual gun lobby day protest in Richmond drew large numbers of white nationalists, militias, and racist conspiracy theorists this year,” the ever-odious Rep. Don Beyer tweeted. “Neo-Nazis tried to use this rally to launch violent attacks. Trump’s symbolism and memories of Charlottesville are vivid in many minds today.”
Taking their cue on what to amplify, NBC was representative of the rest of the DSM (Duranty/Streicher Media), breathlessly planting seeds like:
“On far-right corners of the internet, some have said the rally will accelerate a ‘race war.’”
No one I know said something like that. Being a bit dramatic, are we? Open carry is legal in Virginia (it won’t be if the communists get their way), so no law was broken, no fights broke out, no violence ensued, and not a single negligent discharge occurred out of 30,000 firearms (it would be good for the police to take a page from their book).
Don’t you know the progs just hate that?
On January 29, 2020 at 6:53 am, ragman said:
Yup, no innocent bystanders shot, no doggies shot, no FEDEX drivers killed,&TC. Not bad for a bunch of ignant rednecks.
On January 29, 2020 at 12:11 pm, James Harris said:
the looney left is saying that Lobby Day 2020, was not peaceful, because all the armed rednecks held Richmond hostage; and they were terrified.
On January 29, 2020 at 9:33 pm, Randolph Scott said:
I don’t know who I despise the most, the damned liberal left politicians or the damned liberal left communist called the MSM. Burn them all at the stake.