NRA Doing Indefensible Things
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 11 months ago
As just one prominent example, it makes no sense for NRA to give superlatives to Marco Rubio for what he does with one hand when what he does with the other undermines all of that in the long run. He betrays us on things like chain migration, unnecessary worker visas, refugee and asylum fraud, illegal immigration rewards, and a “path to citizenship” for illegals. To present him as our great friend in light of supporting a 70% Democrat influx is indefensible.
But the NRA has been doing indefensible things ever since its inception.
I’ll tell you what. Get rid of Wayne and his suits. Get rid of all of the other senior staff. Get rid of most of the board of directors, especially Marion Hammer and Tom King. Begin anew by opposing immigration (because they vote 70%-80% gun control). Oppose things like bump stock bans rather than actually suggesting them. Oppose universal background checks rather than actually suggesting them.
Start behaving wisely and prudently with membership money. Score every vote that even comes close to testing the waters on immigration and new gun control measures. Never compromise (compromise means giving anything). Only lobby to get things for gun owners. Oppose any new controls on MSRs. Oppose red flag laws instead of actually suggesting them. Spend money to throw out gun control politicians. Begin the long march towards undoing the GCA and the NFA.
Then we’ll talk. Otherwise, the NRA is just harming the cause as I see it.
On January 30, 2020 at 8:41 am, Fred said:
Rubio, a Republican, was an original author of Trump’s Red Flag law in Florida. He, and the NRA are on are the enemy.
On January 30, 2020 at 8:52 am, ragman said:
The NRA should depart the communist stronghold known as Fairfax County, VA. Gov Justice has invited them to West VA with open arms. Along with Virginia counties, the pro freedom ones in western and southern VA. Fred: the weasel Skeletor, AKA Senator Scott, signed the Red Flag law just before he was elected to the Senate. He is a traitor and is profoundly evil.
On January 30, 2020 at 8:55 am, Name (required) said:
The NRA has advanced the cause of gun control far more effectively than the open gun controllers. The traitorous compromisers at the NRA are a fifth column.
On January 30, 2020 at 9:12 am, Arthur Sido said:
The issues of immigration and gun control are inseparable. I sent the funds that would have paid for my NRA membership renewal to the GOA this year. The whole NRA leadership with few excpetions is corrupt and needs to go.
On January 30, 2020 at 10:55 am, Fred said:
Ragman, they are all evil. The desire to control men that are minding their own beeswax is a great and profound evil, and I say again, with all seriousness, that many of our “leaders” have a devil in possession.
On January 30, 2020 at 1:34 pm, Frank Clarke said:
“Never compromise”…
Now, Captain, there certainly –is– a time for compromise. It’s called “later”.
On January 30, 2020 at 1:45 pm, sofa said:
On January 30, 2020 at 1:47 pm, Herschel Smith said:
On a related note and perhaps somewhat confusing based on recent posts, I’m trying to differentiate between what the NRA does in the political arena with money, and who we think will be valuable allies and what compromises we make with them.
So in other words, we don’t give away things to gain allies. That only leads to more giveaways in the future. We gain allies based on general synergy of thought for self protection and self preservation, and then teach and train them. So overlooking the fact that we may not see eye to eye on, for example, taxes on gasoline for the purpose of state park maintenance, is a valuable ability to keep from “majoring on the minors” when the communists want to put patriots on rail cars.
That’s another way of saying the “us four and no more” philosophy has caused unnecessary internecine warfare.
On January 30, 2020 at 4:45 pm, June J said:
All the NRA wants is “small victories” that they can use for fund raising. Compromising the 2A is their modus operandi for fund raising, everything the NRA does is about fund raising.
On January 30, 2020 at 6:25 pm, elysianfield said:
Well, I’ve been a life member of the NRA since…1969…51 years. Carried an NRA credit card that paid the NRA 1% for every purchase I made…and I built a house on that card. I am of the opinion that a handful of Hermes ties and silk stockings was a poor use of the thousands of dollars I vectored to the organization. I would invite Wayne Lapierre to kiss my big white ass. I no longer have faith in the organization.