Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Shooting The New Colt Python

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Ken Hackathorn appears to like it a lot.  The thing I really appreciate about this video though is Ken explaining proper revolver technique and procedure.

The Truth About The Australian Bush Fires

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

I’ll tell you what.  If you’re a grown-ass man and don’t understand the value of burning the undergrowth and dead fall, if you don’t know what a prescribed burn is (or controlled burn, or managed burn), you need to turn in your manhood card.  You’ve apparently never been in the woods backpacking and collecting dead fall for a fire and wondered how this all keeps from going up in a gigantic conflagration.  I’ve driven through controlled burns and hiked through them as well.

Well, unless you burn it, it doesn’t.  But if you’re a Hollywood or globalist type, you make up some bullshit story about carbon footprint or anthropogenic global warming in order to get rich.  If you’re a gullible sucker like most college students today, lacking any religious beliefs, you believe that story in order to give value to your miserable life.

Oh, and then there’s that little thing of forest fire jihad.

Officials In Lincoln County, NC, Declare County Second Amendment Sanctuary

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

News from North Carolina.

LINCOLN COUNTY, N.C. — Officials with the Lincoln County Board of Commissioners voted to declare the county a “Second Amendment Sanctuary,” WBTV reports.

The vote happened Monday and a resolution says:

“The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners hereby expresses its intent to uphold the Second Amendment rights of the citizens of Lincoln County and that public funds, resources, employees, buildings or offices not be used to restrict Second Amendment rights or to aid or assist in the enforcement of the unnecessary and unconstitutional restriction of the rights under the Second Amendment of the citizens of Lincoln County to keep and bear arms.”

The resolution states that officials voted over concerns that legislation could be passed that infringes on “the rights of the citizens of Lincoln County to keep and bear arms or which may unduly restrict their right to the same,” and that “the criminal misuse of firearms is not a reason to infringe the rights of law-abiding citizens of Lincoln County.”

Open letter to the commissioners of Lincoln County

Dear commissioners,

I applaud your efforts to protect our God-given rights to keep and bear arms.  No doubt, what is happening in Virginia will come further South as nanny-state controller and collectivist Michael Bloomberg pours his ill-gotten money into our state just like he did in Virginia.  They want Virginia to be the model for gun control.  They have said so.

I also applaud your attention to detail – you have struck while it’s appropriate, not waiting for the efforts of Raleigh to infringe upon our God-given rights to make it clear that you won’t participate.

However, as I have warned my readers in Virginia, this is only the beginning.  If you will, it’s the first volley.  There is much more to come, and you must show your resolve in the coming days, weeks, months and years.  The controllers don’t rest, and neither can you.  To them, this is the long war.  Your resolve will require the same level of commitment.

This resolution will require commitment and absolute devotion to your duty, and even more.  Law enforcement officials will need to be fisked to see exactly where they stand.  The Sheriff, township LEOs, and city police, must be on board.  Regulations will have to be passed, or rejected, based on your commitment to the 2A.

It may come down to even more.  The resolution you passed means, as best as I understand it, that you will not allow county resources to be used to infringe on the RKBA.  This is well and good, but it won’t be enough if what is happening in Virginia is our tutor.

County LEOs must be willing to prevent others from infringing upon those same rights, and that might mean meeting them at the roadways and interdicting their efforts.  It might mean preventative tasks rather than merely sitting on the sideline and refusing to participate.  If you won’t help them, they may take on the task without your help.

Furthermore, I would have liked to see a stronger statement, more like what we are seeing in Virginia.  We know their game, and while state authorities might be claiming to honor our God-given rights by allowing bolt action rifles and three-round magazines for deer hunting, we all know that the second amendment isn’t about deer hunting with bolt action rifles or turkey hunting with 12 gauge shotguns.  It’s about much, much more than that.

The resolutions in Virginia make it utterly clear that they know the governor of Virginia is out to confiscate and/or register modern sporting rifles, standard capacity magazines, handguns of all kinds, and is pressing a host of other infringements (such as shutdown of shooting ranges and prohibitions on shooting in the bush or where regulations don’t cover).

You see, their designs are comprehensive, far-reaching and all-inclusive.  The very nature of the controller is to control everyone and everything.  They cannot not do that.  “Can a leopard change it spots?”  So your resolve must be as absolute as is theirs, and as is the governor of our very own state, who is as much of a controller as the governor of Virginia.

Your warnings to the controllers cannot be empty warnings.  Otherwise, they are toothless and meaningless, and you may as well have never acted to begin with.

Are you up to the task?

US Will Stop Sending Explosive-Detection Dogs To Jordan, Egypt After Several More Canine Deaths

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Stars and Stripes.

The U.S. is temporarily halting a program under which bomb-sniffing dogs were sent to countries in the Middle East after a report released Friday found at least five more of the specially trained dogs had died in Jordan and Egypt following poor care, mistreatment or negligence.

One of the dogs in Jordan died after overheating in June, and another was poisoned by insecticide sprayed near its kennel in September, the report by the State Department’s Inspector General said.

Three of 10 dogs the U.S. has provided to Egypt in the past year have also died — one from lung cancer, one from a ruptured gall bladder and one from heat stroke, the report said.

The announcement that the program is being stopped comes months after American inspectors found that at least 12 of the U.S.-trained canines sent to Jordan under an antiterrorism program had died from medical problems. Others were overworked, unhealthy and forced to live in kennels with “barely existent” sanitation, the officials said in an evaluation released in September.

At the time, the IG called for the U.S. to stop sending dogs to Jordan until a plan could be put in place to ensure the animals’ health and welfare, but State Department officials refused to do so. The department’s top security and counterterrorism officials said at the time their divisions were taking steps to improve monitoring of the health and training of dogs provided to foreign partner countries.

But the IG learned through a hotline complaint after the original report was published that two additional dogs had died in Jordan of “non-natural,” preventable causes.

“The death of two canines from non-natural causes — namely, hyperthermia and poisoning — since June 2019 raises serious questions about the Department’s contention that it has taken adequate steps to protect their health and safety,” said the report released Friday.

A third dog in Jordan was infected with leishmaniasis, a preventable disease spread by sand flies, officials told the IG in October. Last year, a 3-year-old Belgian Malinois provided to Jordan had to be euthanized after being infected by the same disease.

Jordan is the main recipient of U.S.-trained bomb-sniffing dogs but several other countries have also received canines under the program, which has been running for some 20 years.

Two of the deaths in Egypt were not previously disclosed to the IG, the new report said. Egypt had denied U.S. officials permission to visit the kennels or the airport where the animals would work, and would not allow U.S. mentors to accompany the dogs to Egypt for in-country training.

[ … ]

In its earlier evaluation, the IG said the department could not provide detailed information about programs in nine other countries which had a total of between 75 and 100 dogs as of last September.

In August, the State Department repossessed 10 dogs from Morocco because they were not being used for their intended purpose, the IG said.

Oh.  Okay.  It all makes sense now.  The State Department is responsible for this grotesque program.

Now see, this really pisses me off.  We’ve bred wolves (and then dogs) for millennia to be our under-foot partners and companions, always with us, faithful and loyal to us to the end.  This kind of treatment in return is an abomination.  End the program … NOW!  Totally and completely, no second chances, no modifications, no alterations.  End the program.  That’s the only thing I’ll accept.

A good man has regard for the life of his beast, the evil man doesn’t.  The State Department is evil for doing this, among many other reasons.  The article has pictures of starving dogs that I can’t bring myself to embed.

So the U.S., under the flag of foreign relations, spends a ton of money training dogs to detect explosives, sends them overseas to be used, and instead of taking care of them, they are abused by their handlers if used at all for their intended purpose.  And after finding that out, the State Department refused to stop the program.

Why does the State Department exist?  Rex Tillerson made this major mistake, among many moderate and smaller ones.  When he fired an entire floor of employees from the State Department, he should have emptied the building and permanently shuttered it.  It’s good for nothing at all.

So the intent is to detect explosives?  The Arabic culture disrespects dogs?  Fine.  Let those countries explode to hell and back.  I don’t care.

My own Marine who did a tour in Fallujah in 2007 came home disgusted and repulsed by the obscene and revolting treatment of dogs in middle eastern culture.  If you look at dogs the way they do, I look at you the way I look at the middle eastern culture.

There.  Is that clear enough for you?  On both accounts?

Combat Rifle Zero

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

John Lovell has an interesting video up on AR-15 zero.

If you want more, and a somewhat different approach, Shawn Ryan has a video up of his 36 yard zero and why he does it that way.

DIY Suppressors

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago


On the drop-down menu, select FMI (for Form 1 manufactured), and you’re on your way. You’ll also have to describe the length and caliber of the can you’re going to make. Tip: Some people get wrapped around the axle when it comes to fingerprints. There’s absolutely no reason to make an appointment and pay a third party to fingerprint you, when you’re perfectly capable of smearing ink on your own digits. Order a fingerprint kit from Amazon, and do it yourself in the comfort of your own home.

Once your Form 1 has been approved, which usually takes around three weeks, you can then buy a tube, spacers, baffles, and endcaps from the many online vendors that exist on the fringes of the interwebs. Due to the nature of NFA law, these will be described in rather coy terms, and you may wind up purchasing “barrel shrouds,” “solvent traps,” “oil filter kits,” or “storage cups,” all of which are largely useless for their advertised purpose, but give the vendors a fig leaf of deniability. Yes, it’s all a bunch of bullsh*t, but it’s the system we’re stuck with.

Once your components arrive, you can then set to work engraving the tube to meet the legal requirements of the National Firearms Act (see RECOIL Issue 44). You could go get this done on a laser engraver and make it look all professional-like, or you could just bust out the Dremel. We did the latter, as it’s going to be wrapped in a suppressor cover anyway. With your tube engraved, you can then drill holes in the baffles and endcap, screw everything together, and head to the range with your shiny new can. Enjoy!

I had never really paid this much attention and didn’t know that the constituent parts were available like that.  I’m sure that without a lot of effort I couldn’t build a suppressor with the acoustical engineering effectiveness that the large corporations and research organizations put into it.

Then again, rarely does anyone use a suppressor without ear pro anyway, so a little bit more protection is good, albeit not perfect.

If any reader has experience with this, please drop comments below and give us some pointers.

Radio Contra Episode 4

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

NC Scout has his most recent podcast up, and I had intended to link this earlier.  It’s well worth the 40 minutes.  I like his style – humble and unassuming.

Petula Dvorak: Hater

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

David Codrea fisks her.  Here is the full quote from WaPo, part of which David includes.

There are measures to ban assault weapons, high-capacity magazines, bump stocks and silencers. There are proposals to require background checks on all firearms sales and transfers, as well as limit handgun purchases to one a month.

And there is a move to adopt the same kind of “red flag law” in at least a dozen other states that allow law enforcement to temporarily remove guns from people deemed a threat to themselves or others, thwarting domestic violence shootings and suicides.

That’s it. It’s pretty common sense and allows the hunters, the farmers, the law-abiding homeowners who want protection to keep guns and buy more guns.

The commentary is behind a paywall and I refuse to fund the CIA blog.  I got it through other means.

I had read the commentary and just couldn’t bring myself to link or quote it without doing a full fisking (which would take more of my time than I wanted to devote).

David does a good job.  To her, the 2A is all about duck hunting.  She loves the Fudds, wants a monopoly of power, and loves the state.  She’s a collectivist.

And see, these common sense gun controls are all they want!  Imagine that.  Gun bans, red flag laws, magazine bans, universal background checks, gun registration.

All common sense, no?  And always remember.  The folks who want to take your guns intend to do something that would make you need them.

Petula Dvorak.  Leninist.


Virginia Ban On Woods And Backyard Shooting?

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Am I reading this right?

Offered January 8, 2020
Prefiled January 6, 2020
A BILL to amend the Code of Virginia by adding in Article 3 of Chapter 12 of Title 18.2 a section numbered 18.2-511.2, relating to outdoor shooting ranges; prohibited adjacent to residential areas; exceptions; civil penalty.

Patron– Bell
Referred to Committee for Courts of Justice
Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Virginia:

1. That the Code of Virginia is amended by adding in Article 3 of Chapter 12 of Title 18.2 a section numbered 18.2-511.2 as follows:

§ 18.2-511.2. Outdoor shooting ranges; prohibited adjacent to residential areas; exceptions; civil penalty.

A. As used in this section, “outdoor shooting range” means any partially enclosed or unenclosed area or facility designed for the use of rifles, shotguns, pistols, silhouettes, skeet, trap, black powder, or any other similar sport shooting.

B. It is unlawful to operate an outdoor shooting range within 500 yards of any property zoned for residential use unless the Range Design Criteria developed by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Health, Safety and Security have been met.

C. Any person who violates the provisions of this section is subject to a civil penalty of not less than $1,000 nor more than $100,000 for the initial violation and $5,000 per day for each day of violation thereafter.

By stipulating “any partially enclosed or unenclosed area,” they seem to want to outlaw any backyard or woods shooting, regardless of county or town regulations.  In other words, your “range” doesn’t have to be a formally designated range open for business.  It might be your backyard, as long as you’ve put up a berm or some steel targets.

I guess they really are coming for the Fudd regardless of what he thinks.  Shooting is a perishable skill.

There appears to be no depth to which they will not stoop.

Matt Bracken On The Upcoming Gun Rights Protest In Richmond, Virginia

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

American Partisan, The Mother of all Buffalo Jumps.

Just make sure that you’re not being stampeded toward a cliff, by devious political operatives who are more clever and cold-hearted than you. Remember Charlottesville, and what happened at Twin Peaks. Please think long and hard about stampeding into Richmond for what might turn out to be the mother of all buffalo jumps.

Keep it smart, and keep it local. Be the Indian, not the buffalo.

I’ve already got my finger of blame ready to point.

In the mean time, I really wonder if it might be a much better use of time and resources to leave Richmond alone (after all, there is virtually nothing that can be done to stop the controllers on their way to the Tower of Babel), and schedule a cup of coffee with your local town police, county Sheriff or county deputies.

You can see exactly where they stand, and perhaps make a difference in their views.  If not, you know exactly where you stand.  Yes?

Shhh … quiet.  Hidden from view.  Don’t telegraph your plans to the controllers.  Prepare your own terrain, physical and human, and meet them there.  Focus on your strengths, not theirs.  The pit of vipers is their terrainDon’t silhouette the skyline.

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