KIRO Radio.
If you are a commercial pilot or general contractor likely you understand the value of licensing; So why not license gun owners?
Tell me I’m wrong.
Okay. You’re wrong. The right of self defense is not just a right, but a duty, and that means self defense against both individuals and tyranny.
Gun rights people — same as gun control supporters — talk a good game about background checks, mental health, warning signs, red flags. But existing laws and loopholes prevent effective, universal screening.
And before we argue that the Second Amendment means that no restriction should be put on gun ownership, we already place limit on every constitutional amendment, including the Second. And the argument that it would not affect criminals is true for every new criminal law – until someone gets arrest for violating it.
In fact, I like licensing so much I’d be willing to toss out any bans on so-called assault weapons or ammunition restrictions. Heck, I’d be fine with no purchase restrictions on any firearms sold today in this country in exchange for licensing.
Well bless your heart. Are you offering a compromise? No one on your side has ever done that before. Why, shazam. This is the very first time, don’t ya’ know.
The fact that we might place restrictions on rights is no argument that it is righteous and acceptable to put those restrictions in place. That’s argument de facto, which is a formal logical fallacy.
If the real problem is, as I am often told, “it’s the person not the gun,” then let’s put our money where our thoughts and prayers are and license the person. Everybody wants to lionize that good guy with a gun; I simply want to license him – or her – as well.
I don’t care what you’ve been told. And as for licensing people instead of weapons, we’ve known all along that’s what your ilk wanted to do. It’s the same thing Adolf Hitler did. You can check here, or watch this.
Tell me I’m wrong.
Okay. You’re wrong. Rights come from the Almighty, it is He alone who is the only sovereign, and man doesn’t get to give or take rights. Rights are only recognized, not given, by anyone but God. And we won’t be giving up our solemn duties to assuage anyone’s irrational fears, most especially you.