Christian Reconstruction and Pete Hegseth’s Confirmation as Secretary of Defense

Herschel Smith · 26 Jan 2025 · 7 Comments

I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets…… [read more]

Hey Mike Lewis! You’re Wrong!

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

KIRO Radio.

If you are a commercial pilot or general contractor likely you understand the value of licensing; So why not license gun owners?

Tell me I’m wrong.

Okay.  You’re wrong.  The right of self defense is not just a right, but a duty, and that means self defense against both individuals and tyranny.

Gun rights people — same as gun control supporters — talk a good game about background checks, mental health, warning signs, red flags. But existing laws and loopholes prevent effective, universal screening.

And before we argue that the Second Amendment means that no restriction should be put on gun ownership, we already place limit on every constitutional amendment, including the Second.  And the argument that it would not affect criminals is true for every new criminal law – until someone gets arrest for violating it.

In fact, I like licensing so much I’d be willing to toss out any bans on so-called assault weapons or ammunition restrictions. Heck, I’d be fine with no purchase restrictions on any firearms sold today in this country in exchange for licensing.

Well bless your heart.  Are you offering a compromise?  No one on your side has ever done that before.  Why, shazam.  This is the very first time, don’t ya’ know.

The fact that we might place restrictions on rights is no argument that it is righteous and acceptable to put those restrictions in place.  That’s argument de facto, which is a formal logical fallacy.

If the real problem is, as I am often told, “it’s the person not the gun,” then let’s put our money where our thoughts and prayers are and license the person. Everybody wants to lionize that good guy with a gun; I simply want to license him – or her – as well.

I don’t care what you’ve been told.  And as for licensing people instead of weapons, we’ve known all along that’s what your ilk wanted to do.  It’s the same thing Adolf Hitler did.  You can check here, or watch this.

Tell me I’m wrong.

Okay.  You’re wrong.  Rights come from the Almighty, it is He alone who is the only sovereign, and man doesn’t get to give or take rights.  Rights are only recognized, not given, by anyone but God.  And we won’t be giving up our solemn duties to assuage anyone’s irrational fears, most especially you.

Virginia Democrats Drop AR-15 Confiscation After 1000s Of NRA Members Show Up

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Via WiscoDave, this misleading piece from Breitbart.

Virginia Democrats withdrew an AR-15 confiscation bill Monday after thousands of NRA members showed up to oppose new gun controls.

The NRA asked members to flood the January 13, 2020, Virginia Senate meetings and ensure pro-Second Amendment voices drowned out those calling for gun control.

The Washington Free Beacon reports the presence of thousands of NRA members “appeared to have an impact.” Democrats withdrew a bill aimed at AR-15 confiscation and moderated other gun control proposals.

But NRA-ILA Virginia state director Daniel Spiker made clear the changes, though good, were not enough.

He said, “While there were some improvements to some of these bills, overall, it’s still bad legislation. Putting in more regulations and making it more onerous on the law-abiding citizens of Virginia is not something we stand for.”

Richard Cosner, a Chester, Virginia, preacher, was present to oppose new gun controls.

He pointed out attempts to legislate gun control serve as a way to usurp the Constitution:  “The Constitution is specific; it ‘shall not be infringed.’ If somebody wants to restrict those rights then they need to follow it by altering the Constitution, not by putting in place legislation that is in conflict with the Constitution.”

This lede is very misleading.  That’s not what happened at all, and the Virginia lawmakers couldn’t care less what the NRA or its members think.

They’re dropping redundant bills and focusing on getting their preferred bills out of committee.  There will still be a universal background check.  There will still be an AWB.  There will still be the restrictions on shooting ranges.  There will still be magazine capacity limits.  We could go on.

An earlier version of the article had this.

Lawmakers will continue to work on the bills passed today and consider other gun-control bills. Those include a House of Delegates bill that would ban new sales of AR-15s, force gun owners to register AR-15s, and outlaw possession of magazines holding more than 10 rounds.

Here’s a note to writers: please don’t be misleading.

American Re-Education Camps

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

“And if your speech is calling for the elimination of people based on race or gender, or religious – like, for whatever reason, things that people can’t change, then you should expect a f****** violent reaction.”

No one I know or have ever been exposed to has ever called for the elimination of anyone.  But you are, douche bag.

But it’s okay when you do it, right?  Because that’s different, and shut up.  He goes on to say this.

Jurek went on to explain “there’s a reason Joseph Stalin had gulags,” adding “And actually, gulags were a lot better than what the CIA has told us that they were. Like, people were actually paid a living wage in gulags, they had conjugal visits in gulags, gulags were actually menat (sic) for like re-education.”

Via WiscoDave and Insty.

Is The 5.7x28mm Round Adequate For Personal Defense?

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago


Let’s make the argument that 5.7 is, just for fun and for the purposes of this article, as suitable for personal defense as 9mm.

If we wanted to bolster a case that 5.7 is a viable defense round, we could start with this punny line: The 5.7 uses a bottlenecked case, like the .357 SIG, which is theoretically supposed to increase feed reliability. Second, 30% lower felt recoil is going to translate into better accuracy, better shot placement, and faster follow up shots. Third, the 5.7 can squeeze 20 or (as Hop learned in the video above) 21 rounds into a full-size frame for more capacity than 9mm. Fourth, the ability to defeat body armor is a plus – according to FN, the SS190 cartridge type can defeat two stacked Level II vests at 50 yards.  The round will also go through a vest and remain effective – allegedly penetrating 11 inches into ballistic gel after punching through a Kevlar vest. Fifth, we have the advantage of the increased range we discussed above, albeit this is of limited use for the reasons noted.

[ … ]

Moving away from gel and paper, there’s empirical evidence suggesting that the 5.7 is effective.  Over forty countries have adopted the 5.7, including the USA at a federal and state level, most notably, the US Secret Service. According to an article from the Dallas News, the Five-seveN is sought after by Mexican drug cartels for its effectiveness, and FN’s pistol can fetch $5,000 on the black market because of its performance, especially against armored targets. And as macabre as it might be, I reluctantly note for purposes of this discussion (and because someone was definitely going to say something about it in the comments anyways if I didn’t) that the 5.7 round was used in the most deadly American on-base shooting of all time, killing 13 and wounding over 30 when an Army major-turned-terrorist used the Five-seveN in an attack against fellow soldiers.

I’ve addressed this before.  I would carry the round for personal defense.

And if I’m not mistaken, his conviction on 13 counts of premeditated murder was short one.  One victim was pregnant.

Be Well Regulated

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

David Codrea.

Let’s pray the catastrophe feared by some doesn’t happen, but understand whether it does or not, the Democrat majority in Virginia will not loosen up on its demands unless it has no other choice. There are two overdue actions committed gun owners must take. Must. If they don’t, then temporary violence will have just been averted, and when it comes back it could be for a lot longer and with a vengeance.

Being well regulated isn’t just the right recipe for this event.  It’s appropriate for all of life.

Bishop Firearms: 458 SOCOM Lever Action Rifle

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago


The Bishop Ammunition and Firearms 458 SOCOM 1895 GBL Lever Action chambered in 458 SOCOM comes with all the foregoing plus additional features other manufacturers charge extra for and now joins our line up in 458 SOCOM with our 458 SOCOM Hunter Bolt Action and the AR458 SOCOM Rifle. The 458 SOCOM 1895 GBL Lever Action was designed specifically for those situations where an AR-15 rifle is either not permitted for hunting while riding the range hunting feral hogs, or for those that want something completely different.

It’s a nice looking and powerful gun, but my question would be why?  When the lever guns at Big Horn Armory are available, what is the hoped customer base for this gun?

Hold your breath.  MSRP = $2,999.99.

I understand.  They’ve got to get their R&D money back out of this.  The ammo will be expensive though, just like the gun.  Let me know if any readers get one.  You can do a review of it.

Rex On Virginia Lobby Day: Is It A Trap?

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Getting Out In Front Of The Problems: N.C. Second Amendment Sanctuary Counties

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Lincoln County was the first to do it.  Next up, by my count (I could use a second check on this), North Carolina has added the following counties to the ranks of second amendment sanctuaries (I’ll include Lincoln County in the roll call).

Lincoln County

Surry County

Wilkes County

Rowan County

Davidson County

Iredell County

There are other counties actively working on it, including Gaston County.

This is good, if they’re serious.  I’ve already outlined some of the serious implications of this, and no, this isn’t some “symbolic gesture” if they intend it to be more than that.  This means not just refusing to cooperate in confiscatory schemes and other infringements, but using the power of the Sheriff and militia to stop others from doing it.

As for Lincoln County, Commissioner Carol Mitchem says this.  “I don’t need more layers of government telling me what to do,” Mitchem said. “If it comes to pass that they want to infringe upon the people’s rights to carry guns, it’s going to be a bad day for somebody.”

Good.  I’ll remember your declaration.  I’m going to hold you to this, sir.

This Good-Faith Evidence Was Used By The Police As A Justification For Their Raid

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

News from New Zealand.

I opened the door to see a number of police officers outside. They served me with a search warrant under Section 6 of the Search and Surveillance Act 2012. Half a dozen armed police officers swarmed in the front door (holstered sidearms only) as several more ran around the sides of the house. They later called for more backup as the house was larger than your average state-house drug lab. I got the impression that they’d never had to raid a middle-class suburban house like mine before. Everyone on the property was detained, read their rights, and questioned separately. I opted to call a lawyer who advised me to refuse to answer any questions.

The warrant claimed they had reason to believe I was in possession of a prohibited magazine fitted to a “.22RL lever-action rifle. Blued metal, brown wooden stock.” The officer told me I had posted about it online, which I had—in my public written submission against the Firearms Amendment Act passed last year. That submission was shared on several blogs and social media. I had used the firearm as an example to prove the legislation was not targeting “military-style assault weapons” as the media, prime minister, and her cabinet repeated ad nauseum. The vast majority of firearms affected by the legislation were just like mine.

I thought nothing more of my little example to the select committee. It was no longer in my possession when the police raided my house. They departed empty-handed after turning the place inside out for ninety minutes and left me with my firearms and a visibly shaken wife who broke down in tears. Thankfully, the kids didn’t quite get what was going on—but I realised after that they had gone to bed without icecream.

I’ve been vocal about the amnesty being a disaster, and the police were rather open about the failure of the whole process. Maybe if they stopped raiding innocent people’s houses there might have been some more good will? They implied that they’d keep having to raid the houses of people I knew until the firearm turned up. This is for an A-Category firearm, which I have no reason to believe is fitted with a prohibited magazine! Are these the kind of intimidation tactics now the norm in New Zealand? Are we going to accept this in a first-world democracy?

This is for a lever-action .22LR that’s designed to hit paper or be used to hunt bunnies. What happened to going after the “weapons designed to kill people” as the police minister Stuart Nash has claimed?

The implications of this are rather stunning. I took the photo and publicised the details about this firearm as part of the select committee process. This good-faith evidence was used by the police as a justification for their raid. Do we now live in a country where public evidence given to a select committee will be used against you to suit the political purposes of the police?

You see, the problem here sir is that you are a peaceable, law abiding man.  That’s exactly who gun control laws target.  They intend it to be that way.They controllers don’t care about violent men, criminals or gangsters.

They fear you, a peaceable family man.  And yes, they even fear your lever action .22LR.  You can’t have anything.  The .gov has a monopoly on sanctioned violence, and thus you are left utterly powerless and impotent to protect your family against the gangsters, whether they work for the government or not.

New Rifles In 350 Legend

BY Herschel Smith
5 years, 2 months ago

Military Times.

When Winchester Ammunition announced their straight-walled .350 Legend cartridge at SHOT Show 2019, only CMMG and Ruger had firearms chambered in the new round.

Now, roughly one year later, the potent round appears to be gaining traction with additional gun manufacturers with the latest adopter being Franklin Armory.

The cartridge was developed in response to various hunting laws in the United States that restrict calibers to straight-walled cartridges. This effectively restricted hunters to .30-30, .45-70 Gov or similar rounds in lever-action, or breech-loading rifles.

To give hunters an auto-loading alternative, Winchester developed the .350 Legend – a round that functions in a modified STANAG magazine in standard AR-15 magazine wells.

Despite being developed initially as a hunting round, it is equally as effective as defensive cartridge. There are even super-heavy subsonic loads available for shooters running a suppressor who want more ballistic energy than .300 BLK.

I’m not sure why it flew under the radar, but Rock River Arms also has an offering in 350 Legend, as well as uppers.

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