Reminder: Bloomberg Targets North Carolina Next
BY Herschel Smith
A group that spent millions of dollars in Virginia to help flip the legislature is planning to spend money in North Carolina aimed at the General Assembly and gun laws.
All 170 seats in the state House and Senate are up for election this year.
The Everytown for Gun Safety Action Fund, the political arm of Everytown for Gun Safety, is spending $250,000 on a digital ad campaign to pressure the General Assembly to pass gun safety legislation like a red flag bill proposed in the 2019 session by Democratic state lawmakers.
Everytown for Gun Safety PACs spent $2.5 million on campaigns in Virginia in 2019. The group is affiliated with Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg. Mayors Against Illegal Guns, which was co-founded by Bloomberg, is also part of Everytown, as is Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America and Students Demand Action.
The first ad, called “North Carolina: On Notice,” will run on Facebook and be targeted to suburban women and African African women voters. It notes that 1,300 people die by gun violence each year in the state.
The most recent data from the Centers for Disease Control showed that there were 1,430 firearms deaths in 2017 in North Carolina. In 2016, it was 1,409 deaths, and in 2015, 1,289 deaths.
Any changes in North Carolina’s gun laws has so far been supported by Democrats and opposed by many Republicans. In January, 50 members of the Republican House Caucus signed a letter supporting counties that declare themselves “Second Amendment sanctuaries” and are opposed to any new gun regulations.
Everytown also released poll results from Global Strategy Group that shows majority support for stricter gun laws. The poll of 602 likely voters found that 79% supported red flag laws and 54% supported stronger gun laws. The poll also showed that 64% of respondents agreed it is “possible to keep guns out of the hands of criminals and other dangerous people while also protecting the rights of gun owners.”
An N&O fact-check showed that most Americans support stricter gun laws, including an increasing number of Republicans. In North Carolina, a poll by the conservative policy group Civitas Institute showed 58% of likely voters said laws around gun sales were not strict enough.
Everytown and Moms Demand Action criticized state lawmakers who went to Virginia for a gun rights rally in January in their announcement Monday.
“Everytown, Moms Demand Action, and Students Demand Action volunteers are now calling on the legislature to act by passing gun safety measures, including extreme risk legislation,” the groups said in a news release.
Democrats proposed two gun regulation bills in the 2019 session, but they did not make it out of committee in the Republican-led General Assembly. House Bill 454, a “red flag” bill, would allow family members or law enforcement to petition a judge for what is known as an extreme risk protection order, which would restrict a person’s access to firearms if there was evidence of them posing danger to themselves or others.
With the wrong mix of people in power, Bloomberg and Everytown will bring everything they brought to Virginia further South, including whatever they don’t manage to get passed in Virginia.
Here’s a note about North Carolina. Mecklenburg and Wake counties control the state. They are the behemoths, and if we don’t stand strong, we’ll be run over by them. I fear that North Carolina is actually more fertile ground for Bloomberg’s plans than Virginia.
The controllers never stop, are well resourced, and are tireless. We must match them. If you’re a North Carolina reader, please don’t focus on football jerseys, stupid games and parties. You must be in the fight. I expect to be involved in the same armed rallies in North Carolina that we saw in Virginia.
If you’re not a North Carolina reader, we’ll soon need your prayers and participation in rallies.
Can we count on you?
On February 5, 2020 at 6:58 am, ragman said:
Avery County on board.
On February 5, 2020 at 8:22 am, Matt Bracken said:
One place to start is to mine this outstanding video for Bloomberg’s Bloopers.
He may have 80 billion dollars to play with, but we can at least mock him in a way that warns our fellow 2A supporters. The Bloomberg interview is fair game for anybody to turn into effective video clips and image memes.
Bloomberg Says He Wants To Ban Guns Holding More Than 3 Rounds
Colion Noir, Feb 4, youtube
On February 5, 2020 at 9:13 am, Fred said:
Bracken, what are you doing about Trump’s Red Flag law in your own home state?
On February 5, 2020 at 9:53 am, BOB said:
Thanks for the update…correct about Wake (Raleigh) and Mecklenburg (Charlotte) counties too. Wish I could say that those counties as a whole are on board, but they are infested with many liberals, including unfortunately, in the county sheriffs’ departments.
But I am convinced that responsible gun owners and 2A defenders here in NC have been expecting the VA nonsense to spread here so we have been watching and are prepared.
On February 5, 2020 at 11:14 pm, X said:
I’m sure Bloomberg will be bringing his armed security detail when he goes down to NC to tell you goyim that you’ll have to be giving up your guns…
On February 6, 2020 at 6:39 am, Matt said:
It’s only a matter of time before this gun grabbing cancer spreads*. This is why finding where the local politicos stand, working with the local sheriff and police chiefs, working to remove those that are anti-2A and building a local community that will actively defend if necessary is so vitally important. Eventually we are either going to have to submit to communism or fight.
* The Clinton era gun grab and “ban” on the AR15 is believed to have been a major contributor to the Dimorhoid loss of the House for almost 30 years. They’ve certainly been doubling down in the last couple of years following the 2018 mid terms, which should have been expected because of the way things tend to swing against the president’s party in them. Hopefully, the combination of lack of enthusiasm, a corrupt convention that alienates their voters, and continued pro Trump (he’s no friend, but better than the alternative) support will translate into a shellacking in the coming election and they’ll attribute it to their push for gun grabs.
On February 6, 2020 at 6:23 pm, Geoff said:
North Carolina gun laws already suck, except for Open Carry which South Carolina doesn’t have.
You actually have to ask your County Sheriff if you can buy a handgun.
South Carolina has no restrictive gun laws except for no Open Carry, but even that has exceptions.
On February 6, 2020 at 9:22 pm, Deadeye said:
Dumbfounds me that Bloomberg is choosing States with a very high percentage of Scots-Irish descendants to play his dangerous game. For those that pay attention, people with this blood coursing through their veins have been quite extreme in their resistance to tyrannical rulers and their facilitators. Pretty sure a good portion of those reading this comment share a high percentage of the same DNA.
On February 6, 2020 at 9:54 pm, Wes said:
The Bloomberg Kill the Kulaks Road Show™ is making a Sunday evening tour bus stop in Arlington, VA (per VCDL alert).
Bringing “surrogates” out, including the Kemp family, the tear jerking Mom from the StuporBowl ad. The child that really wasn’t, since he was 20 when he got the bad end of having called out a rival gang member. Oops.
On February 6, 2020 at 10:37 pm, Little Mike is George Raft's mini-me said:
What we saw in Richmond may come to North Carolina.We saw the junior U.S. Senator from Virginia following the money men (from the bank with America in it’s name) around like a servant on January 13th.When the money men got into the building,they were guided past people who had signed in to talk to their ‘representatives’,without having to sign in,to have private meetings with the General Assembly members.Then the assembly members were ‘no longer available’ to talk to constituents who had signed in and waited to talk to them.I wonder if the assembly members being bought off knew the money Bloomberg distributes comes from China in some cases?I wonder if they get cash?What bank in the corona virus Peoples’ Republic was storing it?How’d you get that nasty cough,Mr. State Senator?Only following orders,you say?Was it worth it?
On February 7, 2020 at 4:22 am, bogbeagle said:
It is not possible to ‘Vote these people out of your lives’.
Plenty of others have tried, and all have failed.
On February 7, 2020 at 10:06 pm, Jaque said:
What we have is a billionaire using the power of his money to deny us our natural right to bear arms. And he is supported by congressman and senators who swore an oath to defend and obey the Constitution but work against it.
Its as simple as that. It would make for powerful advertising to call these people traitors to the Constitution. But its the truth.
On February 8, 2020 at 8:52 pm, jack said:
Chapel Hill/Hillsborough – Orange County NC on board. Keep up the good work, Herschel, and let us know how we can help