Orange County Sheriff’s Department: “A Reasonable Person Does Not Walk Around Wearing A Ballistic Vest – Except Us Of Course!”
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 11 months ago
His weapon was concealed and the only reason the deputy knew he had a weapon was that he informed as such. He was stopped, detained, and a gun pointed at him for wearing a ballistic vest. In other words, he did nothing illegal.
On February 7, 2020 at 6:21 pm, X said:
People need to get a grip on the fact that in the 21st century, the government believes it has the right to kill you at any time, on the spot, without ANY resistance.
That’s why they want to ban ARs and 10+ mags for you — at the same time ALL the PDs are now toting M4s with 30-rd mags. That’s why they want to ban you from having body armor, while they’re all dressed in Level IIIA or Level IV and wearing Kevlar.
They will shoot you on the spot if they “believe the subject MIGHT HAVE a weapon” and if they’re wrong, then oops, shrug. They’ll get acquitted 999 times out of 1000.
On February 7, 2020 at 10:06 pm, George 1 said:
As has been pointed out. They aren’t terribly bright and they are the most dangerous people the average person will ever run into. They are far more dangerous that most gang members in most situations.
The greater problem though is that the courts allow them to get by with this type of behavior. In fact by their actions the courts encourage it.
On February 7, 2020 at 11:11 pm, TC said:
If you don’t think that every police officer is an executioner in a blue or black uniform, you need to pull you head out.
On February 7, 2020 at 11:57 pm, joe said:
that’s plain bs and you know it TC…doctors kill more people every year than police do…the freaking flu kills more people in on year than the police in 10 years…i don’t agree with everything they do but not everyone of them is looking to kill someone…
On February 8, 2020 at 3:09 am, John said:
Live in Baltimore and say that. Clown.
On February 8, 2020 at 4:45 pm, F.T. said:
I have been carrying concealed for decades, 3 at least legally with a permit. Partly for my job as a LE Officer before I retired.
I have to laugh,out loud sometimes when I see some obese goof, with long stringy, dirty hair standing there with a gun strapped to him. I can’t imagine what the hell is going through their minds or who they think they are or wher their going that they need to get geared up like that. Its not only rediculious but it also makes all legit gun owners who are not nut jobs look bad. I go out on the streets now and I see almost every single day an ex con I dealt with and I’m not looking like I’m getting ready to take a fortified bunker someplace single handedly. If these guys want to be warriors, go join the friggin military. Thats what I did and I got all sorts of gear that I don’care to ever see again.
On February 8, 2020 at 5:15 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Great post!
So let’s fisk this a bit. To what do you object? Long, stringy hair – does that negate constitutional liberties and rights?
Open carry? Does that negate constitutional and God-given rights?
Does your opinion negate those protections too?
Or is it body armor? Why wouldn’t someone want to wear it if he believed that he was in enough danger? Who has the right to wear body armor – anyone, or just LEOs?
Did this LEO have a right to stop him given that he disobeyed no law?
Did this LEO have a right to point that weapon at the man?
This is a whole host of pregnant questions that will let us “divine” your true intentions and beliefs. I await your response.
On February 8, 2020 at 6:23 pm, Stryker said:
Imagine if this cop had been at Richmond. Now cops decide what a reasonable person is and can draw on anyone who appears unreasonable? This cop is a sergeant and if he murdered this guy he would be promoted to Lieutenant. Should cops really be armed?
On February 8, 2020 at 8:09 pm, MTHead said:
He’s lucky he wasn’t in Mesa, AZ., Or Council, Id.!
On February 8, 2020 at 8:23 pm, MTHead said:
That’s probably a pretty good hustle. As his rights were clearly violated. His life was put in danger for no reason. And most county Insurance co. will settle out lawsuits under $50,000. Rather than go to court. Cha-Ching, call my lawyer!
On February 9, 2020 at 10:45 am, tired dog said:
Has his permit been cancelled yet?
On February 9, 2020 at 12:21 pm, Bill Mullins said:
A little bit of expansion on X’s observation of “Only Ones” being “acquitted 999 times out of 1000”. Here’s a little piece I came across a few years ago. Please note the title – “Why Police Lie Under Oath” – and where it originally appeared – the New York Times. Call me a cynic but I seriously doubt such an article would/could be published today.
On February 9, 2020 at 9:01 pm, penses said:
Good website for keeping up with all the bad cops
On February 12, 2020 at 6:27 am, penses said:
joe said:”that’s plain bs and you know it TC…doctors kill more people every year than police do…the freaking flu kills more people in on year than the police in 10 years…i don’t agree with everything they do but not everyone of them is looking to kill someone…”
Take a look at the numbers at And those are the ones that we know about. Cops stay silent and cover for each other all the time and it is getting worse. The known number was over a thousand last year.