Second Amendment Sanctuaries, Preservation Actions, And State Compact
BY Herschel Smith
There is lots of movement in the second amendment sanctuary front. First up, It’s nice to see Virginians still in high spirits.
Spoiler Alert: this story has a happy ending with Michael Bloomberg’s presidential campaign bus veering off into a political ditch at its final stop in Virginia on Sunday night.
That’s because members of my Patriot Picket crew joined forces with the Virginia Citizens Defense League and others to give the arriving Bloomberg team a Second Amendment welcome—one that absolutely undercut the boisterous gun-control festivities that they had planned for the evening.
[ … ]
In addition to the VCDL members that mixed in with our Patriot Picket squad, we were also supplemented by the ArfCom Regulars, who made their own entrance.
With a drummer at the front, they marched up the sidewalk in formation with banners held high—and bullhorn blaring—to rendezvous with us.
“We will not comply.” Video at the link.
Second up, it’s nice to see the states thinking more regionally. Mississippi House Bill 753 involves an authorization to enter into a compact of southern states for the purpose of being a second amendment sanctuary. The language is strong, and the other states listed in the bill are Tennessee, West Virginia, Georgia, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, Kentucky and Oklahoma. Whether they have been in contact with these states isn’t stated. If the language is actually enforced, it means something. It isn’t toothless.
Third, a number of states have pending second amendment preservation acts.
In order to help the dumbfounded public understand and accept the changes that will be coming their way, these are small but necessary steps. The changes are coming whether we we want them to or not, as the collectivists do not sleep, but are ever vigilant to trample God-given rights. They won’t stop, so people must eventually take sides, including all of the pols and LEOs, state, county and city. This will become apparent to them as we go, but I say again, these are necessary first steps, baby steps if you will.
On February 11, 2020 at 10:47 pm, penses said:
For all the 2nd Amendment activists a cautionary tale on the social sewer that is known as social media. Stay away, far, far away. Don’t get caught in the trap that this young man and his father have found themselves. The First Amendment, just like the other nine, is just words on a piece of paper. Another judge has thrown the Constitution under the bus.
On February 11, 2020 at 11:03 pm, Herschel Smith said:
For URLs, do not paste them into comments. Send via email.
On February 12, 2020 at 7:35 am, Wes Rhinier said:
Have you seen this?
Also I had a friend that went to the Cabarrus County Sheriffs meeting last night, I was unable to attend due to Wife having car trouble. But here is what he said of the meeting
Said he seemed like a good man, very organized and a good politician. But when asked if he would stand with the Constitution or the new laws that come down against the Constitution he wouldnt answer the question. He wouldnt take a stand. He said his deputies were constitutional believers. He challenged everyone to go speak to their legistators about the 2nd amendment so he wouldnt be put in a hard place and have to make a hard decision.
On February 12, 2020 at 1:39 pm, penses said:
They take their marching orders from the politicians. The politicians want every gun the palefaces own. Therefore, whatever they say otherwise, is just blowing smoke to make the sheeple on the fence feelze good and they will go back home and spread the lie. If told to do so they will TAKE YOUR GUNS. Dead white male logic.
As far as “hard decisions” go the police will use the excuse “I’m just following orders.”
In 1775 they wore red. Today they wear blue with some “brown shirts” thrown in.
On February 12, 2020 at 1:46 pm, Wes said:
Just a procedural question sir:
RE including URL’s in a comment, is there a particular syntax in the website’s software that allows them formatted, as in WordPress? Or do you simply want them emailed to you separately. (I don’t do it often but just to file away in the brain-housing group if needed.)
Thank you.
On February 12, 2020 at 2:01 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Feel free to post the URL as you want, you don’t abuse that privilege. Some commenters seem to be making comments a dumping ground for whatever URLs to articles are their latest read that day.
On February 12, 2020 at 8:07 pm, Ned2 said:
Our great state of Wyoming might be passing what appears to be a state sanctuary law.
To wit, a ban on the following:
“taxes and fees on firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition that would have a chilling effect on firearms ownership;
registration and tracking schemes applied to firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition that would have a chilling effect;
any act forbidding the possession, ownership, or use or transfer of a firearm, firearm accessory, or ammunition by law-abiding citizens;
any act ordering the confiscation of firearms, firearm accessories, or ammunition from law-abiding citizens.”
We’ll see how this pans out, but this national 2A movement seems to be catching on, even within states that already have Constitutional carry.
The snowflakes in Jackson must be wetting themselves.
On February 12, 2020 at 8:08 pm, Ned2 said:
Linky to above, with apologies:
On February 12, 2020 at 8:52 pm, Fred said:
If there is a way to lobby for a change in the first item, I would add; taxes and fees on firearms, firearm accessories or ammunition separate or above any other common sales tax or that would have a chilling effect. So that firearms are treated as any other commodity, good, or service.