ATF: Enabling A National Gun Registry?
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 11 months ago
The ATF has issued new rules that will alter the format for Form 4473’s and make it easier to create a national gun registry.
Here’s what we know. ATF agents have used annual inspections to electronically record the contents of Form 4473’s being kept by federal gun dealers. See here and here.
We also know that a software company exhibiting its wares at the Shot Show in Las Vegas has crafted a system where ATF can take the contents of all the dealer’s Bound Book entries (which contain all of the buyer’s personal information and gun information which is on a Form 4473) by simply capturing them on a thumb drive.
And we know that the ATF is now trying to put the names of gun owners on the same page of the 4473 as the identifying information of the gun. See here.
But if they’re successful with changing the 4473 in this way, it will be much easier for ATF to create a national gun registry by photographing paper documents.
So it appears that we have an answer to the almost inexplicable question of why ATF is crawling over glass now to reincarnate the format for the 4473 which was junked decades ago.
Thanks to GOA for a good analysis of this. It’s more than about allowing non-binary as a sex option, which in this case is obviously a misdirect. It was magician’s trick to focus the eye somewhere else.
The only real solution for any of this is to abolish the ATF. On top of that, abolishing DOJ, CIA, FBI and DHS would also be a good solution to many ills.
On February 18, 2020 at 10:34 pm, 15Fixer said:
How about we abolish EVERY agency/department created since…. oh…. 1900.
On February 19, 2020 at 6:06 am, Matt said:
I agree it needs to be abolished along with a lot of other agencies.
My second choice would be that we get a public registry with names and addresses of ATF agents.
On February 19, 2020 at 7:30 am, Heywood said:
They have a gun registry…albeit a cumbersome one. After a shooting, the press gleefully reports all the details of where, when, how the gun used was purchased. Like I said, if a form 4473 was used, they know you have the gun. Which is why I keep saying it…universal background checks ARE a gn registry. Period.
On February 19, 2020 at 11:11 am, Fred said:
“Trump’s ATF Enabling A National Gun Registry.”
Just trying help out.
On February 19, 2020 at 4:18 pm, MTHead said:
ATF taking a copy of the bound book of an FFL dealer would get them the full name of the purchaser. Date purchased and serial number of firearm. Not an address. The actually copying of 4473’s would be a nightmare for the BATF. It’s 3 pages. And the only new info it would contain is your address. Something they can get with a couple of key strokes anyway.
When an FFL goes out of business he is required to turn over 4473’s to the BATF. Or if the business is sold. They can transfer them to the new business owner. Walmart just mails them directly to the BATF, rather than store them for 20 years on site. My old boss did the same thing when we ran out of room.
This really doesn’t matter because all the relevant information a 4473 contains was already give to the government with the NICS background check when purchasing a firearm.
If you think that info is dumped by the FBI after three days, or ten for that matter. I have bridge you might be interested in, cheap!
A comment at GOA was that the BATF was looking to make an record of Hispanic purchasers is laughable as 4473 lumps White, Hispanic, and Latino in the same box. (that way there’s no such thing as just Latino crime. It all looks like white crime). The only way you could sort them out on 4473 is by name.
To me it doesn’t matter anyway. If they come to your door, Your life’s over anyway. Fight or get on the cattle car. Might as well make a good showing of yourself. Cause all in. They ain’t got that many troops on their side.
Were all going to die anyway. Might as well love freedom while were alive. And be ready to sacrifice for all we hold dear. Just as our lord and master Jesus did. That makes use unconquerable.
On February 20, 2020 at 5:26 pm, Randolph Scott said:
“My second choice would be that we get a public registry with names and addresses of ATF agents.”
This would be nice. Quite honestly, we need to totally eliminate the F troop and pass a laws that forbid any and all ATF agents from working in law enforcement and never to work for the .gov .fed again.
On February 21, 2020 at 10:55 am, MTHead said:
No problem! We need GOA, and NRA to remember the words “shall not be infringed”. And fight on that bases? Never happen, cause it’s to simple!
On February 21, 2020 at 11:43 am, Fred said:
@MTHead, they won’t. You need a new plan.