Politics Is War: Washington Gun Owners Caught Unaware Of New Gun Control Laws
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 11 months ago
I’ve said it before, many times. This explains what it means to ignore the war around you.
On July 1, 2019, I-1639 took full effect in the state of Washington. Seven months later, Shoni Pannkuk, co-owner of The Man Cave Outfitters in Downtown Centralia, says the news of I-1639 and the new process that comes with obtaining a firearm still catches some of her customers off-guard.
“The number of, which was astounding to me, the number of customers we have, who are obviously gun enthusiasts, hunters, concealed carry, whatever, that have absolutely no idea what I-1639 was and the impacts that it now has,” Pannkuk said. “We get often (from customers) like, ‘I didn’t have to do this before, what do you mean I have to do this.’ I’m like, ‘Yeah, that passed, it was effective July 1.’”
According to the Washington Attorney General’s Office’s website, buyers have been required to go through, an “Enhanced background check and waiting period requirements for the purchase or transfer of semiautomatic assault rifles.” In addition, those looking to purchase a firearm after June 30, 2019 are required to have passed a “recognized firearm safety training program” within the last five years. It’s also the dealer’s responsibility to verify that a buyer has completed a course.
The law also states that the training “must be sponsored by a federal, state, county or municipal law enforcement agency, a college or university, a nationally recognized organization that customarily offers firearms training, or a firearms training school with certified instructors.” Pannkuk still feels that verifying the legitimacy of a customer’s training can be ambiguous for the business.
This is via David Codrea. Listen, I know that there are folks in Washington who live nearer to what is called the Northeastern redoubt, and others still are very busy and hard working people who farm and work all day. These folks tend to be more isolationist than others.
But you simply can’t withdraw into your own world and forget those among whom you live. You must see politics as war, and you simply must not let this sort of thing happen to you without having fought it until your last breath.
That there are some in that state who didn’t even know what the new gun laws say is a testimony to laziness, irresponsibility and disengagement. I’m sorry if this sounds insulting to my Washington readers, some of whom I’m sure fought this new gun control in their state. But everyone must get engaged.
On February 20, 2020 at 1:54 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
““There’s no way to rule innocent men. The only power any government has is the power to crack down on criminals. Well, when there aren’t enough criminals, one makes them.” – Ayn Rand
Isn’t this precisely what is happening in present-day America?
On February 20, 2020 at 6:14 am, Matt said:
At a certain point people, in mass, are going to have to put teeth to “we will not comply” and stop obeying BS “laws” like this and then putting force to their non compliance if necessary.
On February 20, 2020 at 8:24 am, penses said:
My country, tis of thee
Sweet land of felony
Of thee I sing–Ambrose Bierce
United States of Amnesia.
Fifty million plus murders of babies, in and out of the womb, since Roe v. Wade…crickets
Waco, Texas…crickets
Ruby Ridge…crickets
Red Flag laws…crickets
Where were the protests. Where were the riots.
Ayn Rand also told us that the left would pass enough laws to the point that everyone would be guilty of something and the RINOs are on their bandwagon. In this country today it has been estimated that there are enough statues–state, local and federal–to put every man woman and child in jail four times. Just recently it came out that the Department of Obstruction of Justice by jury rigging the judical system obtained 400 million warrants. Control is THE GOAL and we passed that point long ago.
Innocence has been outlawed. Everyone is guilty you just haven’t been served yet.
The most recent example of totalitarianism is Roger Stone. At his “trial” several “jurors” were Hillary voting, Trump hating leftists, but the judge would not remove them from the jury. They were not there by chance. The jury pool was full of them, and for a reason. The summons were sent out by leftist operatives under orders from the deep state. DC is blue and controlled. “Several potential jurors in Stone’s case ended up being Trump hating, Obama era officials who admittedly voted for Hillary in 2016…Stone’s lawyer tried to strike tem as potential jurors. But Amy Berman Jackson [an Obama appointed judge] wouldn’t let that happen. One of the potential jurors actually had a husband who worked in the DOJ and played a role in the Russian collusion hoax…and “judge” Jackson allowed her to remain as a potential juror!” Charlottesville is another rigged inquisition. And there are thousands more examples of the kangaroo court system…crickets.
I’m a bystander of these events because my country ceased to exist April 9, 1865. I have lived in an country occupied by a foreign invader. Sports and TV and now social media have mesmerized the masses into a stupor I’m afraid they will not come out of and the controllers know that and they are amused by all the hoopla over muh constitution. And seeing pictures of assembled militia with their bellys hanging over their belts would not inspire fear in anyone. King George III must be spinning in his grave, “…if only I had that motley crew opposing me…”
These people will stop at nothing and they know how soft and fat the right is.
On February 20, 2020 at 9:39 am, To Be Or Not To Be said:
1913-Federal Reserve Is Created
1932-Socialist FDR Elected
1946-0SS/CIA/Deep State
1963-JFK Killed (after stating that he would end Federal Reserve and Disband CIA)
1964-Civil Rights Ends Freedom of Association
1965-Immigration I
1971-Gold Standard Ends Non-Fiat Currency
1986-Immigration II
1999-Glass Steagall Repealed Banks Unregulated
2001-China Enters WTO
2008-Fundamental Transformation (Obamacare/TARP/Too Big to Fail/Nomenklatura Enshrined)
2016-Hillary Vs. Trump
2020-Bolshevik Revolution 2.0
On February 20, 2020 at 1:21 pm, Fred said:
“Innocence has been outlawed. Everyone is guilty you just haven’t been served yet.”
I stole that.
On February 20, 2020 at 1:50 pm, penses said:
You’re welcome.
On February 20, 2020 at 2:51 pm, MTHead said:
I think were missing the point of the law. Could it be that the law makes it easier to sue the gun shop for not making sure the person was properly trained?
On February 20, 2020 at 4:55 pm, Wes said:
@MTHead For the proponents of such tyranny it’s one of the perks. The notion of having a chilling effect on both ends of the transaction is not unintentional.
On February 21, 2020 at 4:50 am, Paul Scales said:
Inevitably they will have to come for the unfinished receivers and parts next, and ammunition components. Gun shops did not use to require all this regulation. Hardware stores used to sell guns. You used to be able to have them delivered to your doorstep.
On February 21, 2020 at 11:13 pm, X said:
“Inevitably they will have to come for the unfinished receivers and parts next”
No — not “inevitably they will” — they ARE coming for receivers and parts RIGHT NOW.
On February 22, 2020 at 12:29 pm, Ned said:
In Arizona, AZCDL https://www.azcdl.org/ has under 20,000 members. AZCDL is responsible for ALL the good legislation to come out in Arizona for the last decade or so.
Gun owners can’t be troubled to spend less than the cost of a box of premium pistol ammo to join an organization that actually works for gun owners.
I’m not surprised that gun owners in general have their heads so far up their asses that they’re astonished to learn about anti rights bills long after they’ve been passed.