The Dreamers
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 11 months ago
Passed by the TV as the wife was watching the democratic debates and laughing, and heard this from Klobuchar: “The dreamers are our future.” Heard this from little boy Petey: “They are as American as we are.”
But if you think there’s any difference between the democrats and republicans on this issue, tell me what that would be?
On February 19, 2020 at 11:10 pm, BRVTVS said:
Which republicans? A few are genuine immigration patriots. Most only want to con the rubes into thinking they are different.
On February 19, 2020 at 11:17 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Yea, there are precious few.
On February 20, 2020 at 2:18 am, Georgiaboy61 said:
Immigration debates are nothing new. During the Eisenhower administration of the 1950s, discussion arose over the Mexicans and other guest-workers who had been admitted to the country under the Bracero Program during the labor shortages of the Second World War.
At that time, our nation and people still took the idea of America for Americans seriously, but skeptics said Ike wouldn’t be able to repatriate all of those de facto immigrants back to their own countries. They were wrong.
The President, however, was not at all fazed by this mission – he’d dealt with far-tougher ones during the war as Supreme Commander, Allied Powers in Europe (SHAEF). Enter “Operation Wetback,” the mass deportation of Mexicans in 1953-1954.
At the stroke of his pen, President Eisenhower proved that the nation could enforce its immigration laws and protect its borders. Today, of course, the usual suspects decry the program as “racist,” bigoted,” “inhumane” and all of the rest of the usual leftist labels, but none of that matters.
What matters is that “Operation Wetback” set a legal, political and economic precedent for the executive branch to enforce our laws, our borders and our immigration policies. Contrary to the warnings of the skeptics, the sky didn’t fall and our economy kept right on going, as well or better than before.
The borders have remained porous and open all of these years since the 1950s not because of laziness, indifference, incompetence, lack of funds, or anything else. The border remain open because that is the way the powers-that-be want it to be. Nothing more, nothing less.
The “powers that be” being the usual suspects – the Chamber of Commerce Republicans, the Fortune 500 multi-nationals, and the oligarchs who actually run this country, and the whole big diversity racket, now grown to enormous size.
Nothing good comes of it when a nations permits some within its midst to profit from its degradation and destruction.
On February 20, 2020 at 8:56 am, penses said:
“Which republicans?”
The same RINO/UNIPARTY that began their existence as socialists. In 1856 John C. Fremont ran on a platform of free everything. In 1860, Lincoln gave us the Union, centralized government and totalitarianism by destroying what was left of the Federal Republic. Republicans have conserved nothing. In fact, it was the Democratic Party that fought against immigration, the civil rights act and the voting rights act that moved left under the regime of another totalitarian, LBJ, who signed the legislation giving the country away to the “dreamers.”
Why do people use the word Republican or conservative. The “two” parties have become so aligned on everything that both words mean nothing.
Yes, Eisenhower deported a lot of Mexicans but he allowed the communists to infiltrate the government and subvert it. Ike was a coward because he feared what the deep state might do to him. Kennedy wanted to get rid of the deep state and paid for it with his life.
On February 20, 2020 at 9:25 am, Fred said:
Trump is a NY City Liberal billionaire who changed his D to an R
Bloomberg is a NY City Liberal billionaire who changed his R to an D
You, are being played. Please stop, do whatever you have to do to break up your current thinking structure and understanding. This is all very carefully crafted and curated to keep in slavery.
They are they, you are you.
On February 20, 2020 at 12:17 pm, penses said:
Most of the fake newz outlets–left and right–are money loosers. They are kept afloat by new world order cash under the table. Most of the foreign aid supplied by the State Department is diverted to organizations that want the USA destroyed. It seems to be working.
On February 20, 2020 at 7:12 pm, Rockets On The Battlefield said:
El Rushbo had a blurb about Cambridge in the glorious people’s republic of Massachusetts no longer arresting future democrat voters for not having a license or insurance for a vehicle.
Trad Americans will be arrested if they are caught but they can’t be relied upon to vote for a living.
Why is it always some misanthrope control freak tyrant posing as a philanthropist who has the most money?
Must be some part of a divine comedy but the jokes are over our heads.
Sorry for any grammar errors or rambling run on sentences, this is a compromised unsafe machine thanks to family being hooked on craptastic Netflix so I have to be brief before prying eyes and bandwidth gropers catch up.
On February 20, 2020 at 11:34 pm, BRVTVS said:
@ penses
IKE’s treason was too deep rooted to be merely cowardice. Robert Welch wrote “The Politician” to document his long pattern of betrayal.
Kennedy was a deep state president. He tried to get Alger Hiss back in the State Department. He made it official policy to work toward turning our military over to the UN (State Dept. doc. 7277). He gave Poland Lenin Steel Works, paid for by the US taxpayer. His monetary tinkerings are sometimes cited as evidence that he was fighting the deep state, but those tinkerings were themselves the suggestion of an article in CFR Journal Foreign Affairs.
On February 21, 2020 at 9:13 pm, scott s. said:
“The same RINO/UNIPARTY that began their existence as socialists. In 1856 John C. Fremont ran on a platform of free everything.”
Not sure about that. I don’t see anything about “free” in the platform, unless you mean free men as opposed to slaves, but I do see:
“Resolved: That while the Constitution of the United States was ordained and established by the people, in order to “form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty,” and contain ample provision for the protection of the life, liberty, and property of every citizen, the dearest Constitutional rights of the people of Kansas have been fraudulently and violently taken from them.
The right of the people to keep and bear arms has been infringed.”
On February 22, 2020 at 12:20 pm, Ned said:
Of course illegal immigrants are “our future.” Women have been sold a bill of goods where killing their own offspring is considered “health care.”
On February 22, 2020 at 7:04 pm, penses said:
scott s. said: “The same RINO/UNIPARTY that began their existence as socialists. In 1856 John C. Fremont ran on a platform of free everything.”
Not sure about that.
I’m sure.
After the break up of the Whig party in the late 1850s one of its members, Abraham Lincoln, quit politics for a short time eventually joining the Republican party along with other Whig members. I don;t know about the original Republican Party Platform but I do know what history tells us. The Whigs along with the Free Soilers [as in free everything] joined the Republicans and brought with them the Big Government philosophy [of free everything] that is destroying the country today. “During the Lincoln Administration (1861–65), ex-Whigs dominated the Republican Party and enacted much of their American System” that was created by Henry Clay. This system was imperialist and favored expansion even at the cost starting wars to impliment their philosophy of Manifest Destiny.
Clay’s “American System…promoted rapid economic and industrial growth in the United States. Whigs demanded government support for a more modern, market-oriented economy, in which skill, expertise and bank credit would count for more than physical strength or land ownership. Whigs sought to promote faster industrialization through high tariffs, a business-oriented money supply based on a national bank and a vigorous program of government funded “internal improvements” (what we now call infrastructure projects), especially expansion of the road and canal systems. To modernize the inner America, the Whigs helped create public schools, private colleges, charities, and cultural institutions. Many were pietistic Protestant reformers who called for public schools to teach moral values and proposed prohibition to end the liquor problem.
“The Democrats harkened to the Jeffersonian ideal of an egalitarian agricultural society, advising that traditional farm life bred republican simplicity, while modernization threatened to create a politically powerful caste of rich aristocrats who threatened to subvert democracy. In general the Democrats enacted their policies at the national level, while the Whigs succeeded in passing modernization projects in most states.
“During the Lincoln Administration (1861–65), ex-Whigs dominated the Republican Party and enacted much of their American System. Later their Southern colleagues dominated the White response to Reconstruction. In the long run, America adopted Whiggish economic policies coupled with a Democratic strong presidency.”–Cutesy Infogalactic.
Platforms come and go and are 100% meaningless but actions have consequences. The actions of the Republicans–printed money, central banking, a phone book full of government alphabet agencies, and to paraphrase J.R.R. Tolkien. a central government to control it all–screems free everything. My favorite quote is “public schools to teach moral values.” LOL
So, there you have it. Free everything.
On February 22, 2020 at 8:25 pm, penses said:
Kalifornication dreaming.
“California Gov. Gavin Newsom has a new proposal that would allow doctors to write out prescriptions for housing as part of a five-point plan to combat California’s homelessness situation.”