T.L. Davis On Reaching People With The Truth
BY Herschel Smith
T.L. Davis.
So, how might one engage the entire school system; the years of indoctrination; the daily drumbeat of socialist dogma? The only route is through the brain and the quickest avenue to the brain is through literature, not television. Television does not have to engage the brain, but literature does.
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Let’s not forget what this is all about. We are engaged in a cultural war, but our side is silent. They are silenced, because there is no media outlet out there that has not been compromised, but I have found a few like-minded producers who are willing to engage it as I am and as we are. It must be fought over on every front, with everything we have and it very easily might turn into something more serious that demands all of our action, but even then, we will need viable media to counter the lies told about us. That is something we will need no matter what else happens.
Here is his latest (Newsletter 025), and he has some ideas. I agree with his sentiments. I was listening to a lecture at a Christian Reconstruction conference in Chicago some years ago, and one astute lecturer pointed out that the American church has almost uniformly rejected symbolism, and thus literature and art have suffered and we have had difficulty reaching the people, especially the young.
The media, from movies to magazines to stories and novels, has been turned over to the forces of darkness, and those forces have used it to their greatest advantage.
On February 25, 2020 at 9:54 am, Fred said:
The Right lost the culture war because its culture is no better!
That’s past tense. It’s over, you lost.
And don’t waste time countering the lies of the Left, because it’s a waste of time. The problem with conservatism is that it has no offense team. Go on offense, always, and stay on the attack. If they lie ignore it, and attack at the very core and foundations of their beliefs, but the problem is; that the Right are a bunch of Statists themselves. And the stats are identical; teen pregnancy, drug addiction, abortion rates, pursuit of money and fame; there is no difference between the Right the Left, because their religion is exactly the same, it’s humanism, self as god.
This is not directed at TL, who I don’t know; but if your grandchild is in public school and has never heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ then you are, in fact a statist leftist. Changing the world isn’t about talk, it’s about action, painful, heart-wrenching decisions to be separate, to be different and not just reject the left in talk but in everything we do.
Remember the commie manifesto: Make everything ugly. Are you ugly? Do you watch TV? You are Leftist. Do you cuss in public? You are Leftist. If your children respond with anything other than yes sir or yes ma’am? You are Leftist. Do your women wear men’s clothes or dresses above the shin? You are leftist. Do you still hang with people who get drunk or do drugs or cuss or carry on? You are Leftist. have you separated yourself from your leftist family members? Do you still work in an ugly job? I could go on for hours.
There is no factual basis to claim that the right has a separate culture; even in the Churches of America. The country is messed up not because of the Left, not because politicians, not because of joos or commies or democrats, it’s messed up because YOU ARE MESSED UP!
I really want to rant for hours about this but I’ll stop with this: you are the problem.
On February 25, 2020 at 12:14 pm, Fred said:
And, let’s talk about the root cause of America’s maladies.
This is the dirty little heart of the problem that nobody is willing to address:
Genesis 3:17 “And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;”
If the whole earth is cursed because of this, and it is; the man failed to lead and hearkened unto his wife. America’s problems, at it’s foundation, are that men will not, are not, leading this nation, and their tribes, and families.
The 19th Amendment is at the root of a wide array of subsequent national and personal sin by America’s men. So, if you think that women should have the right to vote; you are a progressive statist living in sin. From the 19A is a cascade ongoing problems the root of which is feminization by the men and nation that are hearkening unto women.
Read this and understand that this God talking, these are not the feelings or thoughts of a man. And read the other linky within it about the duties of a man unto to his wife.
That is what is wrong with your country. And this is how fix it:
“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
And I have to do this again, not because I’m a control freak or because I like to, but because it matters. If your bible says “know” instead of “prove” throw it into the nearest waste basket, it is not a Holy Bible. This isn’t about knowing anything, of course God’s will is perfect, duh!
It’s says; “may prove.” This means that your efforts are required. It will not happen on it’s own. This is about men, actively pursuing a life well spent coveting only that which God would have, proving the good and acceptable and perfect will of God. And it is your job, if you read both parts at the link, that wife and family be submitted to this. Proving is the correct verb. You can know His will is perfect while being half drunk with your half naked wife in public watching football but you’re not proving what God demands.
If you have a legal bent, then yes, this is to prove what is good, acceptable, and perfect to God in legal sense by DOING what is right, not what you think is right, but what God says is correct, regardless of how it makes you feel or how much it hurts in the short term. If you perhaps have a statisticians or engineering bent, then yes, this is about systematically DOING that which is good and acceptable and perfect in the eyes of Holy God, creating a structure or format by which you and your family live in Christ. And perhaps other personal proclivities and gifts could lead one to pursue this in all earnestness of mind and love toward Holy God and your fellows in a number of ways, but acquiescing and accommodating and adjusting to progressiveness is NOT any of them.
(And no, I’m not great at this, but I’m trying, little by little, item by item, to allow God to remove all that does not appear to be of His Son in me.)
And no it’s NOT a means unto salvation, it is a means to living in Christ, that it may go well with you in the land and that you be not cursed of God for wickedness leading to family, tribal, and National sin.
There is no reason to tell the devil anything, he, and his followers want you dead. They don’t care what you say or think. This is about DOING. This is about life or death, actual, even of your entire civilization. You may not be a wicked perverter of God’s Law and fix your country. Never. Going. To. Happen.
On February 25, 2020 at 10:40 pm, Wes said:
If I could draw other than stick figures I’d do up Heinlein’s “The Moon is a Harsh Mistress” in a sophisticated comic book form. Chapter by chapter. The lessons from that one are probably the reason it’s never been made into a film.