Open Carry Texas: Return To Olmos Park
BY Herschel Smith
The traitor responsible for the continued violations of the constitution of the U.S. and of Texas law is none other than a sworn defender of the same, Olmos police chief Rene Valenciano. He is an awful person who cares not the least about lying and abandoning his oath.
So the claims on their web site are all lies. He and his traitor officers have no intention of obeying Texas law, in which open carry is legal. This also raises yet another question: where the hell is the Texas attorney general? A police chief is violating Texas law and infringing on constitutionally protected rights. Where is the Texas attorney general on this? Missing in action?
Police chief Rene Valenciano’s email address is: Feel free to tell him he’s a traitor. The city manager is Celia DeLeon, and her email address is: Is she a coward? Just why hasn’t she shut down Valenciano’s traitorous henchmen yet? Is she waiting for a massive lawsuit that bankrupts the city?
By the way, police chief. That fat boy officer in the video, yea, him. Tell him to go on a diet, put on a backpack, and hit the trails.
And as for my readers in Texas (I know I have a lot of them), you know what to do next.
On February 26, 2020 at 4:00 pm, Fred said:
The NRA will throw millions at this to finally put an end to it…any second now….