Pete Buttigieg’s Military Experience: Vaporware
BY Herschel Smith
The third thing that stands out about Buttigieg’s military service is his bizarre brag that he used to travel around Afghanistan in various motor vehicles. Has anyone who has ever served the U.S. military on overseas land not driven around? When he launched his campaign last April he bragged about “119 trips I took outside the wire, driving or guarding a vehicle.” That’s . . . not a thing. There are no such stats. Sorties in aircraft are an official military statistic. Motor-vehicle trips are so routine no one would bother to keep track, any more than someone would log how many times Pete Buttigieg took a shower. No one cares. So Buttigieg himself created this phony statistic. Picture it: He made himself a little Hero’s Log but all he had to put in it was “routine trips.” It’s pathetic. It’s hilarious. It’s apple-polishing, résumé-buffing, box-checking, attention-seeking vaporware. Just like his whole career.
But because of his military “experience” and “training,” he knows that his “weapons of war” have no place in America – except with the police.
Hey Pete. My son wants to know how many satellite patrols you went on, and how many times you were shot at?
On February 26, 2020 at 11:43 pm, mobius said:
My hero. Alfred E. Neuman for president.
On February 27, 2020 at 8:17 am, X said:
I bet he found a few bacha bazi boys in his travels, driving around Afghanistan…
On February 27, 2020 at 9:02 am, Drake said:
We used to call guys like him REMFs. “Fobbitt” is the nicer description of the guy who never leaves the base.
On February 27, 2020 at 10:18 am, WarEagle82 said:
It’s clear that Pete kept a diary for purely self-serving purposes. In this regard, he is like John “I served in Viet Nam” Kerry. Apparently one of his duties may have been driving higher ranking officers between a base and a major city. I’ve seen where he talked about this before. And it’s clear he was keeping track of those trips. And as you said, there is only one really good reason for him to track such mundane details.
On February 27, 2020 at 11:40 am, MTHead said:
Pete’s daddy is senior fellow college professor for the communist party. And were suppose to believe he wasn’t trained to do exactly what he is doing?
He isn’t trained to pander to those with a 30 second attention span?
Married, gay, moral, fought for his country. He fits right in with the crowd that’s running this world. I believe the term is “Groomed”.
Like War Eagle mentioned, the John Kerry for the new generation.
X, he probably drove around acting like a Bachi boy. Just because your in a war zone doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy yourself, right?!
On February 27, 2020 at 5:39 pm, Mack said:
There are enterprising individuals who have uncovered a wealth of information.
See below as examples:
On February 27, 2020 at 5:51 pm, Georgiaboy61 said:
To the left, being in theater means being “in combat.” Tulsi Gabbard has taken to calling herself a “combat veteran” thanks to her serving as an Army National Guard MP. It’s just how they roll. It isn’t only the Democrats who pad their resumes, either. Illinois Senator Mark Kirk, a direct-commission reserve naval intelligence officer, pulled some of the same stunts during his reelection campaign as his lefty counterpart Pete Buttigieg. Thinks that making a high-speed pass over the ‘Stan as a back-seater on a recon run makes him some sort of Rambo or something. Who do these guys think they’re fooling?
On February 28, 2020 at 11:16 am, scott s. said:
The guy was a reserve intel officer, doing an individual augmentee deployment to Afghan. Lots of reserves did similar things in places like PRTs. I don’t think anyone is fooled into thinking he’s line infantry or something.
On February 28, 2020 at 11:29 am, Herschel Smith said:
@scott s.,
You’re utterly missing the point.
It’s not about the fact that he did nothing while in Afghanistan. It’s about what he claims and how he trots out his “military experience” when he talks about “weapons of war on our streets.”