I had earlier point out that the progressives weren't giving up without a fight. Their hard-fought victory over the military establishment and the consequent loss of it, even if partial, cuts deeply. They have so weakened the edifice that it is crumbling. The department cannot meet recruitment goals, needs warfighters for the national defense and cannot find them, wastes increasingly precious dollars on failed programs, and celebrates transgenders and LGBTQ. This crumbling of the edifice meets [read more]
The ATF has issued new rules that will alter the format for Form 4473’s and make it easier to create a national gun registry.
Here’s what we know. ATF agents have used annual inspections to electronically record the contents of Form 4473’s being kept by federal gun dealers. See here and here.
We also know that a software company exhibiting its wares at the Shot Show in Las Vegas has crafted a system where ATF can take the contents of all the dealer’s Bound Book entries (which contain all of the buyer’s personal information and gun information which is on a Form 4473) by simply capturing them on a thumb drive.
And we know that the ATF is now trying to put the names of gun owners on the same page of the 4473 as the identifying information of the gun. See here.
But if they’re successful with changing the 4473 in this way, it will be much easier for ATF to create a national gun registry by photographing paper documents.
So it appears that we have an answer to the almost inexplicable question of why ATF is crawling over glass now to reincarnate the format for the 4473 which was junked decades ago.
Thanks to GOA for a good analysis of this. It’s more than about allowing non-binary as a sex option, which in this case is obviously a misdirect. It was magician’s trick to focus the eye somewhere else.
The only real solution for any of this is to abolish the ATF. On top of that, abolishing DOJ, CIA, FBI and DHS would also be a good solution to many ills.
Exempts certain persons from the crime of illegal carrying of weapons, and removes the requirement that a person possess a permit issued by the state of La. in order to carry a concealed handgun in the state of La.
This is a constitutional carry act. If I have readers in Louisiana, you know what to do next.
Michael Bloomberg has made an ass of himself recently, even more so than usual. Let me stipulate first of all that I’m sick of hearing his idiotic commercials over YouTube or wherever, and it only increases my hatred for him. But beyond that, there are a few things we should cover.
Just a few hours after a video began circulating online showing the former NYC mayor and current 2020 presidential candidate suggesting that American farmers and factory workers lacked the IQ of tech workers, a second clip began making the rounds on social media showing Bloomberg saying society should deny medical care to the elderly to keep health care costs from “bankrupting us.”
“If you’re bleeding, we’ll stop the bleeding. If you need an x-ray, you’re gonna have to wait,” Bloomberg told a Jewish family, explaining his view on how our medical system should work.
“All of these costs keep going up, no one wants to pay any more money,” he continued. “And at the rate we’re going, health care is going to bankrupt us. So not only do we have a problem, it’s gonna be [unintelligible] and say which things we’re gonna do and which things we’re not. No one wants to do that.”
“If you show up with prostate cancer, and you’re 95 years old, we should say, ‘Go and enjoy…Lead a long life. There’s no cure, we can’t do anything.’ A young person, we should do something about it. Society’s not willing to do that yet.”
Yea, that comes from a man who supports the fleecing of America for socialized medicine, social security (which steals from the American worker and prevents him from being able to invest his money for care later in life), and increased immigration (which increases our medical care burden). So he’s a eugenicist. Very well. Blow it out your ass, Michael. Let them take you first.
In a clip just now circulating online, Bloomberg, while speaking at Oxford’s Said Business School back in 2016, explained that “anybody [can] be a farmer,” but that it takes “a lot more gray matter” to “think and analyze” enough to work in the tech field.
“I could teach anybody – even people in this room, no offense intended – to be a farmer,” Bloomberg explained. “It’s a process. You dig a hole, you put a seed in, you put dirt on top, add water, up comes the corn. You could learn that.”
Bloomberg then switched to insulting manufacturers and tradesmen.
“Then we had 300 years of the industrial society. You put the piece of metal in the lathe, you turn the crank in direction of an arrow, and you can have a job,” he said.
I’m willing to bet Bloomberg is a danger to himself and others in a shop, and certainly wouldn’t know how to run CNC machinery. But let’s put that aside for a moment. Consider the farmer.
He’s a man who gets up before Bloomberg, and works harder. He’s smarter than Bloomberg, and has to be a master businessman to make ends meet in today’s economy. He’s a book balancing artist, a taxpayer, a purchasing agent, a critical path method (CPM) planner, and a manager of people.
He has to know the chemistry of fertilizers, crop rotation schemes, and machinery maintenance, and more than likely he has a bachelor’s or master’s degree in business, chemistry, accounting, agriculture or agricultural engineering.
He works harder than Bloomberg to feed the inner city elitists, and the inner city depends upon him and the lines of logistics he has developed. Today, he not only has to fight the elements, high finance, the accounting books, availability of people, and machinery costs, but he has to fight the corporatists like Monsanto, Archer-Daniels-Midland and Bayer. And yet, he perseveres, and he feeds the people in spite of the hatred of his profession among the elitists and corporatists who try to stop him.
Every day he exists on this planet, Bloomberg exhibits what an awful, despicable, worthless, bigoted, drain on society he is. And you can add on top of all of this his horrible sociopathy, more specifically, his desire to lord it over other men with gun control.
I know that it isn’t exactly theologically correct, but it doesn’t matter. Here, Paul Harvey’s “So God Made A Farmer” is appropriate.
The sponsor of an “assault weapons” ban in Virginia said he fears that the rejection of his bill Monday by a state Senate committee will lead to “mass murder.”
In a tweet following the lopsided 10-5 rejection of his legislation, Washington area Del. Mark Levine tweeted, “Senate Committee voted to study assault weapons bill for another year. We already know weapons of war don’t belong on our streets. I fear mass murder with these weapons between now and then, but I am proud of House of Delegates for doing what we could. We will be back.”
Yes, you will be back, because controllers never give up. You’re a bunch of sociopaths who live to rule others.
And we’ll be back too. We won’t give up, and our side is the righteous one.
And most of all, it’s likely that you’re wrong, unless of course there’s a false flag event, but even if something does happen in between now and then involving a gun or two, it’s not because of the righteous, liberty-minded people of Virginia.
It will be because of you, you heartless imbecile, for arming SWAT teams with weapons of war, for the ruination of the inner cities and creation of fatherless families with your welfare checks and SNAP payments, for your belief in the witch doctor approach to medicine and the overuse of things like SSRIs on children who don’t need them.
Yours sound like the chicken little hysterics we hear in other states where they claim that open carry will lead to “blood running in the streets” (witness Texas, Oklahoma, South Carolina).
And finally for the readers, this was a win, albeit a temporary one. You know that because the controllers are freaking out.
Senators voted to shelve the bill for the year and ask the state crime commission to study the issue, an outcome that drew cheers from a committee room packed with gun advocates.
Four moderate Democrats joined Republicans in Monday’s committee vote, rejecting legislation that would have prohibited the sale of certain semiautomatic firearms, including popular AR-15 style rifles, and banned the possession of magazines that hold more than 12 rounds.
I strongly suspect that the 2A sanctuary movement across the state, combined with the firm intent to use it and oppose this infringement, factored into the decision. Combine that with the question I posed to the Virginia legislators, and that should have made for a more studied decision on their part.
I posed the question in a blast email “There will be massive non-compliance. What does that say about your laws, and how do you intend to enforce them at that point?” And yes, I did get some responses and a lot of page visits when I sent that email out.
But no so fast. According to this update from VCDL, there are still problems looming.
We are far from being out of the woods. Red Flag laws, Universal Background Checks, and destruction of the firearms preemption law are still very much alive this year.
It could be that they want the legalities in place (i.e., state preemption laws) before attempting such a thing. Also, red flag laws are possibly the greatest infringement of all, and they are still alive. And universal background checks are just another way of saying “gun registry.”
BEDFORD COUNTY, Va. (WFXR) — A militia muster call in Bedford County on Saturday afternoon drew hundreds of local residents willing to take a stand to protect their community and their Second Amendment rights.
On Saturday, Feb. 15, more than 500 people showed up to the militia muster call in Bedford County to volunteer their energy and their skills to the cause. As advertised in the flyer for the muster call — which was posted on Facebook on Jan. 30 — registration for the militia was open to all able-bodied residents between the ages of 16 and 55.
I do have an issue with the age limit of 55. I think I’m in better physical shape than 50% of those guys.
I was with family at a gun show in Greenville, S.C., today, and I’ll leave my comments on show itself out of the discussion.
I did manage to meet up with Mr. Matt Wavle of SCCarry.org, and got his contact information. I had never met the group before, and Matt was a super nice guy and they are very much on top of the legislative goings-on in South Carolina. I’m impressed with the organization.
If you’ve a resident of South Carolina and aren’t a member of this group, you should encourage them with a note and join the organization.