Will Senator Chris Murphy Infect The Entire US Senate With COVID-19?
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 10 months ago
This year’s Munich Security Conference may go down in history as the COVID-19 viral super-spreader “event of the century,” if not in all of recorded history. That’s because the Munich 2020 event took place from February Friday 14-Sunday 16, and Iran’s Foreign Minister Javad Zarif attended.
Unknown to apparently all the high security-minded attendees, FM Zarif was likely carrying much more than the dark secret that the COVID-19 virus had already begun rampaging through the highest echelons of the Iranian government and society. FM Zarif , or one of his minions, was likely carrying the actual COVID-19, and infected who knows how many of the world’s highest and most influential politicians at the Munich event.
In fact, US Senator Chris Murphy, Democrat from Connecticut, not only met FM Zarif, but met him in Zarif’s hotel suite where there was likely a rat’s nest of COVID-19. Unless drastic steps are taken, Sen. Murphy may become the Typhoid Mary of COVID-19, and infect the entire US Senate and House of Representatives.
If that happened and stopped law-making, it would be the biggest boon to freedom and liberty in the past two centuries.
On March 3, 2020 at 9:47 am, Jeff Smith said:
I live in CT and I’m very familiar with the closet communist, gun grabbing, straight white male hating Chris Murphy. Gee whiz, what a crying shame if he’s infected. That would mean all of his staff are infected as well as their families. Maybe he can pass a new law banning viruses.
On March 3, 2020 at 10:09 am, Fred said:
Will Senator Chris Murphy Infect The Entire US Senate With COVID-19?
One can only hope, and I don’t say this out of an ill spirit but as one who has prayed against the wickedness of this country and it’s leadership. Any tortuous condition even unto death, is what they deserve of Holy God. Judgement, is not some notional thing that happens somewhere else to somebody else in the OT, it’s arriving here now, and any man truly following after Jesus welcomes it, although His hand may be stretched out still.
On March 3, 2020 at 11:01 am, Frank Clarke said:
And you all said Murphy was as useless as tits on a bull!
On March 3, 2020 at 11:36 am, penses said:
The sitting congress is old. The aged are more susceptible to the fake bug. Ergo, maybe there will be a spate of “special” elections to replace the vaunted aged senior members of Congress.
The “bad news” is the imagined bug ginned up in a sorcerer’s lab is not the dreaded world killer it is made out to be. The mortality rate is LOWER than for the flu during the 18-19 season.
On March 3, 2020 at 7:32 pm, Craig said:
@ pennes
Figures coming out of Italy and Washington State would possibly indicate a mortality rate of 30% or more, far exceeding the flu. We can wait and see what the rate is in the old oligarchs home better known as the U.S. Congress. Seems kind of prophetic that a traitor like Murphy, while attempting to undermine the policies of the POTUS may have inadvertently become the grim reaper of the house of corruption and elitist snobbery.
On March 4, 2020 at 6:25 am, Matt said:
How many of those old oligarchs will be given treatment at the cost of the taxpayer that will in turn be denied to actual deserving people because of shortages?
On March 4, 2020 at 7:56 am, penses said:
Every law passed by congress includes a paragraph exempting them from the law. Even with Joe Sixpack living from paycheck to paycheck being quarantined the Republicrats will stick to form and give it a pass. Important business to take care of, etc., ad nauseam, while feeding your family isn’t important business.
In China they have been welding the doors of buildings to keep people inside. I would not put it pass our own autocrats and oligarchs to do the same. I, mean after all, its for your own good. They will go to any length and any LIE to extend and consolidate their power.
The remedy would be a head of state that would calm people down instead of spreading panic. A fireside chat and maybe, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself” would be in order right now. But, alas, we are all cast adrift on the sea of chaos and its every [pick one of forty genders] for [pick one of forty genders].
On March 4, 2020 at 8:01 am, Jim Wiseman said:
Maybe it can be contained on his side of the aisle.
On March 4, 2020 at 8:03 am, penses said:
“Student quarantined days after classmates shook Vice-President Mike Pence’s hand. Pence office says he did not have contact with student later quarantined for coronavirus.”
I say the magic words and abracadabra, an oligarch–the viral tsar himself–says, “The rules don’t apply to me.”
On March 4, 2020 at 9:29 am, UNVRKNO said:
Never let a good crisis go to waste. An actual, real world opportunity to regain control of the government by electing real human beings to replace Senators and Congressmen if they start dying by the dozens is not an opportunity to scoff at. Who is most affected by this, or any other flu? What is the average age of U.S. Senators?
If real humans are to be elected to replace dead congress-critters, finding the right men and organizing grass-roots campaigns needs to start now. If this virus takes out enough of “our” “representatives”, this could become the LAST opportunity for votes to matter.
I had given up on voting more than a decade ago; but this pandemic could create a situation where I’d actually return to the polls … or not. It depends on who can be recruited to run, and — because they’d be at a disadvantage to more political ‘insiders’ — whether such a grassroots movement starts a.s.a.p. or not.