COVID-19: Not Taking It Seriously Yet?
BY Herschel Smith
From a reader, with certain things deleted.
I talked to my daughter earlier. She is a —– ——— for ——— flying out of ———. She also happens to be a ER RN with experience in a level one trauma center. She is very alarmed. She ——- ——– ——- flight from Tokyo two weeks ago. She noted about half of the passengers were Chinese. They simply made a connection in Tokyo (same for Korea) and continued on to the US. The only checks were a infrared temp check as they walk past. She thought it seems like TPTB don’t care if the virus comes here. She noted they stopped direct flights and promoted it in the news, but then allow people to make connection flights. Just does not make sense.
Until we lock down the borders, isolate and contain, this will continue to spread until it becomes a catastrophe. Maybe that’s what the FedGov wants.
On March 6, 2020 at 1:30 am, George 1 said:
Well with the backdrop of history for the past few years we might suspect some things. #1 We know the Chinese elites would not mind seeing a good part of their population culled, especially the elderly population. #2 The Elites in the USA and most of the rest of the West would surely like to see a situation where the dirt people could be brought under complete control. #3 Many experts in the field are saying this virus most likely escaped containment from a bio lab in China.
The thing seems to be killing quite a few people in China. If it goes bad in the West, especially the U.S., it sure looks like a good opportunity for marshal law and the suspension of what rights we have left. It seems like a windfall for the communists. Just saying.
But it is probably all just coincidence. I hope.
On March 6, 2020 at 7:23 am, Roger J said:
The single most effective thing that could be done is closing the schools for the rest of the year. School age children bring home common cold viruses, flu viruses, and now this, infect their parents, who in turn go to the workplace and infect co-workers. The official reaction is so lethargic you might be forgiven for thinking that the elites would like to see a lot of older Americans die prematurely.
On March 6, 2020 at 8:19 am, penses said:
The Vietnamese word for the United States is “many nations.”
Before the ink was dry on the Anglo-Saxon Constitution Benjamin Franklin was complaining about Pennsylvania filling up with Germans.
The Confederate States of America fought a bloody war to get out of the “melting pot.”
At the beginning of the 20th century Theodore Roosevelt wrote, “There can be no divided allegiance here. Any man who says he is an American, but something else also, isn’t an American at all. We have room for but one flag, the American flag…We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language… And we have room for but one sole loyalty and that is a loyalty to the American people.” Americans lost, the melting pot won.
A nation is one people, one religion, one language with borders. The USSRA is a collection of balkanized, multiracial, multilingual redoubts, with no concern for the “nation”, its history or its borders because they are not Americans. Most of them don’t speak the language and some of their “religions” are abhorant.
Without the cohesiveness of a nation there can be no borders and no remedy for a plague or anything else. And you can’t control what you don’t have. Eastern Europe and Russia have seen the light and are ready to protect their countries from the Orc invasion ever if it means war.
America has given up on all those things and will not put an army on the border much less shoot back. Open borders are the law of the land. The invasion continues apace and with it disease and plague. If you were born after 1965, you have lived with it all your life.
The kungfu plague is a nothing burger just like, Russia, Russia, Russia. A Deep State black flag and it is working. The catastrophe is people are buying into it just like the 2000 power grid collapse. Remember that one. People were buying generators by the handful.
If I were going to worry about something it would be the Leprosy, Black Plague [something that hasn’t been seen in five hundred yrs and…crickets, no travel ban, no quarantine] and an antibiotic resistant strain of TB, along with a witch’s brew of parasites and bacteria infesting city streets all over the country just waiting for a comeback.
The gov’mnt is getting what it wants. Panic. Which, as George 1 said, will lead to more servitude, because in this “nation” the majority are always willing to give up their freedom for a comfort factor. If it were otherwise, America would be a NATION.
On March 6, 2020 at 12:26 pm, penses said:
History lesson.
The View From Olympus: A Chink in Our Armor
On March 6, 2020 at 1:03 pm, penses said:
HHS Assistant Secretary: Estimates of Coronavirus Mortality Rate “Somewhere between .1% and 1%” — Or Similar to a Flu Virus
COVID-19 Isn’t As Deadly As We Think
The Coronavirus Is the Way to Martial Law and Total Control Over Populations
On March 6, 2020 at 1:20 pm, Herschel Smith said:
Stop posting links penses.
On March 7, 2020 at 5:08 am, Dan said:
While the Chinese will NEVER admit this I have no doubt this was a manufactured virus. They official “It came from the food market” line
is their official story and that’s what they will stick to till hell freezes over.
I have no doubt that those in the know in the Fed Gov also are aware this
is virus was manufactured in the Wuhan facility. They won’t say so because it’s not proveable 100% and there is nothing for them to gain by
accusing the Chinese without such proof.
This virus is not good….but it isn’t going to be the pandemic that destroys humanity either… least not unless if mutates into something MUCH worse. The vast majority of the damage economically and socially is going to come from the hype and the fear being pushed hard by the media. Fear is good for those in power, it allows them to do things they could NEVER do under normal circumstances and a LOT of connected people are going to get very rich siphoning off the RIVER of tax dollars that will be appropriated and spent “fighting” this. In reality it’s as dangerous to most people as some of the nastier strains of influenza. Sucks if it’s you or a family member who succumbs but society itself is more than able to survive the medical fall out from this. The economic, social and political fall out is a different story.
Finally the question NOT being asked is WHAT ELSE is being manufactured in this lab by the mad scientists in Wuhan…..and how dangerous is it. If the world is spinning towards chaos from something like this that is not particularly lethal just imagine the chaos if a weaponized Hemorrhagic Fever slips past the shoddy controls this lab apparently has.
On March 8, 2020 at 8:35 am, Sanders said:
Too many people dropping dead in the streets in China and Iran for this to be “just the flu”.
While I’m not in panic mode, I am taking the usual precautions I would during an active flu season.
As for preps? If you aren’t prepped by now, you probably never had any intention of ever prepping for anything, anyway.