Good Lord, For The Love Of Hollow Points!
BY Herschel Smith
On February 8, 2020, armored car security guard Roosevelt Twyne was returning home from work when he was stopped by three Roselle Park police officers for alleged side-tinted windows on his vehicle.
Twyne advised and showed the officers that he has a New Jersey Permit to Carry a Handgun, and informed the officers that he was coming home from his employment as an armored car security guard and was, in fact, one block away from his home.
Twyne’s Permit to Carry a Handgun specifies the Smith & Wesson handgun that he was carrying at the time of the stop. Twyne also possesses a SORA (Security Officer Registration Act) Card, a New Jersey Firearms Purchaser Identification Card, and lawfully purchased/registered his handgun with a New Jersey permit to purchase.
The New Jersey State Police Firearms Information FAQ website specifically states:
“Ammunition lacking a hollow cavity at the tip, such as those with polymer filling, are not considered to be hollow point ammunition. An example of this can be seen with the Hornaday Critical Defense #ad / Critical Duty, Car-Bon PowRball / Glaser Safety Slug and Nosler Inc. Defense ammunition.” (Emphasis added.)
Roselle Park Police Officer Louis Plock, nonetheless, arrested and charged Twyne under NJS 2C:39-3F(1) (possession of hollow nose ammunition) for possessing the above-mentioned Hornady Critical Duty ammo.
Plock also charged Twyne with unlawful transportation of a weapon under NJS 2C:39-9D. This statute, however, specifically exempts people who are licensed or registered under chapter 58, and Twyne’s New Jersey Permit to Carry a Handgun was issued pursuant to chapter 58.
These are 4th-degree felony-level crimes with potential 18 months imprisonment for each.
Because of the arrest, Twyne is presently suspended from his employment.
New Jersey is a hell hole and it would be better for the United States if it fell into the Atlantic Ocean.
As to the issue of what ammunition he was carrying, the law specifically stipulates that he could legally carry it. Nonetheless, cops being what they are, he has been charged.
But let’s wait. Consider the utter stupidity of this. The law reading like it does is like saying this. “We want your ammunition to be less likely to stop an intruder or someone assaulting you, and more likely to over-penetrate and harm some innocent bystander.”
Because we don’t care. As I said, New Jersey is a hell hole. To New Jersey pols who made this decision, and all New Jersey cops who supported it or arrest people because of it, drop dead.
On March 5, 2020 at 11:04 pm, John said:
Used to go to Ocean City NJ. Since they’ve gone nuts I don’t go over the State line or
buy anything from the place.
On March 6, 2020 at 6:42 am, Matt said:
Sometimes I think people of the Free States (is there still such a thing?) should muster the militias and liberate the oppressed citizens of New Jersy-stan.
On March 6, 2020 at 7:17 am, Roger J said:
It’s sad. Some parts of the Garden State are lovely. When I lived in New England briefly 12 years ago, when driving home to NC, I would do a semicircular detour around NJ, which unfortunately prolonged my travel through Cuomostan but avoided any encounters with the New Jersey State Mafia…er, I meant “Police.”
On March 6, 2020 at 12:17 pm, Frank Clarke said:
The only reason NJ doesn’t slide into the Atlantic is that NY sucks.
On March 6, 2020 at 1:57 pm, 15Fixer said:
Was Roosevelt Twyne pulled over by 3… count ’em 3…… cops for…….. Driving While Black?????? Inquiring minds want to know. As for jersey, eff them all.
On March 7, 2020 at 8:04 pm, Sanders said:
When I was visiting New Jersey, if they knew what I was carrying, they would have put me UNDER the jail.