Virginia Legislative Update
BY Herschel Smith
From Ammoland.
Every one of these bills is as affront to good men in Virginia, but this one stands out to me.
SB 64 – makes a group of two or more individuals brandishing with the intent and purpose of intimidating others a felony.
Of course, it’s up to the LEOs whether you’re intimidating others, or maybe it’s left up to the one making the call to the LEOs. After all, calls to the police render and report a perfect state of mind, just like when a person makes a red flag call, there is never a mistake. Because women. Or children. Or something.
So the Virginia legislature is telling Virginians that Richmond rally day was a once in a lifetime event for them. The elitists won’t allow that any more.
And note the word “brandishing.” This is problematic, because there is no distinction between open carry and brandishing. They want it that way. It’s legal to openly carry in Virginia, but if you do it along with someone else, it’s “brandishing.” And you know they’ll prosecute it that way.
On March 11, 2020 at 5:14 am, Chris said:
“a group of two or more individuals brandishing with the intent and purpose of intimidating others” – isn’t that a description of what the police do?
On March 11, 2020 at 9:43 am, penses said:
Does this include Crips, Bloods, MS13, Sharia Law Enforcers, etc…NOT
On March 11, 2020 at 10:07 am, X said:
As someone who has been “behind enemy lines” in the gun control battle for decades, I can assure you that ALL gun control laws are written in such a fashion to give the cops and the courts the maximum amount of discretion to screw you if they feel like it.
Where I live, there is NO open carry, and the ability of a third party to see a holstered handgun or any part or outline thereof is a crime (even if the display was inadvertent) resulting in the immediate suspension of your handgun ownership permit and summary confiscation of your registered handguns. There is no due process, as all handgun ownership permits are 100% discretionary.
That’s what all this stuff leads to.
On March 11, 2020 at 10:08 am, Longbow said:
Wait… Isn’t this exactly what policemen do?
Won’t this require members of The Gang to arrest fellow members of The Gang?
On March 11, 2020 at 1:47 pm, penses said:
Longbow said: “Won’t this require members of The Gang to arrest fellow members of The Gang?”
In places like Portland and Seattle, ANTIFA owns the street, per orders from the ruling elite. The police are told to stand down. Baltimore Md was destroyed because the mayor told the police to stand down. After all, said the mayor, it was only property that was being destroyed.
White extremist terrorism is the problem.
Right wing extremism is…..
putting your head in front of an ANTIFA foot.
putting your head in front of an ANTIFA bike lock.
putting your head in front of an ANTIFA “milk shake.” [Concrete milkshakes made right in front of the “to serve and protect” mob.]
putting your head in front of an ANTIFA base ball bat.
putting your head in front of an ANTIFA bomb. [One of ’em decided to blow up an ICE facility and turned himself into a mass of God’s basic elements.]
But over time the new Tower of Babel will end…stupid people.
“Stupidity has a cost. Every society, even small ones, pay a stupid tax, a price for believing and repeating things that are false. Inevitably, all facts result in some action, so the falsehood, assumed to be fact, will lead to an action. That action, based in an untruth, will come with a price. Maybe the price will be small, like women wasting money on tarot card readers. Maybe it will be high, like putting women into positions of authority based on the lunacy of feminism.
“Further, the stupidity of false notions is not universal. Dumb people believe in ghosts and magic, while smart people fall for things like libertarianism. Belief in ghosts may be silly, but it is generally harmless. Crackpot ideas like communism and libertarianism, on the other hand, are very dangerous. It turns out that who is passing around the counterfeit idea counts for as much as the idea itself. Smart people falling for dumb ideas is far more dangerous than dumb people being dumb.
“Like money, there are at least two qualities popular nonsense. One is the volume of it in circulation and the other is its velocity. The volume seems pretty obvious. At the extreme, if everything people think is true is actually false, they will not be around very long before they act in such a way that ends their existence. An example would be the Xhosa cattle-killing movement and famine of 1856. There is an absolute limit to the amount of stupid any people can indulge.”
Without Christianity stupid rules. Penumbras and “feelings” will never replace God.