You Do Have Enough Ammunition, Don’t You?
BY Herschel Smith
MISSOULA, Mont. — Stores across the country are seeing people stocking up on hand sanitizer and toilet paper.
One other thing people are stocking up on across the country and in Missoula is ammunition.
“I think it’s just people concerned about shortages of all kinds of stuff, so they are trying to buy more ammo before there is a real shortage,” Missoula Axmen salesman Danen Brucker said.
Brucker says they get freight in everyday and it almost always includes ammunition.
“It’s a little bit like the toilet paper shortage you know there really wasn’t a toilet paper shortage until people thought there was and people went out and bought a bunch,” said Brucker. “We saw something with 22 ammunition for a couple of years where people were just buying way more than they could ever use, so yeah we might get to the point where we see a true shortage, because people are just buying so much,” Brucker added.
I don’t. I’m not of the opinion that you ever have enough ammunition.
On March 12, 2020 at 2:22 am, Nosmo said:
In a discussion elsewhere it was proffered that 1K rounds was a minimum on-hand amount for each semi-auto rifle in one’s possession; I offered that 1K was inadequate, suggesting a floor of 2.5K per, and was challenged on it. It was suggested that 1K was adequate for normal purposes and that >1K was necessary only for war.
So, what the heck does anyone think we’re stockpiling guns and ammunition for if not a war? If the Left achieves their goals and the result is everything suddenly goes Mad Max and resupply options drop to near-zero will today’s parsimony be rewarded tomorrow? There will be options for “battlefield pickups” of both guns and ammunition, but dependence upon that is akin to driving off on vacation with a quarter tank of gas and counting on finding full gasoline cans alongside the highway.
Some years back, in responding to a new gun owner’s question about “how many magazines do I need” Ms. Keel’s answer was “more.” I concur, with the provision that the answer includes what goes in magazines. (Is there a marketing opportunity for discounts on quantities of loaded magazines?)
On March 12, 2020 at 7:13 am, penses said:
This clown reminds me of the time I went shopping with a friend who just had his first baby.
We got to the diaper section and he pickup up one package containing 30 disposable diapers and headed for the cash register. I started laughing so hard people in the store were staring. He stopped, turned around and come back.
He said, what’s the matter with you.
I continued laughing and said, Just wait here. I’ll go get another cart.
His wife had a good laught too.
On March 12, 2020 at 7:56 am, Mark Matis said:
No sense having so much ammunition that your attackers can use after they murder you, however!
On March 12, 2020 at 8:20 am, X said:
“I’m not of the opinion that you ever have enough ammunition.”
Which is exactly why states like California have made it illegal to purchase ammunition without government permission, why they register the caliber and quantity in a permanent state database, and why they have made it illegal to bring in more than 50 rounds from out of state.
Never underestimate the evil of these people…
On March 12, 2020 at 10:00 am, Fred said:
Talked to a guy who told me that he had a pallet of 5.56, I said; that’s a lot of ammo, he said; not if somebody is shooting at you. That conversation has stuck with me for years now. Very instructive.
On March 12, 2020 at 1:51 pm, Drake said:
I stopped by my local death merchant today and picked up some 9mm and .22lr. The shelves didn’t seem particularly bare or the prices any different than last time.
On March 12, 2020 at 4:40 pm, Hash said:
Fred @ 10:00 – That should end all the arguments.
On March 12, 2020 at 9:00 pm, Arthur Sido said:
Assuming Trump loses in November, already likely thanks to demographics and even more so if the economy suffers and the Dems manage to pin the blame on him, we are all going to long for the days when we could casually buy whatever ammo we wanted, whenever we want it. Don’t wait.
On March 13, 2020 at 9:58 am, revjen45 said:
It is impossible to have too much ammo. That said, I did not run out and panic buy any.
On March 13, 2020 at 11:05 am, Old Bill said:
“Enough ammunition” …interesting concept.
On March 13, 2020 at 7:05 pm, Roger J said:
How much ammo should an American have? Enough to start a revolution in a small Latin American country. I’m almost there…
On March 14, 2020 at 4:16 pm, Danny said:
Recently starting to gear up for reloading. Might be useful to post articles/discussions on same. Presently have stocked up on components (primers, powder, bullets, etc.) now trying to pick a progressive reloader brand/setup.
A local Charlotte area meetup group for reloading could be a cool idea as well.
On March 17, 2020 at 4:17 pm, Sanders said:
I went into Cabela’s at lunch time today, just to look at the carnage.
No ammo on the shelves except expensive hunting rifle ammo and shotgun shells. Apparently, nobody in this town is shooting a shotgun.
They had turned the gun area into some kind of special, roped-off shopping area where you have to wait in line to go in and look at guns at the gun counter, or along the walls. This is good for me, because it saved me $189.00 plus tax I would have spent on a Ruger Wrangler, providing they even had one in stock.
Plenty of reloading supplies, still. Thought about picking up some more, but I pretty set. All I need is 350 Legend stuff, but that will more than likely have to be mail order from MidwayUSA or Brownell’s.
On March 17, 2020 at 4:23 pm, Sanders said:
I run a Hornady Lock-N-Load progressive reloading outfit. It will do everything a Dillon can do, including the no-BS warranty. The money you save vs. a Dillon will let you buy base plates, dies, and extra bushings.
A typical reloading speed for me is 100 rds/hr. for straight-wall pistol cartridges. That includes pulling every 5th round off after the powder charger to verify it, and also checking the OAL on every 5th round after it drops into the catch tray after crimping.
On March 17, 2020 at 8:14 pm, Danny said:
@Sanders. Thanks for the tip. The LnL is a serious contender in my search. Looking at some lightly used presses on eFlea set up with some of the calibers I look to load (.45ACP, .223/5.56, .308/7.62 mainly, having standardized on these cals years ago). Again, thanks for the tip.