David Codrea on Michelle Malkin
BY Herschel Smith4 years, 10 months ago
“Why are ‘Conservatives’ Throwing Michelle Malkin Under the Bus?” a cautionary analysis by Jose Nino on Big League Politics asks. “Second Amendment Activists Would be Wise to Not Dismiss Michelle Malkin’s Immigration Discussions.”
Apparently, advocating America should place its interests ahead of any other country’s, including Israel’s, was enough for Gun Owners of America’s Director of Outreach to brag on Twitter about having Malkin excluded from speaking to a Republican group.
“Bethany Mandel, editor of the conservative website Ricochet, penned an article titled ‘The Fall of Michelle Malkin’, which questioned Malkin’s recent controversial statements on immigration and why U.S. taxpayers subsidize Israel to the tune of billions,” the article explains. Except, to paraphrase Bill Clinton, that depends upon what the meaning of the word “conservative” is.
Read the rest of it.
Let me tell you something about Michelle Malkin. When I was first starting out as a blogger, Michelle knew my son was deployed in Iraq. I don’t think she wanted us to be there any more than I did, but she was truly compassionate for my plight (the turmoil military parents go through).
She gave me copious links, as well as actually exchanged email with me. I have no regard or respect for folks who won’t exchange email with you.
Michelle Malkin is a decent and good woman, and a smart analyst.
On March 15, 2020 at 10:31 pm, Ned said:
OT, but Michelle Malkin hit this one pretty well: https://www.gopusa.com/cdc-centers-for-damaged-credibility/?fbclid=IwAR10qC1mCEommFOckMZebMSQkC2UP_vzMB09_ZhHjJN2JkFQnNH3ZKnv6m0
On March 15, 2020 at 10:34 pm, George 1 said:
Conservative INC. cannot abide any talk of putting Israel second to our own interests no matter how factually based the arguments for such.
Someone once said. ” To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize”.
On March 16, 2020 at 12:36 am, BRVTVS said:
Hearing how the cops treated her and her family, doing so little to find her missing relative and obstructing the private investigators they hired, was one of the things that made me wake up about what cops are like.
On March 16, 2020 at 2:05 am, Unknownsailor said:
If you are a reader of this, and have an account over on Ammoland, please inform David Codrea that an archive of the link he discussed concerning Michelle Malkin’s “anti-semeticism” is here: https://archive.fo/s4fri
Please, people, archive anything you intend to link to, and use the archive page as the link, not the live version, especially with social media posts. Take it from a gamer show has been fighting against the SJW left attacking his favorite hobby, archive EVERYTHING.
On March 16, 2020 at 11:19 am, penses said:
Conservatives conserve nothing.
Malkin, a “white racist”, has been thrown under the bus by Conservative Inc., and the myrmidons in the UNIPARTY, both organizations representing no one but Wall Street and The Chamber of Commerce. Every election cycle they will troll for your vote and if elected stab you in the back. When they lose they move on to a seat on a corporate board or join a “conservative” think tank and write columns on how deplorable people on the right are.
Both political parties, the MSM, over half of the government school systems and every corporation with an HR department has been converged [taken over] by the SJWs. Intersectionality is the law of the land.
In France the yellow vests were out in the street in violation of Tsar Macron’s fake flu edicts. The only rebellion I know of in this country is in Nashville, Tenn, where the bars and restaurants stayed open in defiance of the mayor and his soviet edicts. Everywhere else people are ready to sign up for the gulag.
On March 16, 2020 at 1:36 pm, Henry said:
“Conservative INC. cannot abide any talk of putting Israel second to our own interests”
I am dismayed to have to consider GOA a branch of Conservative, Inc.
On March 18, 2020 at 2:25 pm, Sanders said:
Michelle Malkin is right. GOA’s actions are wrong.