National Vulnerability On Guns And Ammo
BY Herschel Smith
What about gun stores? If we’re talking that which is essential, what is it the Founders deemed “necessary to the security of a free State”? How is that not relevant in this situation that has developed into what we are being told is a national and global state of emergency? We’ve already seen government has been utterly incapable of protecting the populace, and it appears things are only going to get worse and resources more strained. What do we do if civil order collapses, those resources are triaged and most areas are essentially left to fend for themselves?
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But after customers lined up around gun stores in several counties Tuesday — including outside the Bullseye Bishop in San Jose — San Jose Mayor Sam Liccardo declared that “gun stores are non-essential.”
What’s essential is a function of what people are demanding at the time, not what a pol thinks. Tell me, how many fully stocked ammo shelves have you seen lately?
On March 19, 2020 at 10:45 pm, Grumpy said:
Tell me, how many fully stocked ammo shelves have you seen lately?
On March 20, 2020 at 5:42 am, penses said:
Really not a surprise. The longer Trump’s inquisition lasts the more of this you will see. The left has been waiting decades for an opportunity like this and El Presidente is playing right into their hands.
Early in Trumps campaign for president there was a rally in San Jose. Following the rally the “police chief” positioned his stormtroopers to funnel the Trump supporters into a crowd of BLM and ANTIFA thugs. Some were bloodied and bleeding and the “police” were standing around laughing. And Trump…no comment.
The “Mayor” and “police chief” and 70% of the storm troopers were La Raza, allies of BLM and ANTIFA. It was a setup.
People on the right, especially palefaces, need to wake up and be aware of who your enemy is and act accordingly. The victims of this terroristic act had been living in lala land most of their lives and paid the price.
The commies are going all out with entire states shut down because of one Kungflu “diagnosis” made with test kits that are as reliable as the weather. They are not going to let this opportunity pass. In the last poll 60% responded in the negative to the god emperor’s edicts, and the frustration of being shoved around like cattle, some of them seeing their livelihood’s disappear forever, imprisoned in their homes and the fear of going out and being stranded in BFE for God knows how long, means that number will only to up. And all because of a fake virus created in a lab funded by Bill Gates. If people find out they are nothing but guinea pigs in an experiment by the 1% it could really get ugly.
On March 20, 2020 at 10:06 am, X said:
The Satanic FedGov has already figured out that they can use the “interstate commerce clause” to regulate and, if they want, almost completely shut down the gun business.
The NFA and the GCA are completely based on the commerce clause. The Brady Law and NICS are based on the commerce clause. You can’t buy a handgun across state lines, for instance. Suppose you live five miles from a gun shop across state lines, but a hundred miles from the nearest shop in your own state. When the SHTF, can you go buy the nearest handgun??? NOPE!!!
How about buying a gun of any kind in your own state? You need NICS approval. What happens if NICS is backlogged or intentionally shut down??? NO gun for you today, pal!!! (Satanic states like NY have mandated that if you are delayed on a NICS, EVEN IF IT IS THE FAULT OF THE SYSTEM, you must wait THIRTY DAYS to acquire the firearm!!!)
Registration? Does anyone REALLY believe that all those NICS checks are actually flushed… or are they kept in a FedGov database forever???
What happens if FedGov decides to set the annual fee for an FFL license at fifty thousand dollars? HAAAAA!!!
Who grants licenses to ammunition manufacturers, powder manufacturers, and ammo shippers?
Can you acquire ammo and guns through the U.S. Post Office? No you can’t!!! HAAAA!!
On March 20, 2020 at 10:30 am, 41mag said:
What about reloading components?
Those seem to never run dry as fast as the ammo boxes.
On March 21, 2020 at 9:30 am, James said:
Tell me, how many fully stocked ammo shelves have you seen lately?
A few,including one in the cellar,hope all others see the same!