Franklin County, Florida, Sheriff’s Department Versus The FBI
BY Herschel Smith
This is an amazing video. Watch it all.
As best as I can ascertain, the special agent was investigating corruption in the Franklin County Sheriff’s department. It appears that the deputy in question wrote a ticket, and then rescinded it because the person to whom the ticket was issued was politically powerful, wealthy, or otherwise connected.
The FBI was investigating that (I would surmise, among other things). He called the deputy’s cell phone and chose a time and place to avoid letting the Sheriff’s office know about the investigation. Makes sense to me.
What happens next is … well, just watch.
On March 25, 2020 at 11:23 pm, Herschel Smith said:
And I should have mentioned, the notion of “constitutional Sheriffs” is only valid if they are CONSTITUTIONAL.
On March 26, 2020 at 8:15 am, Mark Matis said:
The FBI has been corrupt and treasonous since at least Whitey Bulger. Quite frankly I trust the local “Law Enforcement” more than any FedPig.
On March 26, 2020 at 8:48 am, Fred said:
No idea what the underlying issue is with that deputy or with that sheriffs office, but, I agree with how the sheriffs handled it, and completely disagree with how the fibbie handled it. The fbi should have set up a meeting through the us attorneys office.
Call my personal cell phone and ask me to meat you somewhere? Pff.
On March 26, 2020 at 8:56 am, revjen45 said:
Please pass the popcorn…
On March 26, 2020 at 9:08 am, harry balszak said:
Why are cops like flies?
They eat shit and bother people.
On March 26, 2020 at 9:22 am, Max said:
Looks like the FBI guy was trying to set someone up.
On March 26, 2020 at 9:32 am, Longbow said:
It looked to me like one Thug, trying to show the other Thug who had the bigger dick.
They should do this kind of thing more often.
On March 26, 2020 at 9:58 am, George 1 said:
I have no sympathy for the FBI. However in the end this will not go well for the cops. There will be a federal charge at the end of all of this. It will probably be related to what the agent was investigating and it will help his case.
The thing that this really shows to me is how absolutely stupid cops are. How far society has fallen. If you are called to meet with another agency and you do not want to speak with them, just say so and be on your way. Now unless this cop has a sub-70 IQ he knew full well from the start the guy was an FBI agent all the while trying to say he doesn’t “look legit”. “How did you get my phone number?” he says to an FBI agent. HA HA.
When I was working I had encounters with cops approaching this stupidity but not to this extent. Those times were because the police did not want their precious illegal aliens arrested. I even had a San Diego police Sgt. tell a couple of us that we should have our guns taken away. I basically told him that would not be a good idea and his response was: “Well we could take them”, as he walked away.
On March 26, 2020 at 10:21 am, William said:
What we have here is a turf war between two criminal, though officially-sanctioned,
public servantsgangs, fighting to gain leverage over the local spoils. The FBI agent was on a terror watch list (at 15:26) – who is surprised by this? Then the FBI “special” agent whines like a little bitch in the back of the cruiser because it’s too hot, and demands they call 911 for medical assistance and the EMT shows up and carts our “special” agent off.There are at least 8 “public servants” on the scene, in total, all sucking at the public tit, wasting time and money. What a complete sh!t-show! This is your government in action.
Is there any way that all of them can lose?
On March 26, 2020 at 1:47 pm, RCW said:
Watching the video once through, reminds me of the plot & characters in the Philip K. Dick novel “A Scanner Darkly”. I’m still scratching my head trying to sort things out.
On March 26, 2020 at 9:02 pm, Jack said:
We have all been crapping on the FBI for the Crime Syndicate it is for years.
Why in H3ck should I stop now ?
I’ve No Sympathy for any of them. There a disgusting agency not worthy of me wiping my a33 on!
On March 26, 2020 at 9:37 pm, Frank said:
How do any of you trust either group? trust neither the feds or locals or state they can and will kill you and nothing will happen to them
On March 27, 2020 at 9:58 am, harry balszak said:
Reminds me of how they did things in the 3rd Reich, i.e. different echelons of the Killer Robots arresting each other in The Fuehrer’s name.
On April 13, 2020 at 11:51 am, Tony said:
So I read into this a bit. It turns out this stemmed from a traffic accident where a ticket was issued and then was sort of swept under the rug and made to go away.
The FBI sent this guy down to investigate and yeah you better believe that the FBI has or can get your personal cell phone. I am guessing it was done away from the office because they want to talk to that 1 individual and not have the whole office know.
As for what happened… The FBI has no choice but to leverage charges against a few of these guys
For 1 it is pretty clear that FBI guy did show his ID to the officer. The second that officer detained him it is obstruction of a federal officer in the discharge of his duties. The second that deputy started saying he did to show the badge, well that is lying to a federal officer. Charge them and set the tone the federal government is not to be challenged on the street. In court fine. but not on the street.
2 they need to un cluster that mess where they said he is on a terror list.
The FBI needs to make a serious example of this. They need to go in guns drawn, full SWAT gear, bust down the door to that sheriff office and take that deputy into custody. The second anyone intervenes or even says hold on a second, slap bracelets on them as well. Obstruction a federal investigation, That deputy needs to have federal charges brought against him. Anyone who even participated in the detention of that guy after he showed his credentials should also be charged