Idaho Becomes A Constitutional Carry State
BY Herschel Smith
Boise, ID–When it all hits the fan, we might just head to Idaho. Long known as a solid Second Amendment state, Idaho just raised the bar.
Idaho Governor Brad Little has signed a bill into law that extends the right of Constitutional Carry to all American citizens. The law goes into effect on July 1st, 2020. This means that gun owners don’t have to be residents of Idaho to exercise the right to concealed carry in the state.
This move was spearheaded by the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, the biggest and most powerful gun group in the state. Headed by Iraqi war veteran Greg Pruett, the organization has a no-holds-barred approach that has forced the conversation on guns to the right for years.
If you think .gov can’t focus on anything else amid the Covid-19 panic, think again. Idaho did it.
Say, how’s that South Carolina constitutional carry / open carry thing coming? Has it been derailed for yet another legislative session by the progs and their panty waist republican slave boys in South Carolina?
On March 30, 2020 at 7:18 am, Fred said:
Wait, wut? Where was the Nations Premier Gun Rights Organization during all of this years long laborious, time consuming, and costly push to demand firearms freedom?
Good job Idaho SAA. Commendable indeed!!!
Expanding Gun Rights. Expanding Gun Rights. Expanding Gun Rights.
If your gun rights group isn’t working tirelessly to EXPAND firearms rights then your gun rights group is a fake. Period.
Every Terrible Implement of War: this is our goal. This is the only goal that satisfies the Constitution and more importantly, Holy God.