A few years back while living in New Mexico I attended a Homeland Security Combating Terrorism Conference. The days were spent watching videos of bombings, explosions, and all manner of terrorist attacks on both American and foreign soil.
However, the briefing that got my attention the most, was a short forty-five minute, New Mexico, state, public health presentation about potential large-scale medical emergencies on the US – Mexican border. The majority of the people attending the conference were from New Mexico and Texas. The big topic on everyone’s mind was weapons of mass destruction.
We continued each day of the conference learning how to train, equip, and prepare to deploy, first responder assets. What if, there was a large bombing incident in downtown Dallas that kills a thousand-plus people? Or, what if there is a radiological disaster in Albuquerque (more nukes in that town than anywhere else in the US) that contaminates a large part of the city? The major problem I discovered was no one was prepared or politically able to discuss the “Border Situation.”
Lots of discussion about how to meet a projected crisis, but for the most part it was all done as if the US-Mexico border did not exist on the south end of four of our states. The most powerful “first world” country on this planet is sitting right next door to one of the neediest “third world” countries, with only a partial fence between them.
Another what-if question, what if a new strain of swine flu or smallpox or today (March 2020) the CONVID 19 coronavirus, either naturally or, worse yet, man-manufactured, breaks out in Juarez City, Mexico?
The perception that there is anything that resembles a public health system in the Mexican State of Chihuahua that could deal with the above medical crisis is incorrect.
Oh, I think that’s the wrong question. I don’t really think they want to be prepared, if being prepared means closing the border.
You are aware, aren’t you, that while the country is at a point of crisis over health concerns, the Senate is pushing hard for a bipartisan green social engineering bill?
There is certainly a serious threat, but you are aware that while the country reels from Covid-19, Trump met with Lindsey Graham to talk about immigration issues? From the NumbersUSA newsletter.
A number of Republican Senators, including Gang of 8 alum Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and immigration-expansionist Thom Tillis of North Carolina met with Pres. Trump on Thursday to discuss an election year push to pass an amnesty for illegal aliens.
Sens. Graham and Tillis have been in the news as of late trying to convince their colleagues to get behind an agricultural amnesty bill that was passed by the House in December.
According to reports, the meeting was more of a session to discuss strategy should the Supreme Court strike down former Pres. Obama’s executive DACA amnesty. The Senate attempted to pass a permanent DACA amnesty in February of 2018, but three competing proposals failed to reach the 60-vote threshold needed for the proposals to come to the Senate floor for debate.
Ahead of the Thursday meeting, Sen. Graham told Fox News, “Just to see, you know, where we are in terms of the DACA Supreme Court case, [there’s a] pretty good chance that the president will win, being able to set aside the Obama-era DACA regulations and what’s the play after that.”
We know that Sen. Graham would like nothing more than to pass an amnesty for DACA recipients, and he likely doesn’t want to stop there. He’s the lead sponsor of the Dream Act, S. 874, that would add to DACA’s 800,000 recipients by granting amnesty to an estimated 3 million illegal aliens. The farm amnesty that he’s currently pushing would add another 1 million-plus to that number.
It’s almost as if during the fixation on Covid-19 in the news, the men behind the curtain are busy redistributing wealth, terraforming America, and moving colossal sums of money around, with corporations and big Pharma getting rich. Like this was all planned or something.
If I didn’t know any better. Perhaps it’s just not letting a crisis go to waste on the vicissitudes of the idiot American public who cannot be trusted with their own rule and need the elitists to govern them.